October 25, 2007

Mayor Ravenstahl blames women's groups for delays in action on a domestic-violence police policy

Good Lord! Once again, it isn't Lukey's fault -- it's "been taken out of his hands."

From this week's City Paper:

And critics, certainly, are frustrated by that defense. It is similar to Ravenstahl's explanation earlier this year for why he promoted three police officers who had faced allegations of domestic abuse. The allegations against one officer, then-sergeant George Trosky, were well publicized, and Ravenstahl says he promoted Troksy anyway, based on his overall service. "The other two were issues I was unaware of until afterwards, and I certainly regret that I was unaware of them."

So far, he says, resolving the issue has also been taken out of his hands. In June, Ravenstahl met with anti-abuse advocates and pledged to work with them on a zero-tolerance policy. But while the city has instituted a citywide background check for new hires and promotions, a comprehensive policy has not been released -- because, Ravenstahl says, women's groups haven't met with him since.

"I've been frustrated that our initial meeting [with anti-abuse activists] has never been followed up on," he says. While another meeting is slated the week this issue hits the stands -- and anti-abuse legislation is being debated in city council -- Ravenstahl says activists have "chosen to take the public forum more so than the private one, through city council post-agendas and public hearings. And as a result of those public conversations, we haven't been able to meet privately." The hearings and debates, he says, have "slowed the process down unnecessarily."

"It's been up to the mayor's office to give us scheduling," counters Jeanne Clark, a member of the National Organization of Women who has been among the loudest voices calling for reform. "I can tell you that a member of the mayor's staff directly requested that any public action on this be delayed until after the election, and everyone involved refused. I think the mayor needs to look into the mirror for the scheduling problems."
Chris Potter even posts an audio clip of Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's remarks on this issue.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Lukey originally meet only with women who he had appointed?

Then he was a no show for a City Council public meeting on the issue of his promotions of three police officers with histories of domestic abuse.

And, why did he not show up?

Because he was too busy rubbing shoulders at a $9,000.00 golf outing on UPMC's dime!

He even tried to claim that mayors never attend public hearings in City Council chambers until he was caught red-handed by a video clip of himself as a Councilman bitching about then Mayor Murphy's nonattendance at a public hearing.

He admits in the audio clip that it isn't like he's tried to contact the women's groups and they wouldn't take his calls.

Nope, Lil Mayor Luke just wanted it all hush-hushed until after the election.

And, some folks still question why I'm voting for Republican Mark DeSantis?!?

(Yes, I am quoted liberally throughout this City Paper article. Fire away!)


  1. John K. says: "He reminds you of Bush" LMAO I am on the floor with this one. Talk about choking on your coffee. He flies a private jet with Burkle, a backer of Bill. Hang with all the big time Democrats. Goes on all the talk shows that support Bubba. Disrespects women ala Bill. And blows off meeting with groups he cares nothing about, ala Bill. This guy has Clinton Jr. written all over him. But you hate Bush so much you make that statement. Man you lefties win the award for the dumbest loony of the day.

  2. Maria,

    Thank you for keeping attention on this issue.

    I would like to reiterate & confirm what Jeanne Clark says: the group of women working to make the Police DV Ordinance a reality HAVE asked to meet with the mayor. We have not delayed, refused or shied away from such a meeting.

    Please, everyone, contact your councilmember this week, we need to let them know how important this is to Pittsburghers before next week's vote.

    Thank you, Gloria

  3. "Man you lefties win the award for the dumbest loony of the day."

    Um, John? Either your grammer was off or you've started to group us together. Um, we're not some kinda Gestalt Being here. Despite what you may think, there will be no "Attack of the 50 Foot Liberal." (Though that might actually be a decent idea for a movie, hmmmmmmmmmmm.)

    P.S. That's one "Shrute Buck" for me!


  4. Let's see...

    Born into a political family. Inexperienced and underqualified for the office to which he unexpectedly ascended. Fiercely partisan. Resistant to outside advice and criticism. Refuses to admit when he's wrong. Can't admit a single mistake he's ever made. Surrounds himself with friends and unqualified cronies. Ignores a massive debt. Insists that everything is just fine, even when we know it's not. Oversees an administration plagued by recurring scandals and ethical lapses.

    Uh, yeah. Most definitely reminds us of Bush.

  5. I forgot...

    Short-sighted. Arrogant. Proud of his arrested adolescence. Struggles, when off-script, to form a coherent sentence.

    But you get the idea.

  6. Nicely done, Chad!

    And, I keep meaning to add your most excellent blog to our blogroll:
    Teacher. Wordsmith. Madman.

  7. John K. says: Mayor Ravenstahl has all his social and political fiends as Democrats. He hangs out with the friends of Bill. Likes to parse his words when he screws ala Bill Clinton. And like Bubba, hates that press scrutiny on his actions. And yet, he reminds you lefties of Bush. LMAO Are you guys just testing material for the comedy club?

  8. First: thanks, Maria.

    Now: okay, John. I don't think anyone here would deny that some of Ravenstahl's behavior is reminiscent of some of the worst of Bill Clinton.

    Big ego. Counts and trades on his charm. Parades his wife around when it's most convenient for him. Certain ethical disregard. I'll even give you "hates that press scrutiny."

    (Does that, by the way, sound like anyone who might currently be president? Just wondering.)

