November 1, 2007

A Strange Phone Call

When I was away in CT, I got a strange phone call. The setting of the phone call is not important, but the WHO and the WHY are incredibly important.

The Ravenstahl campaign called me this past week - to see if I'd be willing to (if my memory serves me correctly) volunteer with handing out literature in an upcoming parade.

Me. They called me. To volunteer for them.

Don't they read this blog?

Or this one?

Or the Early Returns page at the P-G?


By the way, I was at the QED debate tonight as was, of course, the mayor himself. With him, in a rumpled suit a half-size to large and in dire need of a pressing, was Yarone Zober. I contemplated seeing if I could get snubbed by the mayor AGAIN or at least introducing myself to Yarone as "The guy Luke brushed off at the TAE debate" but I decided against both as Yarone seemed to be already flustered by either Luke's lackluster performance at the debate or the close proximity to DeSantis' campaign staff.

Or maybe both.

All-in-all I thought DeSantis did a better job (with one obvious flub) than young Luke. While the mayor, his ad libbed lines all well rehearsed, breezed through some questions seemingly oblivious to the question asked (for instance, when asked about what he did before he was mayor to help the African-American community in this city, Luke's answer was all about reminding the folks at home what he did after he was mayor to help out that community), he had an annoying habit of not following up on offered rebuttals. It struck me, as someone put it, that once he was off his talking points, he had nothing to say.

Not a good thing for a mayoral candidate.


  1. Yarone would've talked with you. If that had happened, it might've been a rough conversation, but he would've talked with you...

    I'll give him a pass on the suit. At the end of the campaign, dry cleaning usually gets the shaft.

  2. and the fat ass zober asked the desantis people to "step outside" after the wqed debate tonight. Zober - lame. Lukey? utterly without any sense of right or wrong. I was there I saw it. Whoe the hell is tthe Democrat in this race anyway? Sure as hell isn't Ravenstahl. I am a Dem and i won't be voting for an idiot in Dem clothing.

  3. John K. says: "Don't they read this blog?" Noooooo. LOL LOL LMAO. Very few people do. Which is why it is even funnier when you guys actually think you make some sort of difference.

  4. No, John K., the informed people read this blog, not the morons in City Hall.

  5. Dry cleaning is one thing, but he was swimming in it! Yaron, pay a visit to the tailor.
