October 10, 2007

The war at home

When The Right isn't busy stalking and smearing a 12-year-old and his brain-damaged sister over a budget dispute; or insulting a wounded vet; they're busy leaking to Fox News creating a security breach that may ensure we never find bin Laden.

Way to go Wingnuts!

You kids are so krazy!


  1. yes and who know what other damage was done to nameless people that worked with that intellegence company that worked for this administration.

  2. John K. says: How can the Pittsburgh magazine name Lynn Cullen best talk show host in the Pittsburgh market when she only has 6 listeners? There's your liberal media for yah. LOL LOL. Here's some reasons why she isn't. 1, Fred Honsberger LOL LOL isn't afraid to use modern medicine in weight loss help. He gets his stomach stapled. Lynn Cullen does it the old fashioned way pushing herself away from the table, just because she happens to have willpower. 2, Marty Griffin goes out and harasses a Pastor enough so the pastor commits suicide. Lynn Cullen feels pity for the Pastors family and congregation. Typical left wing loonie. 3, Kevin Miller says he was in the military, turns out he never was. This shows ingenuity. Lynn Cullen wasn't in the military and says the same. How boring. 4, Bill O'Reilly LOL LOL reinvents history, such as the American soldiers shooting German POW's in Malmady. This shows creativity. Lynn Cullen says the German soldiers actually shot the American POW's which is actually factual but doesn't make for a good show. Also Bill shows a flair for the dramatic by sexually harassing his help. Then he gives her money only because he feels bad for her. Cullen does none of that. 5, Good old Rush LOL LOL tries to help the struggling pharmeceutical industry by having extra prescriptions written out for himself for the soul purpose of the financial well being of this industry. Probably never took one of those pain pills. He also can use his vast knowledge of medicine by telling Michael J. Fox was putting on his parkinsons act. Rush knows everything. Cullen knows squat. Now with all this info I gave you leftie wackos write into Pittsburgh magazine and have them retract Cullen being #1.

  3. I guess all the Wingnuts are getting desperate to do what damage they can before they have to either cancel the election or get booted out.

  4. John K. says: You lefties could not make your point about S-Chip in congress (where it is supposed to be made ) so you run out a 12 year old boy to do it for you? That is close to child abuse. Or just plain sick. A family that has two, count em two houses with a business property to go along with it. And they make $75,000 a year. A figure that Rep. Murtha thinks is wealthy to propose raising taxes on. Make up your minds lefties, if you have a mind to make up. LMAO that was good.

  5. John K. says: Man is the left wing stupid. Re: Channel Guide Magazine Oct 1, 2007 The Ghost Soldiers "One veteran described how an officer ordered his outfit to shoot a group of German prisoners in retaliation for the Malmedy murders. Though some soldiers refused, others followed the orders..." So once again Olbermouth and his toadies got it wrong. Remember left wing kooks, Cullen got replaced on KDKA by reruns of Rush Limbaugh. Man are you lefties easy. LMAO This is just way too funny.

  6. John K. says: I couldn't resist this. Checked arbritron ratings. WDVE 9.3/ KDKA 8.7/ KQV 1/ Cullen .9 LMAO .9 They gave Cullen an award because she would have cried all over the mic if they hadn't. That station is so low in the ratings the on air hosts beg people to call in. LMAO .9 that is just so funny.

  7. to Anon 9:22:

    Are you using this to try to prove that the Malmedy massacre didn't happen?

    Malmedy and Chenogne (and I am assuming that's what you're talking about) aren't even the same place!

  8. Is it just me, or is our favorite Chickenhawk sounding more and more shrill, more and more frustrated as time goes on? His lack of a thinking process was always apparent, and he was obviously bent entirely on raising hackles rather than debating, but now he feels the need to post three times in one hour on three different topics. Sounds a bit obsessive to me.

    Could it be that his favorite activities before he discovered the thrill of trolling -- watching American soldiers die and jerking off to naked pictures of Dick Cheney -- no longer yield the same frisson?

    (Sorry for raising that ugly image of Cheney.)

    Will the amusement he provides us continue in his addlepatedness, or will our bleeding-heart liberal pity begin to overwhelm our scorn? Time alone will tell.

