March 23, 2008


On Easter Sunday, this news hit MSNBC:

Four U.S. soldiers were killed by a bomb blast in southern Baghdad late Sunday, raising the death toll for American forces since start of the war to 4,000, according to the Pentagon.

The grim milestone was reached less than a week after the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion to topple former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and coincided with a spate of violence across Iraq on Sunday that left at least 61 people dead.



  1. "Look for the love and the good in the world...if you go looking for the bad, thats all you will ever find."

    I had an old high school teacher tell me that a while ago, and I embrace it everyday. In the end, the good can overcome, provided that we want it to.

  2. Do everything he can to stop the war and tend to the sick and the wounded.

    C.H., a laudable sentiment by your teacher, but not particularly Christ-like. Jesus was moved by human suffering and humbled by it, from what I know of the story. And he was not impressed by earthly kings and earthly power.

  3. John K. says: Its a war. The left has failed to come to terms with that. They still prefer slavery to fighting for freedom. And what suprises me most is that the left is not condemning the suicide bomber because he struck on a christian holy day. Especially since they are more than ready to condemn our troops for striking on islamic holy days. I guess it is all dependent on what we mean when we say we support the troops. None the less, what a religion that gives you 72 virgins to molest at will just for blowing yourself to bits and taking some jews and christians with you.

  4. John K. says: Lookie! I got a woodie from thinking about molesting virgins! My peenie is even more beautiful this way. Look at my peenie! Lookie! Lookie!

  5. John K. says: What is it with you liberals and religion. First you decry any candidate that embraces it ala McCain or Bush. Then you use it as a reference point to hammer conservatives with ala reichbaum. Seems to me Jesus is just a talking point for the left to score points for elections.

  6. Hey, it was the subject of the post and the question posed by it. Just trying to be productive.

  7. John K. says: I worship my dicky and you should too! Lookie how pretty it is! Lookie! Lookie!

  8. The day following 911, I put up a bulleten board. Red,white and blue border, pictures of our armed forces in the outside boarder and white crosses, many of them, in the center. Pray for Peace was the dominant message over top of that. I worried that the administration would order it down. I told my kids I would take it down when the war ended. It is faded, sad and seemed irrelevant. But today, one of my kids added something. "4000 in five years" his sign read. These kids are listening! It is time to get them mobilized and off of MTV.

  9. John K says: Question: Why are you always telling us to pray for peace. Shouldn't you also be telling Hamas and Ahmedinajad as well as Mukthi Al Sadr? Shouldn't that billboard be up in Tora Bora or perhaps Mosul? We support the idea of praying for peace. But I also recognize that the other guy is not even close to that. When that billboard goes up in Pakistan, then you will have some credibility. Until then, we fight because America is worth it.

  10. Question John K.? Where is it exactly you are fighting? Have you killed any enemy? Praying for peace is a way to carry in my heart the grief for our men and women who are fighting and dieing. But I could just carry a lot of anger and hate. Do you think that would help us? Please don't ask me to look at your---you know what.

  11. John K. says: I love my dinkum, don't you? Lookie how pretty it is! Look at it here so that the troops won't have to look at it over there. Lookie! Lookie! It's worth it!

  12. John K. says: What are we fighting for? Interesting question. You obviously do not think America has values that are worth fighting for. We are fighting Islamo Radical Fascism. Thugs in street language. These people want to bring down our society because we wake up in the morning. When they learn to function in a civilized world, then the war will be over. We taught the Japanese and Germans as well as S Koreans to do the same. We can teach islamo thugs to do so also. Some will have to be killed in the process because that is the way it is. Until then to even ask the question of what we are fighting for shows why you are a left wing liberal kook. But if you believe in putting up a billboard that says pray for peace, like I said, put one up in Tora Bora or Sadr City.

  13. John K. says: By the way, I am not the one posting look at my whatever... I have never posted a foul word or statement. Sheesh get real and look at the motivations of the poster.

  14. John K. says: Lookie! I trained my dickie to jump up and down. Look at me! Look at me and my dickie!

  15. To the very decent John K. I asked where? not Why. I agree we have to have a fight and I am very grateful for those who are willing. But I can't and so I pray for those who do. To mobilize our young kids, we have to get their attention. Most of them have no real sense of the danger this country is in. I thought my board would bring the war to them daily. Evidently, at least one kid is paying attention. It will be too bad if worse comes to worse and the draft must be reinstituted. These kids will never understand what happened to them.
    I don't understand the nasty John K thing. A Duh! moment for me certainly.

  16. John K. says: I am decent just because I like my pee pee doesn't mean I'm not decent. Wee Wee for my pee pee.
