November 1, 2007

And This Makes Three...

From the New Pittsburgh Courier:

Yes, Pittsburgh is awash in change and that change should signal a departure from the one-party dominance by electing Mark Desantis as mayor.

Desantis’ entry in the mayoral election provided an opportunity for the entire community to have a choice in who will lead the city for the balance of term of the late mayor, Bob O’Connor. He has articulated the pragmatism needed to make some of the tough decisions to return Pittsburgh to the regional economic powerhouse it was by relying on what makes Pittsburgh Pittsburgh—hard work, determination and entrepreneurship, but with a difference. That tough, nose-to-the-grindstone ethic is required to make the hard fiscal decisions that will ultimately make or break Pittsburgh’s foreseeable future.

In a press release, DeSantis said:
I am very pleased and honored to receive the endorsement of the New Pittsburgh Courier. I have now received the endorsement off all of the major newspapers. This is another indication that Pittsburgh voters want change and that our campaign is building momentum.
With the endorsements of the P-G and the Ttib, this makes three endorsements. Good for DeSantis


  1. doesn't it bother him that in a democratic stronghold like pittsburgh he has lost so many big endorsements?

  2. Sherry!

    You haven't been paying attention to the Ravenstahl Spin Doctors, who're performing triage on his campaign.

    Luke isn't bothered by losing those endorsements - his Spin Doctors have diagnosed those 3 papers as Republican rags.

    As for this mayoral election - it's little more than yinzer American Idol.

    And that big, ol' set of wheels he took to the concert? It's just a car in the motor pool, how's anyone to know it was a Homeland Security vehicle?

    Would it have been too much to ask to have a sign, (like the magnetic ones pizza guys plunk on their car roofs when delivering pies), stuck on the SUV, clearly stating "Homeland Security Vehicle - Keep Out - No Boy Mayors Allowed"?

    But there was no such sign, so how can we blame the Mayor for not knowing? What's he supposed to be, the Amazing Kreskin?

  3. For what it's worth...

    I just did a 180.

    One more endorsement for DeSantis.

  4. Actually, the Courier endorsement isn't such a surprise. Courier publisher Rod Doss is a longtime pro life republican and there are rumors that Scaife is keeping the paper afloat based on that...One of the great unwritten tragedies about the black press is that very few so called "black" papers are actually run by democratics even though that's how the community votes. It's not unlike a Jewish paper being run by neo nazi skinheads...but who would break that story?

    For what a real progressive black press would look like try here:

  5. Ooops. Typo alert. Should have typed "Democrats". Or considering what a horrible candidate Luke is "democrat party".

  6. hi, i try not to pay attention to the spinning. makes me queasy! : (

  7. If Luke did not care about the endorsement then why did he meet with the post-gazette board. It seems to me he never said "I don't need your endorsement, give it to the other guy"

    Oh, and the retort that almost (can't say all because that would include Peduto) all the Democratic leaders are endorsing him, what a big shock!

    I can't wait to see if the McKees Rocks Mayor endorses Luke.

    Personally, Those endorsements might backfire. If those other D's stand with Luke they might fall themselves.
