September 4, 2008


Focus groups of Michigan independents and female Nevada Clinton supporters were less than impressed with Gov. Sarah Palin's performance last night.

And while I know this is completely anecdotal, I polled two people I know on Palin today. Both watched her speech. Both are Democratic females age 70+ who really liked Hillary Clinton and who said that while they wouldn't vote for McCain, they couldn't vote for Obama.

They are not classic PUMAs -- I doubt they even know what that term means -- but they are super voters who said they'd likely bag the election this year.

So what did they think of Palin?

She scares the hell out of them.

They are now both voting for Barack Obama.



  1. It appears that two of the polled "independents" are members of code pink.
    Don't Look Now: ABC Pushing Plants

    Maria, you should have picked up on this as your blog partner David is a self-proclaimed "independent".


  2. marie,

    You should post a discussion on this RNC video at the convention:

  3. You know, McCain could have crossed the aisle by going with his first choice for VP - it would have backed up all his talk.

    He could have went with Lieberman, the guy he really wanted to pick - but McCain was too afraid of his own party.

  4. John K: Well I am making progress. If Olbermouth had run that same two people poll it would have been reported that no one was voting for McCain and left it at that. If the Daily Kos picks that up it will be reported that no one in the Pittsburgh region supports McCain. So, my efforts to extract usable information from the left is paying off.

  5. John K: Yah he could have went with Lieberman. LOL LOL LOL LMAO That is funny. That is once again the left upset because McCain is not running his campaign according to their outline. Like you would have voted for McCain if he had picked Lieberman. LMAO LMAO Palin is the one!

  6. What the fuck is a PUMA? Sounds like an octogenrian cougar to me.
    Hussien John K proves, relentlessly, that he is mentally challenged. Hmmm, that's the wrong term because challenged suggests that the malidy can be overcome.
    But he is obviously a child. How difficult is it to say the opposite of a strong opinion followed with: LMAO LMAO LOL LOL!
    And, to further his delusion of intelligence, he searches the web for counterpoints to 2PJ, ineffectively plaigerizing.
    Do I know Hussein John K or what? LOL LOL LOL

  7. John K: Someone who doesn't know who PUMA is, is trying to insult me. LOL LOL LOL LOL Oh please vote for Obama. He needs all those type of voters he can muster. Also, in the future, please refer to me by my screen name. Its Hussein Obama. LMAO

  8. John K: Yep 40 million watched Palin speak as opposed to 37.2 mil for Hussein Obama. And Obama had a rock band.

  9. Hey the feminist nuts at Shakesville linked to this post.
    Looks like a addendum was added to the ABC link.
    * Please note that two of the "independents" the Free Press interviewed appear to be anti-war activists, thus not particularly predisposed to have an open mind about Gov. Palin. I had quoted one of them, but have removed her comments.

    Media independents

    I called up the Free Press to ask how these left-wing activists were labeled independents. Assistant managing editor Randy Essex told me that in addition to selecting some panelists from a poll, "some people here in the newsroom gave an administrative person some names to put this together."

    When asked if the Code Pink activists got on the panel upon the suggestion of people in the newsroom, Essex replied: "I don't know where those particular people came from." He told me a reader alerted him earlier today about the Code Pink members on the panel.

    But Essex, who said he was busy working on deadline, did not answer questions about how the Free Press would rectify the situation. "We're working on it," he said, and then hung up.

  10. John K: Palin should scare the left. She is a pro life feminist. She has done all the stuff that the feminists said could not be done without the support of liberals. So, feminists who sold their future out to liberals for a shot at the prize, and then what, Hussein Obama sends Hillary back to her desk. Along comes Palin, a Republican, who gets a spot on the ticket. Palin should scare the liberalism right out of the feminist and their men who want to be feminists.

  11. Sarah Palin was able to accomplish the things she did because of what women before her did. The women who ran for Congress and governor in the 1970's blazed the trail for women like Sarah Palin.

    Of course, Margaret Thatcher was a woman and a conservative. I don't believe she had any interest in feminism. It seems like she got where she did by being tougher and smarter than most everyone else. She shepherded the UK through the Falklands War and the early part of the first Gulf War (at one point, telling George H.W. "this is no time to go all wobbly"). Palin ... well, pales by comparison.

