November 2, 2007

The Case for David Tessitor

Here's the deal on voting for Allegheny County Council At-Large members:

There are two At-Large seats but each political party can only nominate one candidate and voters only get one vote. It was intended to make sure each party gets one of the seats.

So who are the candidates?

1) Democrat John DeFazio: He's currently on Council and given the large majority of Democrats, he'll win a seat even if only half the Dems vote for him. It's in the bag.

2) Republican Charles McCullough: He's the Upper St. Clair attorney at the center of a criminal investigation over management of an elderly widow's trust fund (he gave her $$$ to various Republican pols without her knowledge). He was let go from Downtown firm Eckert Seamans and dropped out of the race for a Republican at-large seat on Council. But it was too late to take his name off the ballot and he won and decided he wouldn't drop out saying, "Obviously, it was by the hand of God and also by the voters of the county (that I won)." After the primary, the Republican Party asked him to step aside, but he refused. At the July 3rd County Council meeting, he sought to introduce legislation as though he were already elected. (Can you say delusional? I knew you could!

3) David Tessitor (Reform Party): His platform includes Better Transit, Community Revitalization and Rapid Rail to the Airport.
If all the Dems come out for DeFazio, they automatically end up electing McCullough. What's needed is for a chunk of you Dems out there, and Independents and even some Republicans (who are embarrassed by McCullough) to vote for Tessitor.

By helping David Tessitor win, you can make sure Chuck McCullough does not serve on County Council!
(And, you get a good progressive in the deal.)

Learn more about David at:


  1. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

    I just came here to post about this issue and was really grateful to see that you are on top of this!

    This is really important. Tell all of your friends to vote for Tessitor.

  2. Wasn't Chuck McCollough the endorsed his primary opponent and still ended up winning the nomination?

    FYI--He's the guy that bundled $40,000 in donations from the estate of an elderly person with dementia.

  3. Jeff: Been meaning to post this for a while.

    TBOHAP: YES, it's that McCollough.

  4. "If all the Dems come out for DeFazio, they automatically end up electing McCullough."

    How so? Is there some connection between them?

  5. It's not like a normal seat (2 or more people running against each other for one seat)..

    There's 3 people running for 2 seats.

    The top two vote getters will get a seat.

    There's no way Tessitor will win without some D votes.

  6. Has anyone else seen this video from the Democratic party here in Pennsylvania:

    It makes a very good point about this year's judicial elections.

  7. oh, I see. That makes perfect sense, but I wish I'd thought it through that way before I mailed the absentee ballot. oh well - it's up to the rest of you!

  8. Here is the top reason to vote for David.... The at-large members of county council are the one's who serve on the Board of Elections.

    I don't want that R, McCollough, anywhere near the voting process.

    David needs to win for the sake of our shared democracy.

    If you live in the city -- vote for the other Davids too. David C. Adams in d9 and Dave Schuilenburg, d1.

    Vote for 3 Davids and 2 Marks.
