June 3, 2008


MSNBC has just reported that Senator Obama is the presumtive Democratic Nominee.

Obama has enough delegates.

CNN confirms.


  1. McCain gives a dud of a speech. Obama gives one hell of a speech. And it all gets lost because the person Obama defeated cannot concede. What a display of arrogance, classlessness, and "deranged narcissism," to borrow a phrase from Jeffery Toobin, that was. It always has to be about Hillary Clinton. And she has the gal to nix the idea of a female VP other than her. What she and her husband fear most is irrelevance. So I think we should start on that--Montana Senator Jon Tester dropped the name of Gov. Brian Schweitzer as a potential running mate. He would be a good one. After tonight, it's clear that it won't be Hillary Clinton--sore Loser extraordinare.

  2. John K. says: Sen. Clinton did not concede. It is not over. By the way, she took S. Dakota. I thought the left said that was in Obama's camp. Nope it is not over.

  3. Deranged Narcissism. That actually sums it up totally.

    Whatever shred of class the Clintons may have ever had is now entirely gone. Shame? That's never been part of the Clinton equation.

    I lost count last nite of the number of times she said "I" in her speach. I this, I that, I, I, I, I. Its all about her, always has been and always will be, forever and ever, amen.

    The contrast with Obama was never more stark. His speech was flush with you's: "This is your night ... You deserve .... You can be proud."

    Nope. Its not over. It will never be over as long as the Clintons roam the earth. They think they are entitled to a second presidency and they are going to get it no matter what. Small "technicalities" like not winning the nomination be damned.

    The harshest and most sexist criticism I've heard of Hillary is that she turns people off because she's "everybody's ex-wife". You know, that infuriating crature who just can't accept the fact that it's over when it's over. The woman who umpteen years later is still calling and nagging and won't just move on with her life. Still demanding stuff of her ex-spouse. "I want more money. I want more respect. I deserve more consideration. I'm going to make your life miserable if you don't .. If you think you can get rid of me, you've got another thing coming .... I, I, I."

    Well, fair or not..... deserving or not .....That's exactly who she was last night. And she just does not get it, never will.

    Shameful. Shamefull on ALL fronts. Shameful for her to give life to the deranged, narcissistic ex-wife persona that the rest of we women are going to have to live down.

  4. So the mean comments continue. No it is not over. McKane does not speak well or look good, but he can get some things done. I'm going over and I'm going to stop listening to the media. I can think for myself thanks.

  5. I have a slightly different take on Hillary's speech last night. If there's one lesson Hillary learned from being the target of Republican dirty tricks for so many years, it's how to play political hardball. IMO, Hillary's speech last night was the opening salvo in a campaign to ensure that she has a significant role in the fall campaign.

    Obama has the delegates necessary for the nomination but Hillary came n a close second. However the Democratic Party needs Hillary's active participation in the fall election and her supporters' participation at the polls only for Obama to win the Presidency but also to build the majorities in the House and Senate (next to winning the White House, I want the Dems to win 60 seats in the Senate so they can tell the backstabbing Joe Leiberman to go to hell).

    TBOHAP says Hillary's speech as a "display of arroagance, classlessness, and 'deranged narcism'". I beg to differ, it was a display of political power. Politics is ultimately the art of compromise and Hillary is showing that even though she can't win the nomination, she still has a very strong bargaining position.

    FWIW, I don't think this necessarily a bad thing. Despite the fact that I eventually chose to support Barack Obama, I felt Hillary's positions on a number of issues were as strong or stronger than Obama's. For one thing, I think Hillary's healthcare proposal is better and if the political bargaining leading up to the Convention results in Obama adopting some or all of Hillary's healthcare ideas, then I'm all for it.

