September 2, 2008

More On Sarah Palin

I won't be discussing pregnancies or children or State Troopers or Ted Stevens. The blog posting is about the Alaskan Independence Party and Sarah Palin's involvement with it.

According to Jake Tapper:
Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.
From their website:

The Alaskan Independence Party can be summed up in just two words:


From the Telegraph:

News of Mrs Palin's former membership comes as the latest in a string of potentially embarrassing disclosures about her past.

The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto, "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan: "Country First."

It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources. It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.

Yea -they vetted her. Another example of the McCain campaign's complete incompetance.

Again a thought experiment. Imagine if Barack Obama had been a member of a political party that had a sucessionist platform - it wouldn't matter if he'd left the fringe ouusjrwparty (as Palin did in 1996), His patriotism would be questioned every minute of every day from here to the election.

Who's questioning this Republican's patriotism? ALASKA FIRST!


  1. John K: Keep posting. This is great stuff. You are painting Palin as Mrs. Smith goes to Washington.

  2. John K: Hussein Obama has the William Ayers assocation. Ayers advocated the violent overthrow of the Govt. So to answer your question, Hussein Obama is still a member of a group advocating the overthrow of the Govt. Doesn't seem to bother the left. LMAO LMAO Keep posting. You need to check facts beyond the Daily Kos which is now becoming a national joke.

  3. Ah, John, I think you just jumped the shark with that comment, moron!

    There's a big difference between being a member of a political organization that advocates succession and working on a public policy board(Annenberg) with a person who was once a member of a radical group.

    But I'll humor you.

    Would you mind telling us what that group is that Obama STILL belongs to?

    Of course, he belongs to no such group; never has. John K. has no recourse but to engage in the same smears and lies that he has the audacity to accuse others of. Typical hypocrite.

    John K., do you even know the name of the group that Ayers was a member of back in the late 60's and early 70's?

    Liar, liar, John K.'s on fire!

  4. And the national joke is that McCain expects Americans to think he is of sound mind and judgement when he makes a pick like Palin.

    Remember, John K....she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it.

  5. Looks like John K's mommy and daddy may have done a wee bit too much smoking when they were expecting. This is about the stupidest spin I've seen yet, and the wingtards have come up with some shockingly stupid spin to try to paper this one over.

    "Mr. Smith?" Jefferson Davis, maybe.
