October 9, 2007

Stop Playa Hatin! A 2 Political Junkies Editorial

The mayor of our great city, His Honorable Luke Ravenstahl, has it right:

The media is out to get him.

Where is it written that the mayor of this great city shouldn't have the best pimped out ride we have to offer?

Where is it written that the mayor of this great city shouldn't be allowed to accept gifts from rich bigwigs like UPMC and the Penguins? Aren't we trying to get non-for-profits like UPMC to cough up more dough?

Where is it written that the mayor of this great city shouldn't give a cop a break?

How bad is it that the mayor of this great city has to go all the way to The New York Times to find some love?

How bad is it that the mayor of this great city can't even go to the little boy's room hang out at the little girl's room without some blogger stalking him?

And now, unbelievably, the media hounding has grown so great that the mayor of this great city must exile himself to his own couch during Steeler home games.

When you hate the playa, you hate the city, which ultimately means you hate yourself.

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl fires
back at his critics in the media.*

*(h/t to PittGirl for the pic.)


  1. Aw, Give the kid a break. He's just learning.

    Of course, it's all at our expense but that's ok.

    Luke should give Detroit's mayor a call for some tips. All he needs is a diamond earring to be his twin.

  2. At this point, I think a Luke exiled to his couch causes the least harm. I hope it's a really comfortable one. Maybe he'll just stay there for the rest of his term as Mayor. The City would certainly save gas money if he did.
