November 4, 2007

Maximum Efficiencies!

It would seem that that those overly judgmental of the Luke Ravenstahl Administration in the MSM (both print and TV) and Burghosphere have once again found something new to find fault with:

High lead levels detected at Highland Park's Farmhouse Playground


The city of Pittsburgh, notified that the problem likely stemmed from a lead-contaminated area next to a Highland Park playground, scraped off old paint chips and put up fresh paint. But four months after the city found out about the lead, it has yet to remove contaminated soil, or post a warning to families who use the tot lot and playground 20 feet from the dirt.

We here at 2 Political Junkies believe that our mayor should be celebrated for his pruductivity:

The city plans to implement a lead containment plan crafted by an engineering firm by the end of the month, according to mayoral spokeswoman Alecia Sirk. The work was delayed so the area wouldn't be tied up during the busy summer season. [Emphasis added]

"There was no sense in going out there and tossing around dirt while there were kids around," she said.

We've always believed: in for a penny, in for a pound.

If you know you have a park that's poisoning kids with lead, why not make sure that the poison reaches the maximum amount of kiddies? And, why not expose them during the summer months when they are at the park for the longest possible amount of hours on the driest possible days allowing for greatest amount of lead dust absorption?

We call that efficiency!

We also think that this demonstrates the forward thinking of the Ravenstahl Administration which is obviously following the best practices of countries such as China when it comes to the fine art of lead distribution to minors.

We congratulate the Mayor on getting the lead out (to kids) and refusing to bow down to old fashioned, conventional notions of what constitutes child safety.

Isn't that what having a young, forward moving mayor is all about?


  1. My gaping mouth widens a bit each time Alecia Sirk opens hers. Luke is not that bright, and he certainly doesn’t care much for anything that doesn’t have a bright and shiny bauble attached. Alecia Sirk’s stupid, flip, “youthful” answers to everything only makes Ravenstahl look worse than he already is. Imagine that feat! I am surprised Ms. Sirk hasn’t been fired and a “national search” launched for her replacement.

  2. Sirk sure

  3. This is not good news for Ravenstahl, it will further affect how Highland Park votes on Tuesday.

    He better have a mailer ready to hit on Monday - maybe he can photoshop Rove kissing DeSantis?

  4. The weather is the worst news of all for Luke--43 degrees and raining. It's the worst election day forecast in recent memory. Only the truly "pist" are going to drag themselves through that crappy weather to vote...
