April 4, 2008

The President Ordered War Crimes

From last night's Countdown:

When you get to 5:00 on the clip you'll hear Jonathan Turley say:
It’s really amazing, Congress, including the Democrats, have avoided any type of investigation into torture because they do not want to deal with the fact that the president ordered war crimes. But, evidence keeps on coming out. The only thing we don’t have is a group picture with a detainee attached to electrical wires."
The president ordered war crimes. When will Congress realize that?


  1. When was the last time an American was hung for war crimes? Could that happen? Do Bush's crimes equal those of Saddams? Just amazing to think we could have such a person in charge here and no one notices.

  2. The military technology the United States is using in Iraq, such as cluster bombs and depleted uranium, may be illegal in itself. Under Article 85 of the Geneva Conventions it is a war crime to launch "an indiscriminate attack affecting the civilian population in the knowledge that such an attack will cause an excessive loss of life or injury to civilians." A UN weapons commission described cluster bombs as "weapons of indiscriminate effects." A reporter for The Mirror (United Kingdom) wrote from a hospital in Hillati, "Among the 168 patients I counted, not one was being treated for bullet wounds. All of them, men, women, children, bore the wounds of bomb shrapnel. It peppered their bodies. Blackened their skin. Smashed heads. Tore limbs. A doctor reported that 'All the injuries you see were caused by cluster bombs' . . . The majority of the victims were children who died because they were outside."

    I'll post the source below.

  3. In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond
    By Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith
    Published by Metropolitan Books

    Authors of the excerpt above.

  4. http://www.counterpunch.org/cloughley03072005.html

    Author says the greatest War Crime is the twisting of our heads by Washington.

  5. "Do Bush's crimes equal those of Saddams?"

    Are you serious? You have got to be kidding me. Saddam Hussein was a genocidal madman who sanctioned the deaths of over a million people. If we play by your rules, what should Dennis Kucinich be charged with for flying over to Damascus to go on Syrian hate television and denounce the US? Treason maybe? What about Nancy Pelosi and her little endeavor over there? Both of them, by the way, met with Bashar Assad, the leader of a country that exports suicide bombers into Iraq and funds, arms, and trains Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Leaders of all three of those groups, including the late Imad Mughniyeh (the mastermind behind attacks that have killed hundreds of Americans) reside, or resided, in Syria.

    I should also add that Kucinich made the decision not to visit U.S. troops during his visit.

  6. Saddam Hussein was a genocidal madman who sanctioned the deaths of over a million people.

    Right. And the question was whether there is any difference between him and Bush.

    Is your point that Saddam wasn't able to kill them in as short a period of time?

  7. All of them, men, women, children, bore the wounds of bomb shrapnel. It peppered their bodies. Blackened their skin. Smashed heads. Tore limbs.

    Bush didn't touch those people, but he is responsible. Did Saddam do all that himself, or did he just order it done?

  8. C.H. said (naming Kucinich and Pelosi)Both of them, by the way, met with Bashar Assad, the leader of a country that exports suicide bombers into Iraq and funds, arms, and trains Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad. Leaders of all three of those groups, including the late Imad Mughniyeh (the mastermind behind attacks that have killed hundreds of Americans) reside, or resided, in Syria.

    Are these the guys Obama wants to take out to dinner for a little talkie?

  9. Be serious this Administration and this Congress could care less about this. The reason for this is the majority of the American people don't give a damn. All they care about is getting a new VISA or Mastercard since they maxed out the other 15.

  10. Look guys, we're going about this the wrong way. No crimes, no torture, no surrender. We just offer these guys a trade. we give them a penthouse instead of a cave, a BMW for the camel, an I-pod for their gun, an Armani suit for a suicide vest. As for virgins? Hell our mddleschools are full of 13 yearolds dieing to get laid. Who would want to blow-up a country lke this. One more thing - they gotta convert to Christianity.

  11. Teaching violent intolerance
    By Suzanne Fields
    April 7, 2008
    'Tis education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined.- Alexander Pope

    This piece by Fields needs to be read. I don't think we will talk our way out of a war with Islam. With the type of curriculum our American kids are getting, we'll be hard-pressed to form a strong millitary: we better have room to run. Our kids are not going to be ready to face these guys. Those kidsare being taught to dedicate their lives to killing us. Our kids are dedicated to sex and money.Please...tell me I'm wrong.
