August 7, 2008

Do You Really Want THIS GUY

To have his finger on the Nuclear Button?

From Talking Points Memo


  1. Yes, much more than "The One", the appeaser, who has said he would sit "with no preconditions" to talk with terroists (a/k/a camel jockies or Muzzies). If "The One" gets his way, the Terroists will be the ones to have access to nuclear weapons.

  2. Is there any chance KGC understands the meaning of "appeaser" or knows the spelling of "terrorist" or "jockeys?"

    I generally am not persuaded by those who neither understand nor can spell the words they try to use.

    The barely literate appear to dominate the ranks of those still willing to self-identify as conservatives these days.

  3. John K: Infinonymous acting as the grammer nazi again eh? Every blog needs one. It comes complete with a brown shirt and neat little pill box hat also in the color brown.

  4. infinonymous is not alone in that department. i tend to do the same. you see, ignorance SHOULD be pointed out. i know that you would agree.

    but beyond that, the whole tone of his post is really just sad. i feel sorry for a person who truly believes that it is okay to hate someone, simply based on that person's race or religion. unfortunately, this has been the face of america since the beginning of bush's reign as emperor. no wonder so many people around the world look upon this nation with disdain.

    it IS time for a new face. it is time for diplomacy. it is time for everyone to lay down their weapons, and there is no way in hell that they will, as long as someone like mcsame is the next president.

  5. Who does McCain remind you of in some of those clips? I think he sounds like Myron Cope!

  6. You're darned right I hate the Islamic facists/terrorists (spelled correctly this time just for the spelling police)... it wasn't the Amish that were the cause of 9/11..or the first WTC attack.. or terrorist attacks in Israel, Beirut, Bali, and countless other places in the World. I don't hate them because of their religion. I hate them for what they are. The terrorists need to wiped out just like you wipe out roaches.

  7. Paul Krugman had an interesting column in the NYTimes today about a new "Know-Nothing" sort of movement in the Republican party. Republicans know it is irresponsible to drill in the OCS and ANWR, but they find the voters want the government to permit the oil companies to do it anyway. The issue is providing Republicans a much needed boost in the polls. They even have Newt Gingrich hanging around the capitol, threatening to persuade his (former) colleagues to shut down the Congress until the democrats agree to allow drilling.

    I think most of the spelling errors are from fast typing and little attempts at editing. I would probably make just as many spelling errors if I didn’t compose comments in Word. But there also maybe the attempt to sound more like the common man, as opposed to being a latte-sipping, Birkenstock-wearing, tree hugging, Jimmy Carter sweater-wearing liberal. Of course, Jimmy Carter did have Billy Carter, and Billy Beer. Those were the days.

  8. KGC - in Pittsburgh we say the Terrorists need wiped out. Or redded up, or something.

    And I say Amen.

  9. Don't worry, McCain will have Bill Kristol around to tell him when he should and should not press the button. No problems there!

  10. I'm all for eradicating terrorists.

    I'd start with bin Laden. So would the Bush administration, were it up to the job.

    I can distinguish terrorists from the country (or former government)of Iraq. It wasn't the Iraqis, any more than the Amish, who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Inability to recognize logical distinctions is one of the worst features of ignorance.

  11. The snide remark about "spelling police" (arrogance is especially unattractive in the ignorant) earned you this one, KGC:

    Just what level of education did you complete without learning that the plural of "jockey" is "jockeys" rather than "jockies," and without learning that terrorist is spelled with three "r"s?

    Please tell is you did not attend public schools in the United States.

    At a more general level, what causes you to believe that your foreign policy insights are suitable for contribution to public debate? Were you studying international relations while others were wasting their time on spelling?

  12. We have a president who has personally conveyed to us a Trinitarian Father to Son Transfiguration scene of sorts, in which Junior was anointed the war president and told by his heavenly Father to bomb Iraq. Bush's disciples have equated the issuance of divine justice with the execution of U.S. military might, in our cosmological and monumental fight against the "axis of evil" and on the providential "freedom's march."

