October 1, 2007

Mean Girls

Maureen Dowd who sank her fangs into Al Gore at every opportunity in 2000 (and how did that work out for the country?) is at it again -- this time with Hillary Clinton.

Here, she smugly quotes Leon Wieseltier:
"Others do not underestimate her relentlessness. As Leon Wieseltier, the literary editor of The New Republic, once told me: “She's never going to get out of our faces. ... She's like some hellish housewife who has seen something that she really, really wants and won't stop nagging you about it until finally you say, fine, take it, be the damn president, just leave me alone."
Yes, Mo, you're still the cool High School Queen Bee who will never let anything stand in her way -- not even a little misogyny -- to get in a cutting remark.


  1. md is one of the nastiest and ill informed people i've seen in a long time.
    she speaks with conviction, but to me, she just seem bitter.
    not once in that tirade does she cite any examples of why she thinks hillary clinton would make a bad or even ineffective president.

    smart assery doesn't become many.
    it certainly doesn't become her.

    sadly, it makes her look like the sterotypical dried up old bitchy frustrated woman.

    that upsets me because she is so well known it makes a lot of womwn look bad.

    she should think more about the overall impression she leaves.

  2. Do you think we can get the NY Times to re-institute Times Select and just put MoDo and Brooks behind the pay wall?

    The sad thing is, since Peggy "Magic Dolphin Lady" Noonan writes for the WSJ, MoDo ranks as the second loopiest pundit writing for a New York newspaper.

  3. the ny times in many ways is this elite social paper the the right wing nuts say it is. md's writing style is one that talks down to those that read her. i cant remember the last time i chocked my way through a whole article she wrote. i find her both talentless and without class. why she has such a big platform to speak from is amazing to me. what a waste of a platform it is