    But "goes on all the talk shows that support Bubba?" You mean like Marty Griffin's show? Fred Honsberger's show? Oh, yeah. They were big supporters of Bill.

    Now. When you're done LYAO, you wanna try to refute any of what I wrote? Even one line of it? I'd love to see you try.

    Because, let's face it: every one of those descriptions fits George W. and Luke R. to the tips of their pointy little heads.

  9. But to be fair, Wubya doesn't abuse the hair care products.


  10. LOL! I Googled Ravenstahl and Bush, this is friggin hilarious and is further proof that Chad is 110% correct in his assessment of the Boy Who Would be Mayor and Dubya, although, I also agree with John K. Neocon since Luke running around with the young girls at the clubs and Steeler games is more Clinton-esque than Dubya-esque.

    Hey, can't we all (just get along) agree that he is the best of the worst of both Clinton AND George W. Bush!??

  11. You guys are pathetic. Seriously, your jealously is sooo transparent. Nothing, I repeat, nothing you criticize Luke for has anything to do with policy decisions or substance. You are clearly a bunch of washed up phony liberal losers. Real liberals would never vote for a SANTORUM aide posing as a progressive. Get real. In my opinion, Luke should play more golf with top business leaders. If you disagree, keep watching the Mellons of the world move to NYC. Do you really think Bloomberg get criticized for playing golf with major corporate citizens? Hell no, he would be fired if he didn't. "Flying in a private jet," ooohhhh, how scary. He is the friggin Mayor! He should be! Just because your 1984 VW with too many bumber stickers is almost out of gas, don't criticize the Mayor for getting deals done. Get a life

  12. John K, why are you so fucking stupid? Honest to Christ. I really can't grasp it. You are one obtuse motherfucker.

    And as far as Ravenstahl goes, like many of our elected officials - Democratic or Republican - he's a piece of shit.

    How anyone can defend Luke is beyond me. How any Democrat can be proud of his tenure as mayor speaks volumes about the problems with Democrats in Pittsburgh and Democrats in general - they really don't stand for anything; they just want to stay in power.

    Of course, Republicans are no better.

    And to the anonymous yahoo with the last post - it wasn't about Luke playing golf; it was about Luke stalking Tiger Woods like some depraved, teeny bopper adolescent.

    It's about Luke using his public office and position for his own personal ends - does anyone even realize not only how undemocratic that is?

    If you think it's okay for politicans and elected officials to use their offices for personal gain or to facilitate their lifestyle, then you're part of the problem. Your part of the reason why American democracy has collapsed over the last 40 years, because you're too stupid and too naive to hold these bastards accountable. You stare at them starry-eyed like a bunch of batshit crazy simpletons; you think they deserve respect simply because they hold an office.

    But they don't.

    You earn respect by your actions. And in that regard, our shitless wonder of a President and the dipshit mayor of Pittsburgh are exactly the same - they think the offices they hold are there to do what they like. And neither one has done anything to earn the respect and misplaced admiration that some folks seem to have for them.

  13. JayWillie, A-freakin-men brother, well said!

    "Nothing, I repeat, nothing you criticize Luke for has anything to do with policy decisions or substance."

    If Luke was able to produce substantial policy decisions and he was able to get shit done, and I'm talking real progress here, than maybe his activities wouldn't receive as much scrutiny? Just a thought. Mayor Bloomberg doesn't receive the scrutiny because he gets shit done, and he's proven himself everywhere he's been - in both the private and public sector. End of story.

    Oh, and I, also a DeSantis supporter, give credit to Ravenstahl in the rare moments where he does come up with sound and reasonable policy, such as his Green Up announcement the other day. Although, even on a good day he and his aide still bumbled their way through their interaction with the African American gentleman from the Hill. That was terrible.

  14. and i still stand by what i wrote. he reminds me of bush.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. A comment was removed because I don't know who the allegations were being made against.

    There is no candidate with the name mentioned in the comment.

  17. Shultz - you proved my point. Again, you just rambled and said things like "he gets shit done" and Bloomberg "doesn't get shit done." What "shit" do you want Luke to get done, specificall? Can you even answer that question? What "shit" that Bloomberg "got done" that you like? Do you have any freakin clue how dumb you sound? Finally, what kind of "shit" do expect Luke to get done that Bloomberg gets done when Luke can't have lunch with mother without you guys bashing him for it. Luke should playing golf, having lunch with and taking flights with every business leader in the country - that is how jobs are created. Get a clue.

  18. At 9:56 PM, Anonymous said...
    You guys are pathetic. Seriously, your jealously is sooo transparent. Nothing, I repeat, nothing you criticize Luke for has anything to do with policy decisions or substance. You are clearly a bunch of washed up phony liberal losers. Real liberals would never vote for a SANTORUM aide posing as a progressive. Get real. In my opinion, Luke should play more golf with top business leaders. If you disagree, keep watching the Mellons of the world move to NYC. Do you really think Bloomberg get criticized for playing golf with major corporate citizens? Hell no, he would be fired if he didn't. "Flying in a private jet," ooohhhh, how scary. He is the friggin Mayor! He should be! Just because your 1984 VW with too many bumber stickers is almost out of gas, don't criticize the Mayor for getting deals done. Get a life

    I am guessing this post is by Luke's mother?