    But v(b)ile-prejudice-for brains kgc feels he is offering something insightful in spewing out his barely digested talk-radio shit about Obama is a false Messiah.

    I know, Mr. McCain "knows how to win this war".

  13. John K: Krugman thinks the only reason we work is to pay taxes.

  14. John K: Grammer Nazi's are amusing. When someone resorts to correcting other people's grammer it shows they have lost all substance of the discussion. Instead they do a thing and resort to scanning for i's not dotted and T's not crossed. It makes them feel superior and look like arrogant fools to the rest of us.
    So infinonymous, any substance? LOL LOL LOL

  15. so, KGB- all terrorists are the same? really? is it that you hate anyone who inflicts human suffering upon another for the purpose of controlling and intimidating through fear?

    so then i'd expect that you feel the same way about this current administration. they are controlling YOU through fear. they are intimidating the american public through fear.

    ooooooh, the boogie man is gonna' getcha!

    pansy ass babies!

    i have a clue for you. the whole "kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out" mindset doesn't only ring true on your christian side of the fence. it was the motto of the men who flew planes into the towers, the pentagon and the field in PA.

    you are no better than they.

  16. First, KGC is telling an outright lie. He's hyped it up with a lot of rhetoric, but Obama has made his position very clear in regards to Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. And I don't remember hearing a lot of complaining from the wingers when the Bush Administration recently sat down with the Iranians. Frankly, there's probably not much point in responding to someone whose clearly decided that all Arabs/Persians=terrorists.

    Second, this "the One" nonsense, this "Obama is the Anti-Christ" nonsense is pathetic and sad. Now we have RedState selling "anti-christ" merchandise. Classy!

    They know they can't win on the issues, so they're digging up what ever lies and smears they can to trash Obama.

  17. John K: I can't resist. Hussein Obama has found his attorney general if not his VP. Edwards has admitted to having an affair on his wife while she had cancer. LOL First he did a Clinton and lied about it claiming it was the right who had the problem. Now he admits it. LMAO
    He is perfect for you liberals to endorse. He is one of you.
    Now, how will Olbermouth blame all this on Bush. LMAO LMAO Liberals are so much fun to play with.

  18. I don't know if we can judge all conservatives by John K and KGC, but it's surprising that nobody is indignantly jumping to the defense of John McCain for having been portrayed in this video (and by the bloggers who posted it) as a senile old fool.

    Instead we have confirmation that this election is going to be a referendum on Barack Obama -- and that conservatives are perfectly content to put someone of dubious mental faculties in charge of the free world.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised -- all of the available evidence over the past 30 years would indicate this. In fact, you could make the argument that their nominees are degenerating over time.

  19. regarding john edwards... its hugely disappointing to me that he made that mistake and has hurt his family like that. seriously, i am very disappointed.

    i don't believe that he will get a pass from olberman, not at all. and i've already listened to randi rhodes ream him a new asshole so far this afternoon. we hold our own accountable.

    HUGE difference between our side of the radio dial.

  20. Well, my dad is 75,and makes the same kind of mistakes as are on that video. Actually, a lot of the video made no sense in that McCain wasn't making mistakes in many scenes, just saying "that's not the kind of change we can believe in". Anyway, my dad is still sharp as a whip (capable of teaching graduate level mathematics), even if he sometimes mis-speaks. So I wasn't going to comment on the video.

    I tend to think that really bad grammar indicates some problem with being able to form arguments. So I think conservative or liberal commenters who mangle sentences here are kind of lightweights As I tried to say before, I think spelling errors are more just a bit of carelessness in an un-spellchecked format. I would resist the idea or even the merest suggestion that there should be a minimum level of education to comment here. If liberals or conservatives can not persuade or educate either with facts or the clarity of their theories, then they deserve to lose an argument. But I don’t think we should reject someone because we don’t approve of the school they went to. I think the no anonymous commenter policy is enough.

    And also I don’t think its right to equate the Bush administration and terrorism, although I suspect that is not an unpopular view in the Middle East. I will say we well and truly forfeited the moral high ground by engaging in torture. It is heartening that the military tribunal gave such a limited sentence to Hamdan, Bin Laden’s driver. Presumably, after five years, the guards and officials at Guantanamo have an idea of whether he is dangerous, and expressed their opinions to the tribunal. His treatment at trial may start to improve our image abroad.

