October 1, 2007

What a crappy way to start the week!

This doesn't just suck for him. It sucks for all his fans of which I am one of many.


  1. John K. says; Yah you liberals just can't seem to stay on the radio. Perhaps he should just give up and go to MSNBC LOL LOL. At least Dennis Miller is syndicated and I can listen to him on the computer. This is funny. Lefties and talk radio. LOL LOL

  2. John K. says: I love listening to Dennis Miller trying to be a big haired Rush. It makes me hot. I love republican men! LOL

  3. John K. says; My dream would be to hold Rush, Sean, Jimmy Quinn and Dennis Miller in my arms forever. I just love right wing talk show hosts they're so macho. I wish they would tell me what bathrooms they hang out in. I would love to meet them there. Umm baby. Eat your heart out you liberals. LOL LOL

  4. this just freak'n sucks!!!!!!

    i'll be rooting for him!

    rock on johnny mac!

  5. Y'know, I gonna miss Scott Paulsen, too.

    And Opie and Anthony.


  6. That didn't last long. McIntire hasn't done well in any setting he has been in here in Pgh.

  7. I couldn't believe it when I hopped in the car today, switched on 93.7 and heard...Christmas music?!? Wtf?

    Once it went carried on past the top of the hour, I knew something was up.

    Tragic, I tells ya.

    That's twice now - first my ride home from work was ruined when they took Johnny Mac off KDKA and replaced him with Bill O'Reilly. Now, my ride to work will suck.

    I guess it's not all bad. At least I'll have another crappy FM station to choose from among all the other crappy FM stations.

  8. Matt H (and the rest),

    They didn't just take McIntire off -- they changed their entire format. EVERYONE LOST THEIR JOB and the format was NOT A LIBERAL STATION. It was just a talk radio station.

  9. John K, says: While true they changed their format. John McIntire is off the air. He is the great hope of liberals in this area. After all, Cullen has ratings below that of KQV LOL LOL. Which says one thing to me, your liberal message doesn't sell. Fairness doctrine anyone? LMAO>

  10. John K. says: Lynn Cullen followed by Air America's Hartmann on a local station shows that you lefties can't be successful in Pittsburgh. John McIntire has always been way more liberal and informative than anyone else in radio. You thought it was humor but it was really liberal indoctination sneaking in. You people will never be the majority again. Republicans rule forever. LOL LOL LOL

  11. "John McIntire is off the air. He is the great hope of liberals in this area."

    He is? That's news to me. I never really found his humor that engaging when he was on KDKA and I didn't follow him to his new station.

    You're free to twist and spin that however you want, though, and I'm sure you will.

  12. Johnny Mac is a talented guy. So is Paulsen. You may not like their particular views of the world, but they are sharp, funny and smart. I honestly think that McIntire and Gab could land a major market morning gig if that's what they wanted....

    And this wasn't a Liberal vs Dittohead decision; McIntire hardly did much politics, 'cause he knew it wouldn't play. This was a typical large radio chain's decision to bail out of a format without giving it any real chance to find an audience. Happens across the country almost every day. There's a reason that you all complain about radio "sounding all the same." It's because stations like The Zone, which try something a wee bit different, are never allowed to grow.

    And here's my take on all these "Ha, ha, you liberals are sooo stupid and will never stay on the radio" comments. There's a reason for that; most liberals are not bobble-headed nitwits who need constant affirmation from people like Rush or O'Reilly...the same people who hold them in contempt and laugh all the way to the bank. Liberals do stuff like talk and read books, an 'nat. Got it?

    Thanks to the people at The Zone for the good times and lots of laughs. In particular I will miss Scott's hilarious send up of "Steely McBeam" and all of John and Gab's "sex with a celebrity" bits. (though the Jon Delano one actually creeped me out!)

  13. John K. says: Johnny Mac's a naughty boy a naughty naughty boy. I have to stop now I'm going to run my hands through Jimbo Quinn's hair. LOL LOL. I'm so glad all the radio stations are owned by right wingers like me. They can kick off left wing talkers that way. Pretty soon all talk radio will be right wing I can't wait. LOL. I think Honzman was sexier before he stapled his stomach. Don't you? I dream of Honzman a lot. LOL LOL

  14. Complain to CBS Radio here:


    Let 'em know what a terrible decision this was and how much support John and Gab had.

  15. I think I know why they canned the station: Nobody listened. You know why? The station blew. McIntire was awful. Who wants to hear a 50-year-old man giggling about saying naughty things? It was a stupid concept, poorly executed, and it died a deserving death.

    John and Gabby can go back to the lousy comedy clubs. They'll still be talking to 30 people, but at least now they can see them.

  16. "Complain to CBS Radio here:


    Let 'em know what a terrible decision this was and how much support John and Gab had."

    No thanks.
