August 8, 2008

I Guess I Gotta

From ABC News:

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he loved only his wife, Elizabeth.

"Two years ago I made a very serious mistake," Edwards said, blaming the prominence of being a vice presidential candidate. "All of which fed a self-focus, an egotism, a narcissism that leads you to believe that you can do whatever you want," he said.

And his statement (if you want to read it).

The child, a baby girl named Frances, was born February 27 of this year (and in the spirit of full though unecessary disclosure, my brother's birthday is February 28. He was born early in the Kennedy administration and has no connection to John Edwards, Reille Hunter or her child).

Counting the months, that means conception occurred in early June, 2007. John Edwards, by the way, was in town a month or so later. Something, out of context and coincidental, stands out in from that. In discussing poverty, Senator Edwards quoted Martin Luther King:
A time comes when silence is betrayal.
Lotsa folks feel betrayed.Johnny Mac is one:
Man, he is so toast.
A little pissed too, it seems. Later he writes:

I bought into his populist message. He seemed like the real deal to me. Again, not casting aspersions on adulterers. Some of our best presidents have been adulterers. And some of our worst, including the worst ever, apparently, have not been.

But just don't start wetting your dipstick at the beginning of the process, risking EVERYTHING (like the future of the country if we don't take the White House back).

Agreed. Granted he never seemed to crawl out of third place in the primaries, but imagine if he did. Imagine if Obama flared out early and the race was between Senator Clinton and Senator Edwards - and Edwards won.

All else being the same, we'd now be looking at 4 more hears of Republican misrule. 4 more years of non-existent oversight on White House illegalities, 4 more years of conservative judicial activism, 4 more years of upwardly mobile republican wealth redistribution and so on. Just because John Edwards couldn't keep it in his pants.

As McIntire said, idiot.

Via Crooks and Liars, some other reactions.Atrios:
The public: Edwards was a fucking idiot for running for president, and betrayed a lot of his supporters by doing so.
Fire Dog Lake:

But Edwards did play the family card quite heavily during his campaign, and if he'd gotten the nomination, the Democrats would be sunk right now and we'd be looking at four years of John McCain. So on that count, I'm profoundly grateful that he didn't get it. He was risking a lot for all of us by doing this stuff and running at the same time. It was incredibly stupid.

What more can you say?

Go Obama.

Earlier this evening at the dailykos, Elizabeth Edwards published a statement of her own:

Our family has been through a lot. Some caused by nature, some caused by human weakness, and some – most recently – caused by the desire for sensationalism and profit without any regard for the human consequences. None of these has been easy. But we have stood with one another through them all. Although John believes he should stand alone and take the consequences of his action now, when the door closes behind him, he has his family waiting for him.

John made a terrible mistake in 2006. The fact that it is a mistake that many others have made before him did not make it any easier for me to hear when he told me what he had done. But he did tell me. And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well. Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private.

The pain of the long journey since 2006 was about to be renewed.

John has spoken in a long on-camera interview I hope you watch. Admitting one’s mistakes is a hard thing for anyone to do, and I am proud of the courage John showed by his honesty in the face of shame. The toll on our family of news helicopters over our house and reporters in our driveway is yet unknown. But now the truth is out, and the repair work that began in 2006 will continue. I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.

Privacy for the Edwards family seems in order.

We'll be happy to discuss John McCain's first wife (how that marriage ended and how quickly he remarried), the (separate) illegitimate children of J.C. Watts and Dan Burton, Rush Limbaugh's multiple marriages and addictions and so on if the topic of "Democrat values" rears its ugly head any time soon.


  1. Yeah, I suppose you do have to mention this.

    But, yes, you are correct that this is a personal matter for the Edwards's.

    He's not running for office, he's not going to be on the ticket and he's not going to be in an Obama administration. It has absolutely no bearing on the current campaign.

  2. i think it should be a matter for the people involved.

    what i find just reprehensible is that the man ran for the presidency hoping that no one would find this out.he exposed us all to 4 more years of republicans destrying our way of life.

    i would have never printed the story because of his wife, unless he was still running. even then, i would have approached him privately, even if it meant not getting a big scoop. i just couldn't do that to someone battling cancer.

  3. I agree, Sherry. Well said.

    I've thought about this "issue" a little more and considering where we've seen the Republicans go in the last few weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the talk hosts and such try to make it relevant to the election.

    I don't see Republican leaders touching this story at all; they know about McCain's first marriage. But the only way you can make it relevant to this election is by relating the matter of marital infidelity to the candidates, so if wingers do try that I expect it to backfire significantly, mainly in the form of McCain having to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions about his first marriage(after all, he's the one with a past in this regard; not Obama).

    If wingers are smart(for the sake of argument), they'll let this story be. If wingers behave as they so often do by exhibiting a complete inability to keep their mean and juvenile temperment in check, then raising the question of marital infidelity will only cause problems for McCain.

  4. Remember that time when Edwards commented on Hillary's clothing choice during a debate?

    Does that just mean he wanted to tell her he wouldn't have an affair with her, too?

  5. While I liked Edwards' attention to the poor and his populist stances, I could never really warm up to the guy and could never really put my finger on why. One thing I knew that made me feel a bit creepy about him was his statement that he was uncomfortable around gays. Not only don't I get that in this day and age, I really didn't get his need to say it. It seems especially grotesque to me now that he had concerns about others' sex lives while he was having his own underground affair.

    What a jerk.

