December 7, 2007

Oh, The Defeatist Military Families!

Via Huffington Post, I found this article in today's LA Times.

Looks like dubya's bloody war is going so well (and this includes that surge-thingy) that now a majority of military families are becoming defeatists.
Families with ties to the military, long a reliable source of support for wartime presidents, disapprove of President Bush and his handling of the war in Iraq, with a majority concluding the invasion was not worth it, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.
Traitors! Establish the Military Tribunals! These people hate America so much that they're aiding and abetting The Enemy!

Nearly six out of every 10 military families disapprove of Bush's job performance and the way he has run the war, rating him only slightly better than the general population does.

And among those families with soldiers, sailors and Marines who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan, 60% say that the war in Iraq was not worth the cost, the same result as all adults surveyed.

Don't they know there's a war on? The only alternative to victory is defeat.

Patience with the war, which has now lasted longer than the U.S. involvement in World War II, is wearing thin -- particularly among families who have sent a service member to the conflict. One-quarter say American troops should stay "as long as it takes to win." Nearly seven in 10 favor a withdrawal within the coming year or "right away."

Military families are only slightly more patient: 35% are willing to stay until victory; 58% want the troops home within a year or sooner.

58%? Cut and run! Cut and run! Those cowardly "military families" just want to hand over the near-victory our glorious leader has almost single-handedly given us to the Islamofascists that want to kill us.

Don't they remember the lessons of 9/11?


  1. We need to force those defeatist, atheist, pacifist, isolationist idiots to support the troops!

  2. Absolutely! They should kneel down at GWB's shiny hush puppies to thank and praise him for sending their husbands and wives and sons and daughters into a war under false pretenses, not giving them the equipment they needed to do the job, for making them go back for repeated deployments without having enough rest or time with said families, for denying their husbands and wives and sons and daughters PTSD and calling it a pre-existing condition (which, if they were pre-existing, I guess would disbarred them from serving in the first place, but that's semantics, don't ya' know), for trying to make them pay back bonuses, for putting the husbands and wives and sons and daughters in leaky, rat-infested holes to recuperate from almost being blow to bits by snipers and IEDs, and, of course, for the lucky families, the deaths of their husbands and wives and sons and daughters... again, for a war, fought under false pretenses.

    While they're at it, the families might want to thank the spineless Democrats who gave GWB the authorization to launch this war, as well, just to make sure that, during this holiday season, they have given as much as they possibly can (ya' know, beyond the lives of their husbands and wives and sons and daughters).

  3. That's quite a list of sins you put out there, fillipelli. Every one of 'em true, too.

    The Dems claim we should vote for them, because they are slightly less blood-thirsty, slightly less corrupt, slightly less heartless than the Kleptublicans.

  4. So when exactly did WWII become the official time frame a battle can go on for? This is an entirely different conflict. By the way, we still have troops in Germany to this day, just as we'll have troops in Iraq for years to come. Even the dem congress and ALL their presidential candidates say we need to have some troops in Iraq.

  5. John K. says: The left is so desparate to ensure defeat in Iraq that they are now exploiting military families. That is sick.

  6. My family (active duty military) wholeheartedly supports getting our troops the hell out of Iraq.

  7. At some level my empathy for those who voted for Bush & Co., and are now regretting it enmasse is just ... limited.

  8. John K. says: Speaking of supporting the troops by the left. So why doesn't Olbermouth run an ad that says "THANKS" to the troops? It is not a free ad. The sponsoring agency paid for it at the going rate. Yet Olbermouth refuses to air it. I guess that is how the left supports the troops. Can any lefty say Gen. Betray-us again. Just to show you really love the troops.

  9. John, you're slipping. You forgot to Laugh Your Ass Off. Your efforts are lame enough without your getting lazy like this. Get your head back in the game, Kid.

  10. People we love are either coming home from Iraq in pieces or in a box.
    John K- This is not a laughing matter. Your time spent reguritating neocon talking points on this blog and whatever other sites you spew your stupidity on is wasted time.
    If you really are a Christian then you should be spending your time doing what Jesus would want you to do.
    Call the office at your church and let them know you have some free time that you would like to volunteer for the good of mankind.

    If you try you could give yourself the peace that you are so lacking. You can have a Merry Christmas JK, it's up to you to save yourself.

  11. John K. says: And what would Jesus want me to do? Convert to Islam LMAO. Hey 35% want us to stay in Iraq, and 12% approve of the Democrat congress. I win!

  12. No JK you lose.
    The rest of us have loving families and holiday joy inspite of all the damage and hate caused by you and the rest of the neocon rethuglicans.
    Your hatred of anyone you deem 'liberal' or 'democratic' shows your sad empty soul.
    God have mercy on you.

  13. Anonymous 3:38

    It's not worth it. "John K" (if that's his real name, I suspect it was picked as a residual Swift Boat" tactic) is just a troll. He stops by moves his bowels on to this blog's comment page just to see what sort of reaction he can get from the people who most intimidate him.

    Ignoring him is always a worthwhile option.

