November 13, 2007

Meet Beth Hafer!

Don't know Beth Hafer?

As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported in June:

Beth Hafer hopes to follow her well-known mother, Barbara Hafer, onto the region's ballots.

Ms. Hafer, 35, a former school teacher who now works as a vice president in a government consulting firm owned by her mother, said she plans to run for Congress next year against U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair.
There's a fundraiser for Hafer being held two weeks from today:

Georgia Berner and Heather Arnet invite you to attend
A Reception for Beth Hafer
Candidate for US Congress

WHEN: Tuesday, November 27, 5-7pm
WHERE: Palate Bistro, 212 6th Street, Downtown Pittsburgh (Across from Heinz Hall)
RSVP: 412-992-0809 or

Dear Friends,

I am writing today to introduce you to Beth Hafer and to ask you to support her campaign for US Congress. I have had the privilege of getting to know Beth over the past couple of years, and I am thrilled that she is running for Congress. I know that Beth has the experience and the ability to promote values that are important to me – protecting the environment, improving government efficiency, and representing the people of Western, PA.

Through her family, Beth has spent her life immersed in public service. Beth has a teaching degree and she taught for several years before moving on to work as a consultant for Hafer & Associates. At Hafer & Associates, Beth helps government organizations work more efficiently for citizens without raising taxes.

Beth has long been a strong voice for positioning the Pittsburgh metropolitan area at the forefront of the emerging alternative energy industry. Those plans - along with her commitment to improving health care and education - have resonated with voters, as has her call to restore integrity to Congress.

Beth's campaign is off to a running start - she has already received the endorsement of the Communication Workers of America and she had a great showing on the last round of fundraising reports.

I am excited to have a wonderful woman candidate to support in Western, PA, a leader who will work work for us Washington. Beth represents the type of fresh, innovative and courageous leadership that we need in Washington. I am building a network of women to support Beth's campaign and I hope you will join me.

Please join us for a reception on November 27, 2007 in downtown Pittsburgh to meet Beth and support her campaign. Feel free to invite a friend to attend and meet Beth.

If you are unable to attend on the 27th please consider making a contribution to her campaign.

I hope to see you at Palate.

Georgia Berner
We've blogged about Tim Murphy many a time -- this post being my favorite as it contains a video clip of Murphy snatching corruption evidence out of a KDKA reporter's hands.

Beth Hafer's website:

(In the interest of full disclosure -- and before anyone from The City Paper can mention it first -- I believe I donated $50 to Hafer earlier this year.)


  1. It would be great to knock Murphy out of office.

  2. Yes, He's such an arrogant prick. Can I say that on this blog? I guess I can.


  3. John K. says: Can I attend? Seeing as how not one of you will dare ask a tough question, perhaps I can force Hafer to actually take a stand on issue and defend it. What do you say? LMAO

  4. It would indeed be great to see Murphy out of office, for a whole long list of reasons that I won't go into.

    But do we really have to do it using a candidate whose most noteworthy contribution is who her parents are? Are we really so incapable of electing anyone who does not share the last name of some senior politician?

    Please, there simply has to be someone out there who can take Murphy's place, produce an excellent voting record, and won't extend or create yet another family dynasty in our regional political system.

  5. There are at least three other Democrats besides Hafer in the race for Murphy's seat.

    Besides fish, what is the scoop on Dan Wholey?

  6. I know George Matta's serious about throwing his combo.., er, hat, into the ring. Who else?

    - Shawn

  7. I agree that a semi-famous name shouldn't count for much. The problem, however, is that entry into politics comes via a door that can, sadly, only be opened with a pocket full of money or a well known pedigree...and usually both.

    Hell, Murphy used his KDKA-TV exposure to help him get in....

    Murphy is not just a Bush toadie, but he is a miserable, arrogant dope....who can't pass a mirror without checking out his square-jawed visage. He has all the charisma of a chair and the intelligence to match.

    Let's leave him out at the curb.


  8. Is Stan Savran a resident of this district? I believe he would make an excellent candidate.

  9. John K. says: They approached Savran two years ago to run against Murphy. He wisely declined. He realized he would lose half his audience if he lost. And seeing as he is the only full time sports reporter at FSN that would be a big blow.

  10. Hafer is a good candidate who can dethrone Tim. Check out her webpage at
    If you cannot make it in town for the reception event with Georgia Berner... there is a 72 hour fundraiser marathon Nov 27-29. Here is the link for the upcoming fundraiser:
    Hope you can spread the news.

  11. First of all, I try to support women candidates. Unfortunately, after looking at her website I came away with two conclusions:

    1. Her website needs a makeover.

    2. She would be better qualified working for an environmental lobby or creating new energy solutions.

    Other than that, I'm interested to see who the others are.

    Although I am inclined to say she doesn't seem very qualified, I'd still be interested in meeting her and talking to her.

    However, I have no money to donate to a candidate I don't know..or who I do know.