  6. Privacy for the Edwards family seems in order.

    We'll be happy to discuss John McCain's first wife (how that marriage ended and how quickly he remarried), the (separate) illegitimate children of J.C. Watts and Dan Burton, Rush Limbaugh's multiple marriages and addictions and so on if the topic of "Democrat values" rears its ugly head any time soon.

    Wow, progressive are such hypocrites.
    When Edwards, Spitzer and McGreevey got caught cheating, you scream we should respect their privacy and their sex lives are none of own business.
    And in the same breath we dig up the sex lives of Mccain, Watts, Burton and Limbaugh.
    BTW, you forgot Vitter and Obama's former senate opponent Jack Ryan.
    However progressives supported digging through Jack Ryan's divorce records and cared nothing about privacy.

  7. John K: Edwards now has all the qualifications for VP or Attorney General. He is a perfect fit for the Democrats. Give him a prime time speaking spot at the convention.
    And the best part of this, the MSNBC crowd, Mitchell for one, knew about this and kept silent. Well we can't run with rumours from National Enquirer can we? Except when they apply to Limbaugh or Larry Craig. LMAO LMAO
    Edwards is the perfect candidate for the Demcrats. And you feel betrayed. Get real.

  8. John K: Oddly enough it does have a bearing on the campaign. Edwards was still angling for a VP slot or Attorney General. And he required both Hussein Obama and Hillary to make journeys to his NC home to beg for his delegates and support.
    But like I said, he is now the perfect Democrat candidate.
    A proven liar and cheat. LOL LOL

  9. from elizebeth edwards.

    Fri Aug 08, 2008 at 04:40:51 PM PDT
    Our family has been through a lot. Some caused by nature, some caused by human weakness, and some – most recently – caused by the desire for sensationalism and profit without any regard for the human consequences. None of these has been easy. But we have stood with one another through them all. Although John believes he should stand alone and take the consequences of his action now, when the door closes behind him, he has his family waiting for him.

    John made a terrible mistake in 2006. The fact that it is a mistake that many others have made before him did not make it any easier for me to hear when he told me what he had done. But he did tell me. And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well. Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private.

    The pain of the long journey since 2006 was about to be renewed.

    John has spoken in a long on-camera interview I hope you watch. Admitting one’s mistakes is a hard thing for anyone to do, and I am proud of the courage John showed by his honesty in the face of shame. The toll on our family of news helicopters over our house and reporters in our driveway is yet unknown. But now the truth is out, and the repair work that began in 2006 will continue. I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.

    by the way, he told her of the affair in 06. i fault him for even thinking of running for president BUT for decency's sake leave this classy, and terrific woman alone now.

  10. The personal failings and tragedy are, as in all cases of this type, distinct from the public aspects. At least Edwards' shaming comes while he (unlike Clinton or Vitter, for example) is a former public official.

    I fault Edwards for jeopardizing his party, disserving his country and betraying his supporters by running for president with this huge time bomb strapped to his back.

    I fault Mrs. Edwards for being complicit in such reckless conduct. Every time she endorsed his candidacy, or raised a dollar for him, she acted dishonorably.

    Edwards' days as a leader likely, and understandably so, are over. He and his wife could begin to redeem themselves by working to advance the worthy principals they espoused. I hope they do.

  11. principles (although I suppose some worthy principals might have been involved somewhere along the campaign trail, too)

  12. John K: Now what prinicples do the Democrats have? Sen. Clinton lied to enhance her 'war' resume. To which you left wingers said yah okay. Then her hubby played the race card and you lefties said yah okay. So why wouldn't you say yah okay to Edwards. After all you forgave Clinton and keep telling us how great he is.
    What we have are Democratic candidates for President who are proven liars.
    Edwards for Attorney General. LOL LOL LOL That'll show those Republicans.

  13. John K: Edwards has one principle. To his huge egotistic, narcissistic personality. Which you left wingers were glad to feed. The left wing press knew about this in the fall 2006 and did squat.
    You left wingers are ready to go to press whenever Bush stumbles over a sentence or some dirt comes out on O'Reilly but hid the truth from the voting public for your own gain.
    Guess what lefties, you lost North Carolina. LOL LOL LOL LMAO
    Rack a state up in the McCain column.

  14. Please continue to direct attention to the issue of marital fidelity, John, at least until the end of this presidential campaign.

    I'm sure Senator Obama would be grateful. Senator McCain, not so much.

    Boy, am I glad you chose the other side.

  15. "The left wing press knew about this in the fall 2006 and did squat." John K, you can prove this? If not, then you are the liar.

  16. John K: Sure I can prove this Ed Heath. And when I do you will look like your usual fool. Just watch a tape of Andrea Mitchell on Hardball last night. LOL LOL LOL LMAO and then go read it on LMAO Ed, Ed, Ed, you are amusing and fun to play with.

  17. Oh, Heir...stop playing the idiot!

    Dayvoe mentioned those because it's a pretty safe bet that winger nuts, such as yourself, will try to make an issue out of Edwards' fair.

    The hypocrisy is all on your side, friend. You know how you wingers are always raving on and on about values and morality? And then we get a Larry Craig soliciting sex in a men's room or David Vitter frequenting prostitutes or Mark Foley cruising on the Internet for kids...

  18. Well, I couldn't get a tape of Andrea Mitchell from Hardball last night off the MSNBC site (funny you didn't link to it) nor did I see anything in the politico story I scanned (again, no link). I did see somewhere as I bounced around the National Enquirer has apparently been carrying this story since October 10, 2007. Also New York gossip columnists have been carrying it. I guess everybody who is not Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly is a member of the left wing media..