  14. "We still have troops in Germany!" That's your response? Are you kidding? We have bases there because they are an ally, not because we need to stay there to keep the country from melting down. Sheesh!

    The military families are finally catching on to just what dupes they were. I respect them for standing pat with their Commander in Chief (really, I do...) but now, with nothing to show for Dubya's Show, they have decided to get smart.

    Piltdown Man

  15. I've added a few more symptoms you all should know about from an earlier comment.

    You might be a kook fringe lefty if:

    1) You compare Bush to Hitler
    2) You think the Bush Admin is more evil than Bin Laden or even Satan
    3) You don't think saddam was such a bad guy after all
    4) you think Keith Olbermann has contructive viewpoints
    5) you believe Bush takes orders from Israel and/or Dick Cheney
    6) you think Iran is a peace-seeking country
    7) you consider terrorists in Iraq "freedom fighters"
    8) you think Fox News is biased
    9) You blame just about every global event on America
    10) You use the word "neocon" all the time
    11) you think Bush will be impeached when there's no case for it
    12) You think Israel is the villain, not Hamas and Islamic Jihad
    13) you thought Hugo Chavez's anti-Bush speech last year made sense
    14) you believe you have the power to cool down the earth with a special light bulb
    15) You have MSNBC on for background noise a lot
    16) You enjoyed the movies "redacted", rendition, in the valley of elah, or lions for lambs, all of which clear thinking people avoided
    17) you think "radical christianity" poses just as much of a threat to the world as radical Islam
    18) You listen to Air America
    19) You use the words "Fox Noise" when talking about Fox News

    If you exhibit any of these symptoms, seek help immediately. You most likely have BDS (Bush derangement syndrome) or FDS (Fox derangement syndrome) both are very serious conditions and could result in rants against America, attacking the President, and exploiting military families. Voting for today's democrats is also a common symptom. You can begin treatment by tuning into Bill O'reilly, he can straighten you out.

  16. Also, you should be careful when you use the word "chicken hawk". Are you saying that in order to defend the war you have to be in the military? Schmuck was using that phrase earlier and I couldn't figure out if he was referring to me or John or both of us. I believe we all have our role in the fight against terrorism, tyranny, and genocide, whether it be in the military or non-military.

  17. Militant Omnitheist writes:
    'I believe we all have our role in the fight against terrorism, tyranny, and genocide, whether it be in the military or non-military.'
    Really, your role as a non military member in the fight against terrorism is what?
    Oh, writing several right wing blogs that no one reads and comments on. Is that why you troll on democratic sites?
    No friends coming over to your Mom's basement to visit you?

    Be a real man who believes in the war against terror and join the army. Chickenhawk indeed!

  18. John K. says: I enjoy these "join the Army" statements. You lefties hate the Army. You block access to recruiting offices and deny the military access to schools. And then you say join the Army. LOL LOL make up your minds lefties and stop being so confused.

  19. Oh yes you are so right JK.
    We 'lefties' hate the military so much that some of us have served. Some of us have family still serving after more than 20 years.
    Yep, we are the ones who hate the troops. Not you neocon wannabes who are more than happy to sacrifice the lives of others for a war based on lies.
    If you really believe the BS that you spew - that means you would actually have to process thoughts and look at facts before you write or talk - you would not use the US military in your spin cycle of hate.
    If you really believe the republican spin you would join the military immediately. It would be the only way for you to be an honest person.

    I dare you. I double dog dare you. It would be nice to see you dedication put to good use.

  20. Oh yes you are so right JK.
    We 'lefties' hate the military so much that some of us have served. Some of us have family still serving after more than 20 years.
    Yep, we are the ones who hate the troops. Not you neocon wannabes who are more than happy to sacrifice the lives of others for a war based on lies.
    If you really believe the BS that you spew - that means you would actually have to process thoughts and look at facts before you write or talk - you would not use the US military in your spin cycle of hate.
    If you really believe the republican spin you would join the military immediately. It would be the only way for you to be an honest person.

    I dare you. I double dog dare you. It would be nice to see you dedication put to good use.

  21. Now you have upset me. Who are any of you to question how I want to make the world a better place. For your information, I'm getting ivolved in a volunteer program to build homes for people in Thailand and Africa, people who have suffered for years from war and famine. I also run a toy and clothing drive for Iraqi children. I've also just created a new blog, where I will be encouraging others to do the same.Just because I don't wear a military uniform doesn't mean I'm not helping make the world a better place. On the other hand, what you do is undermining the military's efforts to help the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe you should think before yu open your mouth...

  22. Schmuck...
    If my work lacks the basic skills for journalism then why am I getting published in local and county newspapers? Obviously they disagree with you.

  23. I'm sorry, Mr. Omnithiest. I tried to make it clear that your character, your debating skills, nor your writing ability make you a worthy debating opponent. Apparently my failure to communicate lead you address another silly, self-serving message to me.

