September 4, 2008

Palin's Speech, Part II

Gov. Sarah Palin last night on how a McCain-Palin ticket would help the working and middle class with the faltering economy:


  1. Can't help but notice that the Dow is down about 345, near the close.

    I can't help but think that at least some of that reflects Wall St. fears of a McCain-Palin win in November.

  2. ouFor conservatives knocking community organizers, I'd just like to point out:

    Jesus was a community organizer; Pontius Pilate was a governor.

    I was unimpressed w/ Palin. Very angry, very partisan for the first major speech she's ever give.

    Actually, if one word described the GOP convention it's "angry."

    Saw some focus groups on her speech - Republicans love Palin; indies were turned off more than Democrats; women were really turned off.

    Palin has proven she fits in w/ Republicans - she lies with ease, she has no record to run on, she's just a Bush wanna-be.

    Short-term - She helps McCain w/ the base but if he needs help w/ them, he's got more problems than are obvious.

    Long-term - Just like Karl Rove said, Palin's selection was about politics, not about governing. There simply is no long-term career for Sarah Palin in national politics.

    Too angry, too partisan, bitter - that about sums up the GOP convention.

  3. The Dow is down because the dollar strengthened against the Euro (or conversly, the Euro has weakened against the dollar). Oil & Nasdaq are down as well.

  4. Actually, it's retail and unemployment numbers. If the dollar did indeed strengthen against the euro, then it isn't due to anything the US economy did, but rather weakening in the Eurozone.

  5. I did qualify my post with "at least some." I did not mean to imply that the full drop was due to McCain/Palin.

    I stand by that. "More of the Same" will not help the economy, and with it, the markets.

  6. I'd like to be a community organizer.. sounds like a great career move. I'm already President of my Company (and that's a FACT, btw)... maybe, I could be President of the US if I had 2 years of "community organization" experience and then go to Law School.

    Where do I go to apply? What does the job pay? What are the benefits? What communities need organized? Any place close to the shore where the weather is warm?

  7. John K: I keep telling you attacking Palin is a loser for the left. 40 million people watched Palin as opposed to 37.2 for Obama. And the Republicans did not even have a free rock concert to go along with it. When you put a winning team on the field, the fans show up without the need of a rock band.
