Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 5, 2007

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment Last Night

In case you missed it, Crooks and Liars has the video and a transcript.

So does MSNBC.

Go read it/watch it. Here's how it ends:

Just over 500 days remain in this presidency. Consider the dead who have piled up on the battlefield in these last 500 days.

Consider the singular fraudulence of this president's trip to Iraq yesterday, and the singular fraudulence of the selling of the Petraeus Report in these last 500 days.
Consider how this president has torn away at the fabric of this nation in a manner of which terrorists can only dream in these last 500 days.

And consider again how this president has spoken to that biographer: that he is “playing for October-November." The goal in Iraq is “to get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence." Consider how this revelation contradicts every other rationale he has offered in these last 500 days.

In the context of all that now, consider these next 500 days.

Mr. Bush, our presence in Iraq must end. Even if it means your resignation. Even if it means your impeachment. Even if it means a different Republican to serve out your term. Even if it means a Democratic Congress and those true patriots among the Republicans standing up and denying you another penny for Iraq, other than for the safety and the safe conduct home of our troops.

This country cannot run the risk of what you can still do to this country in the next 500 days.

Resign or be impeached.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

he really told it like it is last night. made me proud of myself as an american. made me feel as if maybe we are getting some spine back!

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

War Today, War Tomorrow, War Forever!

Anonymous said...

Please inform us poor benighted libs, Mein Heir, who live in ignorance. What is it that makes the Congress "surrender happy" as your idol decrees?

Was it the extra, what? hundred-billion dollars they appropriated in the last session to keep the slaughter going over there?

The only surrendering this Congress has done is to the Liar in Chief, and they're paying for it with record-low approval ratings.

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Since the Democrats have taken over congress Rumsfield has been replaced and there are 30,000 more troops in Iraq than when he was in charge. Congress gave Bush 100 billion more to prosecute this war and thoughts of impeachment were squelched when C. Sheehan could not muste any support and actually got arrested at the request of Rep. J. Conyers.
The President owns you liberals.

Anonymous said...

STILL more and creative ways to be wrong! What a guy you are, John! Don't ever go away! You're MUCH more fun than Master Lie!

1- Rumsfeld was replaced while the Repugnicans were still in charge.

2- Bush does indeed own the Congress. That is not the same as liberals.

Please post more mistakes again soon!

Anonymous said...

John K. says: And do not forget, this liberal congress gave Bush more authority under the FISA extension. Bush owns you shitrock. I got an idea, let's impeach Bush using his violations of FISA.

Anonymous said...

Awww, John. No fair getting something right. Bush does own me. That's the problem.

BTW, he owns you, too.

OTOH, you redeemed yourself by getting the part about the "liberal Congress" wrong. They gave him more authority under FISA due to the fact that they are just another bunch of Washington conservatives. They disguise themselves as "centrists," which is just a way of saying they're Wingnuts, just like you.

How's things down to the VFW? Have they managed to recruit any actual veterans?

Anonymous said...

John K. says: Now you got me laughing shitrock. So it looks like you Democrats won squat in 2006 eh? Bush owns you. And all you got is Keith Olbermann who only find bad things to say about people, "The worst person in America". Conservatives rule!

Anonymous said...

Once again, my friend, you are below the .500 mark at 1-for-3. But, hey, that's exceptionally good for a Wingnut.

The Democrats won plenty. They're now getting all that graft that your gay Republican friends used to get. It's the liberals like me who lost. You lost too, you just won't know it for a while.

"You Democrats?" Who Democrats? What makes you think I'm a Democrat?

The part you got right: Conservatives rule. And look at the result.

Don't forget to say "hi" to all your Chickenhawk buddies for me on the adjoining bar stools.