November 4, 2007

Speaking of efficiencies . . .

You've heard about the US diplomats who are protesting being sent to Iraq, right?

Well, it appers that Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has come up with a solution:
Congressman Hunter intends to also suggest that State Department personnel who refuse deployment to Baghdad be replaced with wounded veterans at Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals.


"They are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters and you can be sure that when called on for difficult assignments, they won't convene a town meeting to protest. Especially for those whose mobility has been impaired by wounds, State Department positions, not only in Baghdad but around the world, will provide excellent jobs as well as availing our nation of their enormous talent."
Nothing like dragging wounded, immobile soldiers out of their hospital beds and throwing them back into a war zone. And, who knows, their body casts might offer better protection than some of the shoddier body armor.

At this time, we are still trying to nail down the rumor that Hunter also has suggested that the US should avail itself of vets in Arlington National Cemetery because "the bodies of dead veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters would make excellent barricades when stacked upon each other around the Green Zone."

No one supports the troops like Republicans!


  1. John K. says: Nothing like a lefty holder over from the Clinton admin to dishonor their oath. Don't want to go Iraq, don't go. But you at least ought to have the guts to resign your position. In fact, what has bothered you lefties most is that there is no shortage of people willing to fight this war. Without your lame butts getting in the way. So stay home and whine lefties, but stay home.

  2. I think Duncan Hunter's idea is brilliant. Let's take the paychecks from those fat cats who refuse to fulfill their job requirements and give it to those who have proven their dedication to country. I'll guarantee you, a lot of service members will jump at the opportunity for a nice fat pay raise and the opportunity to continue providing a service to their country! Hunter should commended for his consideration and recognition of the value our men and women in uniform offer to this country. I agree with him, let's broaden their job opportunities while at the same time dumping the dead weight!

  3. He wants to pull them from their hospital beds!

    He especially wants to put the 'immobile' ones in a war zone.

    You people are FUCKING INSANE.

  4. You so want to make a point about the diplomats that you go along with the idea of pulling wounded immobile soldiers out of their hospital beds and shipping them back to a war zone.



    You really need a shrink.