  9. A quick aside to get back on target here:

    NYT: Plan would involve shifting units to lead Afghanistan combat effort


    The fact that the Marine sector in Iraq is so quiet that they want to pull out completely and go to Afghanistan is very positive news.

    I would think you on the left would trumpet this news.

  10. Yes, John Koward (to whom I also occasionally refer as the "Dirty Tampon of Freedom and Justice," an homage to John Stewart's name for another psychopath, Robert Novak, aka, the Douche bag of Liberty) has become a bit more unhinged recently. I would only feel any pity for him if I had verifiable proof of psychosis. Now, one could argue that his deranged, often incoherent blather on this particular blog constitutes such proof. They have not yet reached a Kaczynsky-like level, but that doesn't seem possible, since Teddy boy was also pretty smart, something I think we can all agree does not apply to DTOFJ.

    Finally, X, I'm not sure where you get the idea that this suggestion by the Marines has anything to do with any sort of success in Iraq that would lead to the Marines being "quiet."

    The NYT article states pretty plainly what's at play here:

    "Military officials say the Marine proposal is also an early indication of jockeying among the four armed services for a place in combat missions in years to come. “At the end of the day, this could be decided by parochialism, and making sure each service does not lose equity, as much as on how best to manage the risk of force levels for Iraq and Afghanistan,” said one Pentagon planner.

    Tensions over how to divide future budgets have begun to resurface across the military because of apprehension that Congressional support for large increases in defense spending seen since the Sept. 11 attacks will diminish, leaving the services to compete for money."

  11. Well, I have been reading for some time how Anbar province is so quiet now that Iraqi sergeants are leading Marine patrols.

    The money race between the services has been in place forever - nothing new there.

    The fact that we could pull out 20,000+ troops from Iraq, a war which you all despise, and send them to Afghanistan (your "splendid little war," to quote a famous man regarding a long-ago conflict)should give you all pause.

  12. It won't stop you from supporting the Right's candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh though.

  13. If it actually happens, if 20k troops are moved to Afghanistan to battle the resurgent Taliban, I will gladly cheer that move. It's been a long freakin' time coming.

  14. Amen to that, Whigs.

  15. X,

    I think you'll find that this is one time when a lot of Libs are in agreement with you.

    Move them back to Afghanistan.

  16. X, you seem to be suggesting that the departure of the Marines would constitute a reduction in the number of troops in Iraq. If that is your suggestion, it is not backed up by the NYT article, which states:

    "some officials sympathetic to the Army said that such a realignment would help ease some pressure on the Army, by allowing it to shift forces from Afghanistan into Iraq"

    I read this as saying that the Iraq-based Marines would be replaced by Afghanistan-based Army. No reduction, no indication that "the Marine sector in Iraq is so quiet." It's just a flip-flop. No reason for joy or optimism, unless you prefer Army casualties to Marine casualties.

  17. Anon 9:22, What the hell kind of SOB are you, implying Malmedy didn't happen? What next, are you going to tell us the Bataan Death march never happened either?Also get your facts straight that family had a total income of 45,000 dollars. For a family of six that fell way under the income limit. The income they earned from their business property was included in their total income. Do everyone a favor and stay off this blog you sick mfer.Why don't you get a life, quit listening to Limbaugh and the rest of your wackos. I wish they would take all talk shows off the air. That way people would get off their lazy asses and find out what's going on around them instead of sitting around heeding some idiots rants.

  18. We love you, too, Anon 4:16.

    But don't go chasing John away. He's very amusing and theraputic for us. If you don't find him palatable, may I suggest any number of other blogs where you may find the company both more convivial and more aligned with your concept of progressive? It's been quite some time since our little coterie has shackled anyone to this blog.

  19. S.S. Therapeutic is the correct spelling, not theraputic. When one eloquently states ones viewpoint, it makes it more meaningful getting the spelling correct.

  20. I attempt to make a point of proper spelling, grammar and punctuation, and should have caught myself. Inasmuch as I failed to do so in this case, I thank you for the correction, Anon.

    May I make a suggestion from one eloquent writer to another? Please consider using a handle other than the generic "anonymous." Doing so greatly enhances communication and reduces confusion, just as eloquence and clarity do.
