November 2, 2007

The real reason we'll be in Iraq for another 50 years

"Over time, we will have to shift the burden of the military fight from our forces directly to regional forces, and we will have to play an indirect role, but we shouldn't assume for even a minute that in the next 25 to 50 years the American military might be able to come home, relax and take it easy, because the strategic situation in the region doesn't seem to show that as being possible."
- Retired Army Gen. John Abizaid, October 31, 2007

"And I like to put it this way: As they stand up, we'll stand down."
- President George W. Bush, March 22, 2006

Recent Iraqi army training video:

I guess it's a good thing we're only waiting for them to "stand up." If we were waiting for them to achieve a level of proficiency in calisthenics that you or I mastered in the first grade, we'd be there another 100 years.

(h/t to Atrios for the video)


  1. John K. says: We have been in Korea since June 1950 and Germany et al since May 1945. We have bases all over the world. So what?

  2. this

  3. John K. says: Now this is interesting. Zawahiri says he has formed a new al queda cell in Libya. Now how can that be, Libya is our friend and we have no troops in Libya. Guess that shoots the liberal theory on Bush right into the dumper.

  4. Other than the U.S. are there any other countries that have their troops stationed in other countries? I should think since China and Japan own a big portion of this country, that they would almost be required to station their troops here to protect their interests.

  5. John K. says: Now why isn't Zawahiri trumpeting al queda recruitment in Iraq? Because Bush is killing them! LOL So what does Al Zawahiri do? He goes to a country with no US presence and sets up an Al Queda cell. This way you lefties can say Bush caused the recruitment of Al Queda in Libya. LMAO Like I said Osama Bin Laden (Democrat-Pakistan) working to elect a Democrat majority