  12. Palin is just doing what she BELIEVES is right. The republicans are fine with that because it keeps the Dems focus partly off McCain.
    The repubs are fighting a very dirty election in the guise of conservative values.
    Why do you think the price of Middle East controlled crude is going down? It makes Bush look better and gains borderline democratic votes.
    Remember, Bush has tried to be a player in the oil industry for over 30 years.
    They want to DRILL DRILL DRILL!!!
    For what reason? To balance the 3% of crude we buy from the Middle East?
    Oh BTW, Palin, in regards to Obama wanting to end the war in Iraq, called it a war against evil. And implied that Obama wishes to negotiate with evil.
    Additionally, the representative for the Rep Convention said that Obama wants to raise taxes on the lower & middle class.
    He is, in a clever way, correct. Here's how:
    McCain said that Rich/Wealthy starts at $5 million/year.
    So, by using that benchmark, anyone making say $500k - $4.9m (middle class), will be taxed, under Obama, as middle class.

  13. Let's not feed into the Palin soap opera. It is the only hope for the otherwise listless McCain campaign, and Rove realizes this.

    She is a pilot episode or two, ready for cancellation. Let it die on its own.

  14. John K: You left wing kooks are looking like fools. Hussein Obama has admitted that the surge in Iraq has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Not my wildest dreams but beyond yours. We won, Obama admitted it, thank goodness, and now you lefties look like idiots. I backed the right guy. LOL LOL LOL LMAO Wonder if this will make the Daily Kos LMAO I WIN BIG!

  15. Hussein John K states, once again: " "

  16. The Republican convention was angry and vapid.

    Cult of personality? The only thing I heard was McCain's personal story. And he entered the stage...crowned by a halo of blue light.

    The economy? Nothing.

    Foreing policy? Nothing.

    Issues in general? Nothing.

    Just anger, meanspiritedness and fluff.

  17. McCain looked really tired, too.

    But here's a sign of how good it's going for Republicans: you've adopted your opponent's message.

    In short, McCain is trying to sound like Obama.

    Never a sign of strength.

  18. John K: McCain was encased in a light blue halo of light. Ahh how sweet it looked. And it must have worked. The left is upset. LMAO Hussein Obama saying the surge worked. Lefties trying to jump on the band wagon of success. LMAO

  19. McCain's intro-video was political messianism pure and simple.

    "The Stars are aligned"..."perhaps it was not his time to die"...the Holy Saturday "descent into hell"..."is serving not his own will..but that of his country"(sounds like fascism)..."he will renew America".

    Oh the utter hypocrisy of the angry and resentful Right.

  20. Hate to threadjack, but isn't anyone going to protest Oliver North's speaking engagement at the megachurch in Sewickley tomorrow evening?

  21. johnk: The Surge Worked. In Iraq, a land that is not vital to Queda.

    To get the troop increases that made it a "Surge," troops were diverted from Afghanistan. That's a land that is vital to Queda, in case you forgot.

    The Taliban has recovered, and can mount surprisingly large scale attacks on US and NATO bases in Afghanistan. Queda dominates the Tribal Regions of Pakistan, and, with political turmoil in that country, they have been able to operate freely. We struck them, in Pakistan, this past week, but that's not enough.

    Irony of Ironies: By drawing off troops from Afghanistan, you could say that Queda is "fighting them (US troops)over there(Iraq), so that they don't have to fight them at home (The Afghan-Pakistan border region).

    What do you say, johnk?

  22. A few posts back, Dayvoe brags about Obama's audience who tuned in to watch his speech. He even said that he couldn't wait to see how many people watch McCain's speech.

    Well, apparently, McCain attracted an even bigger audience than Obama...will you guys do a blog post on this?

  23. John K: Some of you lefties cannot admit the truth. Even if it is uttered by your own candidate or supported by actual numbers. Hussein Obama said the surge worked. Face it, you wanted defeat and in the face of reality you along with Obama have to deal with reality. And then the numbers on who watched what clearly favor the McCain/Palin camp. You're backing losers.

  24. johnk,

    Nice non-answer. Just keep repeating "The Surge Worked."

    Now, define what you mean when you say that "The Surge Worked."

