April 3, 2008

Melissa Hart News

I saw Melissa Hart on Mike Pintek's show this evening. It was your typical segment - short on specifics, long on campaign bluster and so on.

Nothing wrong with that, of course.

She made a charge that Congressman Jason Altmire was leaning towards endorsing Senator Obama because Obama had given $10,000 to his campaign (adding that Senator Clinton had given nothing). I can't speak for the veracity of any of the above, but it got me looking around Hart's own campaign financing.

Found something very interesting.

But first I have to take a step back. To this rather disgusting story:

The California congressman who called the Sept. 11 attacks "simply" a plane crash ran for cover Wednesday under a barrage of ridicule from fellow Republicans, first responders and victims' families.

San Diego GOP Rep. Darrell Issa was under siege for suggesting the federal government had already done enough to help New York cope with "a fire" that "simply was an aircraft" hitting the World Trade Center.

The reviews have been pouring in:

"New York was attacked by Al Qaeda. It doesn't have to be attacked by Congress," added Long Island Rep. Pete King, a Republican.

"I'm really surprised by Darrell Issa," King added. "It showed such a cavalier dismissal of what happened to New York. It's wrong and inexcusable."

The AP has the story:

California Congressman Darrell Issa is facing heated criticism from New York lawmakers of both parties after he made comments that seemed to downplay the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and question federal compensation for New York City firefighters and others.

During a hearing this week about legislation to extend victims' benefits, Issa, a Republican, described the attacks on the World Trade Center as “a fire that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it. It simply was an aircraft, residue of two aircraft and residue of the material used to build this building.”

Why am I pointing this out in a blog posting about Melissa Hart?

Because according to this FEC document dated 7/30/7, Congressman Issa's campaign gave $2,000 to Melissa Hart's campaign. Not only that, according this FEC document dated 9/8/8, he's personally given another $2,000 to her campaign.

At last count (and granted these are old numbers) Melissa Hart has taken in just a little under $400,000 - $4,000 of which came from a man who just belittled the 9/11 attacks.

As far as I can tell, that's only about 1% of her total, so it can't mean that much. Melissa Hart should do the right thing.

Return the money.


  1. In her last run for congress Horseface took money from Tom Delay. Naah Naaah

  2. Anonymous 8:42 reflects the typical intellect of an Altmire supporter. Interesting dayvoe can't "speak to the veracity" of whether Obama gave Altmire $10,000. Perhaps this link provided in the Post-Gazette Early Returns blog (which is linked to this blog) will help him "verify" this "donation": http://www.capitaleye.org/superdelegates.asp During the 2006 campaign, Altmire was the second largest recipient of contributions and expenditures from Moveon.org in the nation, taking over $447,000. This is the same organization that essentially accused the commander of our ground forces in Iraq of treason in its now infamous General Betrayus ad. Altmire condemned the ad, but do you think he will do the right thing and refuse all future contributions and expenditures from moveon.org? For someone whose superdelegate vote is so easily purchased, don't hold your breath.

  3. 9:26, Hey poopsie, I'm no Altmire supporter I don't even live in his district. But Horseface whines about him taking money from Obama while she took money from Delay, a congressman who resigned to save his ass. Typical republic hypocrit.The last time I looked there were over 4,000 dead in Iraq. That's your answer to General Betrayus

  4. MoveOn.Org rules!
