September 1, 2008

Amy Goodman and Two Democracy Now! Producers Unlawfully Arrested At the RNC

From Huffington Post:
Goodman was arrested along with Democracy Now producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. As of 9:15 PM EST, the Ramsey County jail has charged Goodman with "conspiracy to riot" and released her, but is still detaining Kouddous and Salazar. No charges have been pressed against them.

Laurie, the phone operator at the County Jail says she "hopes charges will be presented within the hour." As of right now, Kouddous and Salazar are being held without charges.

Mayor Chris Coleman can be contacted at: 651-266-8510 or e-mailed at:
Governor Tim Pawlenty can be reached at: (651) 296-3391 or e-mailed at
Ramsey County Jail: 651-266-9350

Goodman being arrested

Protesters being tear-gassed by the police

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More at Democracy Now


  1. I actually called two hours ago and the woman answering said Amy had been released...of course, she was speaking for the "man" so she could have been lying. Democracy Now's page hasn't said anything.

  2. Sorry, should have read your piece more carefully. I will now call on behalf of the producers...

  3. John K: Is that like the ABC reporter the liberal thugs had arrested for filming corporate money people going into receptions for Hussein Obama? Of course it is not. Here's you left wing kooks rioting while the rest of the country was focused on Gustav. Liberals will riot and destroy property just for the fun of it.

  4. John K: I can't believe someone used the expression, "the man". LOL LOL LOL LMAO..The Man is out to get you. LOL LOL Stop watching Cheech and Chong and go to rehab.

  5. John K: I was wondering. When you left wing kooks riot, why don't you riot in your own neighborhoods? Why do you always destroy other people's property? Have you ever thought of throwing rocks through your own windows and then allowing the rioters to loot your stuff. Nah, I am talking way over your head. What about it Philip. Where do you live so the rioters can do to you what they do to other people. Surely, you won't mind.
