June 4, 2008

The Endorsements Arrive

From a press release:

“This has been a remarkable, competitive primary process that in the long run will be good for the Democratic Party. It produced millions of new registered voters, and it helped both candidates hone their campaign strategies and improve their prospects for the general election campaign. As a result, Senators Clinton and Obama are both stronger campaigners today than they were at the beginning of the primary season.

“We had two great candidates – both intelligent, articulate, and qualified to be President of the United States. I have tremendous respect and affection for both these candidates.

“I said from the beginning that I’d let all the states have the opportunity to vote and influence the outcome before making my decision. I believed that the most important thing our party could get out of this primary was an open and transparent process that reflected the will of the Democratic voters. I think the Democratic Party has accomplished this, and it’s clear to me that Barack Obama has won this nomination fair and square.

“Senator Obama has secured a majority of pledged delegates and was the choice of the majority of people I’m proud to represent in Pennsylvania’s 14th Congressional District. Consequently, Barack Obama will have my vote in Denver and my enthusiastic support in the general election this fall.

“Both Barack Obama and John McCain are patriots and dedicated public servants, but their policy differences are strong and clear. I believe that Senator Obama would pursue domestic and foreign policies that promote the interests of all Americans, while Senator McCain’s policies would leave us worse off at home and less safe abroad. The American People deserve a full discussion of the policy differences between these two candidates before they cast their votes. I hope that the upcoming presidential campaign will focus on these issues rather than personal attacks and innuendo.”

One down, one to go. What about Congressman Altmire?

The Hill reported Monday:
Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) said he was encouraged on Monday to back Obama now, and while the uncommitted freshman member will not support a candidate until later this week, he expects other lawmakers to endorse on Tuesday.
So we have something to wait for.

I guess.


  1. why is altmire pussy-footing around on this???

    he called in to one of the shows on nova m radio a couple of weeks ago claiming that the party needs to present a united front now, rather than later. so what the hell is he waiting for?

    why would he be trying to curry favor with the clintons?

  2. He's afraid that his district went 70-30 for Clinton and of Missy's "Guns and God" ads.

  3. What a coward! Or is he waiting for June to end?

  4. Jason endorsed yesterday...look at the PG today (Thursday).

  5. Doyle, Altmire backing Obama