    Let me take another, perhaps less opaque shot at it:

    You strike me as one of those creepy, dishonest Wingnuts who merely parrot the crap that Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh spew. You deny that you are creature of the right, although you recommend to us perhaps the most dishonest person that the talk shows offer -- Mr. O'Reilly himself. Further, you characterize everyone to the left of Mike Huckabee as evil, ignorant, and possessing the most extreme views -- any of which are still more valid than your most centrist postitions.

    You ridicule all that is good about America and glorify all that is warped.

    You failed to pull off a hit-and-run, insult-oriented, "I'm the man" post even as well as John K., who at least has the sense not to try to defend his inanity. It must really hurt to realize that the Laughing Chickenhawk has better writing skills than you have.

    You promised to answer a question in return for my answer, then you use your reply to bloviate on a different topic entirely.

    The quality of your writing might earn you a B- in a high school composition class, more likely a C.

    None of this is intended to insult you particularly. You don't earn the status worthy of my insulting you. I mean this merely to explain to you why I will not further waste my time with you. So why don't you reply to this with a couple dozen LOLs and remind us what a cute, intelligent, honest, humanitarian Wingnut you are and what a kooky, stupid, hateful Lefty I am? I promise that give you the last word, and I know the level of gratification that gives your kind.

    I think this should be clear enough even for a faith-addled mind to comprehend, n'est-ce pas?

  24. Wow...that was a heck of a personal hit piece.

    This will now be the third time I will answer your question, I'm not sure if you can't read or don't bother to read my comments fully.

    You asked me if I would still support the war if casualties go up in 2008 and we continue to spend billions of dollars. The answer I will provide you with for the third and final time is YES. I can never back down from my principals. I believe we have an obligation to rebuild Iraq and help its people. The thing is, I just don't think you like my answer. You want me to say I'll join you and the antiwar war/impeach Bush crowd, but it will never happpen. I know you won't ever see it from my point of view, but that's where I stand, whether you like it or not.

    Also, I'd like to note that I have no intention of voting for Mike Huckabee...he is WAY to far to the right. I prefer someone like Rudy Giuliani who is more moderate.

    You seem to have a pretty high opinion of yourself too, suggesting that I am not good enough for you to talk to.

    If you've reach this point, then you've read just about my whole comment. I would like to propose a cease-fire as far as personal sniping goes. Political debate is no longer fun when it reaches the point of personal attacks. I want to continue commenting on this blog because it sharpens my skills for the future I want.

    Lastly, there are many people who enjoy my writing work. I have had several political op-eds published in the newspaers and I have gotten great feedback. Maybe you should read some of my work on my blog before you declare it nothing more than "right-wing" propaganda.

  25. As a Pakistani citizen currently working here in America, I would like to say that the writers and commentators on this blog don't seem to understand the reality of the world. Now, I'd like to make it clear that I did not support the Iraq War in the beginning, but I have reached the conclusion that it is a battle that needs to be won. In Pakistan, President Musharraf has pretty much said the same thing. It's important to know that the terrorists in Iraq are no different than the terrorists in Pakistan who are killing innocent people and that both of them must be eliminated. It disgusts me that you want to abandon the innocent people of Iraq and allow the evil AL-Qaeda fighters to harm them. You guys went into Iraq, and you have to finish the job. I'm glad Saddam is gone, but you should have planned the war better instead of rushing in there. I also hope you know that the Islamic insurgency in Pakistan has gotten almost as ferocious as the Afghan and Iraqi ones. Is that Bush's fault too? Or will you take a dose of reality and accept that it is the terrorists themselves who are responsible

    Peace be upon you...

  26. Pakistan is providing a safe haven for Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Musharraf is George W's friend.
    No one seems to want Bin Laden taken into custody except the American people.
    If we all really wanted to get rid of Al Qaeda we would make the Pakistani's give up the terrorists who are 'out of America's reach'.

  27. I don't know what to say to that except, well, if my country is intentionally allowing al-qaeda safehaven, why is al-qaeda and the taliban routinely attacking pakistan soldiers and security forces? Did you not hear about that suicide bombing today or the dozens before it earlier this year? Look at what happened when Benazir returned home. Musharraf has been unable to rein in islamic terrorists because they respond by blowing up innocent people and instilling fear throughout the country. To say Pakistan supports Bin Laden is just stupid and obviously comes from someone who knows absolutely nothing about pakistan or terrorism.

  28. Reza Rezai, you stated that you are a Pakistani citizen and you're saying Anon doesn't know what he's talking about relating to Pakistan and terrorists. That's all well and good, but who the hell do you think you are that We the U.S. should be doing this or doing that in the M.E.For God's sake you complain the U.S. should do this and that while you, yourself get your ass out of the M.E. and come here. Nowhere in Anon's comment did he state Pakistan supports Bin Laden, only you said this. Anon said Pakistan is supplying safe haven for Bin Laden. According to all the Intel, Pakistan is where Bin Laden is holed up. OBL is still free so that's pretty much safe haven in my book.While you're at it why don't you donate some of your earnings while you're working here to some family who lost a loved one fighting over there doing whatever you think they should or shouldn't do.