  6. John K. says: Look at it from the DNC's point of view. Bubba became Prez with only 43% of the vote. He carried a lot of baggage in 1992 and only Perot ensured his election. Obama carries a lot of baggage. How did they vote in the caucus states? No one knows. Many people were shut out from the caucus for various reasons.
    Now the left, it was funny watching Matthes and Russert stepping all over their boy Bubba, are trying to distance themselves from the Clinton's. Can we say Vanity Fair. Yes we can.
    Look at the electoral map. Hillary has a chance against McCain. You lose the Clinton's you lose big. You still lose with the Clinton's but not as big. Obama secured nothing. This is going to be so much fun trashing an ACORN activist lawyer. Oh yes, so much fun.

  7. She blew her chance at the VEEP by not officially calling it a day.

  8. I want the Dems to win 60 seats in the Senate so they can tell the backstabbing Joe Leiberman to go to hell


  9. The Obama camp has given Hillary Clinton every opportunity to exit gracefully - she has refused to do the right thing for the Democratic Party for weeks. Obama and the DNC owe her nothing - throw her overboard - and move on to picking a VP who will help Obama move this country forward.

  10. Wow all this Clinton bashing. It sound like this is a Republican blog from the late 90s. Or maybe they were correct then and now you are finally seeing things without the rose colored spectacles. This couple from Arkansas want power and wealth and they won't let defeat stop them.

  11. John K. says: You want to get rid of the Clinton's? Play to her ego. She wants Obama to offer her the VP slot so she can turn him down and save face. Do you think Hillary, with her ego, is going to go to Podunk, Ill and dedicate some middle school at the behest of Obama. LOL
    And I do so enjoy watching the left trash their girl. All you had to do was reprint the Republican talking points. We conservatives warned you about these two in 1993.

  12. As Ed Rendell said just today, you don't bargain with the presidential nominee, even if your Hillary Clinton and 18 million people voted for you.

    The reaction from a lot of Clinton supporters has been disappointment with their candidate's speech last night.

    McCain's speech was one of the worst political moments I have ever seen and I've been following politics for quite a while. A huge mistake on his part. He should thank the networks for cutting him off.

  13. 'she's "everybody's ex-wife".'

    Damn, and here I am not even knowing that lesbians can legally marry in the US (and therefore divorce)!

    See, while many men don't have an "ex-wife" I don't know a single WOMEN (over half the population) in the US who has one. But let's, by all means, frame entirely from a male point of view. She's everybody's ex wife -- what a fucking bitch! And, of course, it's OK to call a bitch a bitch, right? I mean bros before hos and all. WOO-HOO!

    Save me from the fauxgressives who will excuse ANY AND ALL sexism as long as it's directed towards a candidate other than their own.


    Hope you like it when the Right does it to Michelle Obama or someone you do like becuase YOU will have no right to complain.

    Hope any of you who have daughters explain carefully to them how it's OK to call a bitch a bitch if she acts too bitchy and that they just shouldn't read too much into it or internalize it or anything.

    "That's exactly who she was last night."

    No, who she was last night was a candidate for president who had won half the vote. Whose campaign was every damn bit as historic as Obama's. And, it's completely ahistoric to claim that she was acting any differently than any male candidate when she didn't immediately concede -- cause guess, what? They don't!!! They didn't.

    Hell, Kennedy and Reagan took it to the convention and no one called for them to be "taken to the family vet," "somebody will take her into a room—and only he comes out," be "run over by a flatbed truck," or be a "euthanized Kentucky Derby contender" cause you know someone needs to be the one to "hold her head under water until the thrashing stops."

    And, that was just some of the stuff you could hear on CNN and MSNBC.

  14. from the article Maria linked:
    "It's natural to wonder whether Obama approves of the death-haunted images that surround his opponent like a phalanx of vultures. Surely he doesn't. He is an intelligent, sensitive, enlightened man whose life has been enriched, as he frequently acknowledges, by the presence of strong women, most notably his late mother and his wife. I wish, therefore, that he would publicly condemn the trend of evoking death and destruction when it comes to Clinton. Perhaps, someday, he will."

    Until he does.........

    Some posters here need to realize they are far from being Omama supporters -----you are simply Hilary haters. Unjust jerks!
