March 20, 2008

All the news that fits

On the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, ABC's "Investigative Team" broke the truly important story of the day:

Question: Does the media celebrate Stained Blue Dress Day on its actual anniversary day or is it one of the those always-on-a-Monday holidays?

(h/t to Shakesville for story & graphic.)


  1. If you would have told me that was on Fox News I would not be shocked. ABC though? WTF is wrong with these journalists.

  2. I hear CNN picked up on it and I JUST heard MSNBC mention if it was news.

  3. How do you celebrate Stained Blue Dress day?

    This is pretty cheesy. This "Investigation" with Brian whoever looks like a pretty minor feature, and it's within their "Blotter", not their front page, so it may not be like they're ignoring the news of the day for it. But yes, it is a pretty low point in journalism.

  4. This is another fine attack on a woman, this is being sexist, rubbing a woman personal business in her face, her husbands indiscretion, why is Hillary such a threat, if they threw half of what the media has thrown at Hillary at Obama, there would be all out war in the media, and in the public, I know why it is because Hillary is powerful and a threat to the male establishment, part of the reason Obama is doing so well, is that extra piece of flesh between his legs, secure strong men would not stoop so low...

  5. Anonymous - you are off base making this a Clinton vs. Obama issue. Did you see what Foxnews put on the front page of their website? Not quite "stained blue dress" and ABC is not Fox News (yet) but it was so misleading and is trying to play up the fear card on Obama and his being a racist.

  6. ABC News' conduct is deplorable. Highlighting the "investigation" tag on a story based on a quick reading of some government documents made public in response to someone else's FOI request? That's as pathetic as the notion that this ABC News item is a news story.

    The comments about Sen. Obama along this thread are equally silly. Some of Sen. Clinton's supporters are behaving strangely.

  7. I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this. Everytime the MSM does this, many women rally to Senator Clinton. Many women get angry with Senator Obama, even though he never has anything to do with the outrage. Can we get something straight here? Senator Obama has never insulted Senator Clinton. He has played fair. Senator Obama is not responsible for the misogyny of some Republicans or some in the Main Stream Media.

    As a woman, I had believed we were generally more fair than the opposite sex. I wish this campaign did not so continuously remind me that I was wrong in this assessment. --Kim

  8. What is a woman to do???? I heard Don Imus ( I do listen, and sometimes I really laugh) talking about Nancy Pelosi and he remarked that she needed more Botox! Does any of these guys ever look in the mrror? I guess for some women money is enough. You should see my old man, or maybe you shouldn't, but 43 years of marriage is the result of his striving to support us, give the kids a good education, and now his main goal? Make the Grandchildren laugh at his stupid jokes. That they do. Did you love your grandpa?

  9. John K. says: You heard Imus? I am astounded! Obama says he would not be in the same room as him. You need to listen to Rev. Wright instead. After all, he is not a typical white. Wonder what a typical white is? I am sure the left can define it. LOL LOL LOL LMAO Oh man I am on today.

  10. I am Obama's grandmother. As a pre-teen I listened to my family discuss interacial marriages. It was bad for the children born into them. During the 60's I outgrew that idea and thought myself progressive and clearly not prejudiced. A day in spring, I enjoyed hearing a "wolf whistle" as I passed a parked truck. Looking up, I saw a black man smiling at me.I still struggle with this. My internal thoughts leaped to an indignity, an assult. How dare he? I came face to face with the reality of my prejudice. I try to stay honest and work at finding a better way of viewing others. I think that is what Obama is asking of us. We cannot have a change in attitudes unless we admit we do have an attitude. I have not supported his campaign and believed I had rational reasons for it. But now I have to look deeper and either confirm or deny my ratonalizations. That's why I believe many of us are Obama's grandmother.

  11. John K. says: My pee-pee! My pee-pee! Lookie! Lookie at me! Lookie!