  21. "...pansy ass babies!"

    Beautifully said.

  22. John K: Yah gotta Love Edwards. He has all the attributes of a well respected liberal. He said he had a huge ego and became full of himself. Duhh, those are qualities necessary to secure the lefty vote. Edwards for VP or Attorney General!
    He also has one more quality necessary to secure lefty love, when confronted with the lie, blame it on the right. LMAO LMAO
    Olbermouth to the rescue!

  23. Note to self...
    Keep the words simple when posting to liberal commies. Like "See Spot." "See Jane run." "F*** off."

    Yes, I have a publik edukashun.. plus 2 BS degrees, an MBA from a Top 10 School, and a CPA. So what if if I can't type.. typing wasn't that thought of when I attended public schuul in the 60s and early 70s.. MS Word helps me when my mind is going faster than my fingers..

    For you liberals, I suspect it's just the reverse.. you fingers outrace your slow minds. Ouch. ("You might want to put some ice on that." Bill Clinton. Your hero.)

    Bram.. I sure we could gloat at any individual in the day and age of constant video/Internet/etc. Yawn. Gaffes will happen.

    Oh, and cathcatz... Wonder what would happen if you took your female body to Muslim countries and tried to be diplomatic? Hmmmm.

  24. Liberal commies???

    What fucking decade are you from? Sure you wouldn't prefer to use Bolsheviks? Reds? I'm just trying to help you out, because clearly anyone that still runs around defining the world with the mentality you exhibit is in need of some.

    Nice try at a quick dismissal of the McCain vid. Not merely gaffes. It's quite troubling when a candidate needs someone to whisper the correct answer in his ear or asks for an aide to remind him what his position on a particular issue is. But a winger hardly has any credibility in an argument about taking things out of context.

    You know what this liberal commie pinko has to say to that? Tough shit. If these images of McCain reinforce the public's concern about his age, deal with it.

    It's also evidence of just how much John McCain has sold-out the John McCain of 2000, the one that swore he would never run a negative campaign after what Rove did to him in the South Carolina primary.

    And, John K., I wouldn't count on getting too much out of the Edwards' affair. I mean, I suppose if you do harp on it we can talk about Republican values, like soliciting sex in a public restroom(Craig and that Fl. state rep), frequenting prostitutes(Vitter) and exhibiting just a pinch of pedophelia(Foley).

    You have noticed that your candidate hasn't said anything about this, right? You do know why, right?

    The right can run with the Edwards affair if they want, but I'll tell you how it will play out if they do - right now the story only exists as a subject of gossip; people like gossip. But there's only one way that the issue of marital infidelity becomes relevant to the campaign - that's by associating it with the candidates. And in that regard, keeping the Edwards affair in the news is probably the surest way to guarantee that McCain is asked a lot of uncomfortable questions about his first marriage.

    He already has a past where he abandoned his first wife for carousing with younger women. The media's lazy(you and I both know that) and they won't bother digging when there's a story ready to go with one of the candidates. Too bad it's yours.

  25. is not "business graduate education" an oxymoron...or is kgc just another moron addicted to oxycotin, like his friend Rush?

  26. "Jovkeys" or "jpckeys" is a typographical error. "Jockies" is the mark of an illiterate, particularly in a sentence twice featuring "terroists," and its use does not reflect typing skill. (Here is another bit of advice: Make your cover stories plausible.) Your subsequent and sarcastic use of poor spelling might have been humorous had the issue not been raised originally by your lack of familiarity with standard English; in this circumstance, however, it marks you as one who accepts accurate criticism badly and doesn't mind drawing attention to his ignorance.

    You may have the degrees you claim to have earned, KGC. (Sectarian schools, legacy admissions, declining academic standards, etc.) But you do not possess much of an education.

    For that reason, "keep the words simple" appears to be a sensible policy for you to stick with.

    I'd stick with relatively simple concepts, too.
