March 24, 2008

Absolutely soaking wet

Forget Obama Girl! This is the real shit:


  1. How does one become so committed to act so foolish for any reason?
    However I challenge anyone who hasn't spent a minimum of five weeks as a prisoner of the Vietnamese (how about five years?) to prove he's a better man or woman than McKane. He sang?????? Coming from people who have never been there, done that, you give new meaning to Rodger Waters song, "Bravery from Being Out of Range".Does this qualify him for the nomination? No, but it qualifies him as a brave and resourceful man. Can you match up?

  2. by the way, Waters album "Amused to Death" is a fulfilled prophecy of today's war supporters. Listen and look in the mirror and recognize the monkey.

  3. Does this qualify him for the nomination? No
    Nothing about McCain qualifies him to be president.

    it qualifies him as a brave and resourceful man. Can you match up?

    Without breaking a sweat.

  4. Don't break a sweat. Go sign up, we need hotshots like you. Your criticism has no guts. Just words!

  5. What criticism? That McCain has no principles? That's not criticism, just observation.

    As for signing up -- been there done that. You?

  6. This video is amazing.

  7. I think you have to be a nit-wit to vote republican after what we had to endure in the past 7 years!

  8. 7 years of powerless and useless democrats? Do you think they will all find some new strength or will they continue to line their pockets and screw the help? What a crock!

  9. Video is called, "absolutely cringe-inducing" by a Tech President e-newsletter.

  10. "sign up - been there done that"???? Anybody can say that on a blog. I did three duties in Nam as a gunner on a chopper. The doctors on Mash saved my life all three times I got shot down. Radar wrote my letters home for me.

  11. Thank you for your service.