    And, if Queda has established extensive training bases in Pakistan & Afghanistan, and their Taliban allies have control of the Afghan countryside, because of a lack of US troops in Afghanistan, was it worth it?

  25. Wow, thank you Hussein John K for clearing my head. I had no idea that backing losers is a negative thing.
    Well coming from you, anything is possible, seeing how they haven't lost the election because it hasn't even happened yet.
    Oh, I'm not trying to insult you. You're just a waste of timespace, a fart in the wind.
    BTW, watch the repeat of Friday's The Daily Show. It's shows how McCains views have changed completely from 2 years ago (eg. pro Roe vs. Wade to plans on overturning it). And shows that his acceptance speech is nearly verbatim of Bush's.
    Hey Hussein John K., what are your small town values? Fishing & straight marraiges?
    I got my America Hat on.

  26. !ALERT!
    Tropical Storm Palin is hitting middle America!
    Duck & Cover.

  27. I wonder, do you think Palin looks like my avatar?
    (I should ask McCain & Abel.)

  28. John McCain just said he wants to end partisan rancor. George W Bush said the same thing in 2000. Did Bush do it?

    John McCain was an actual naval aviator. Bush was an Air Force Reverve pilot (as a dodge to avoid Vietnam) and landed a plane (supposedly) on a carrier to declare "mission accomplished" on May 1st, 2003. He declared an end to major combat operations then, and the Iraqis (who Cheney famously said would greet us as liberators) proceeded to melt down in an insurgency (read: rebellion) for the last five and a half years.

    John McCain wants to change Washington. Mitt Rommney says the change will take the form of getting all the liberals out of Washington and changing it into a conservative town. What does he think Bush and Cheney have done since January 2001? They succeeded so well, having a majority in both the House and the Senate for at least four years that in 2006 the American People returned Democratic majorities to both the House and the Senate.

    Of course, the people did not give enough of a Democratic majority to the Senate. The Republicans, who before 2006 whined that the Democrats weren't agreeing to the appointment of every single federal judge nominated by George Bush no matter how unqualified, set a record (back in December) for the number of votes they have blocked in the Senate.

    John McCain wants to help the little people of this nation, but one of his chief economic advisers is Phill Gramm. Gram's philosophy, and McCain's (to the extent he expresses one) is to deregulate further. We may remember that the present mortgage crisis is largely the result of under-regulated mortgages sold to people who did not understand them, and then sold from banks (which had violated regulations) to investments houses as financial instruments, despite the fact the investment industry is not regulated to serve as the holder of mortgages. The upshot is that McCain wants to replicate the foreclosure crisis all across the economy.

    McCain wants to help the little people, but the Republicans spent a lot time Wednesday night ridiculing Barack Obama for having been a “Community Organizer”. That was when Obama ran a non-profit association of churches, trying to help unemployed steelworkers (the same union Todd Palin belongs to) find jobs.

    As Barack Obama put it (and this could apply to some commenters here) “It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant”.

  29. John K: Define the surge worked. Gladly. Chicago had double the death rate as all of Iraq over the same summer month period. Chicago had 123. So much for community activist Hussein Obama and his ACORN movement. LOL So left wing kooks, with all the corruption in Chicago and the murder rate skyrocketing, think we should surrender and pull out of Chicago? LMAO LMAO LOL LOL How dumb are left wing kooks? Really dumb. They walk into it every time. Barak Hussein Obama credited the surge for success against the war on terror in Iraq. You backed a loser.

  30. John K: Don't you just love those community activists from Chicago like Hussein Obama and his ACORN people. Associate them with Bill Ayers and you have liberal heaven. 123 murders in Chicago. Oh yah!

  31. Fart-in-the-Wind John K. make me LOL. Keep pushing your idiocy.
    "LMAO LMAO LOL LOL How dumb are left wing kooks? Really dumb." LOL

    Say something else now. LOL

  32. BTW, Kook is a Yiddish surname.

  33. When you say Chicago had double the death rate as all of Iraq, are you talking about Iraqi's who died, John K.?

  34. John K: You lefties need to hope Obama gets elected. You should pray but you don't believe in God so that is out. Huge Hussein Obama supporter, Kwame Kilpatrick, former Mayor of Detroit LOL LOL is headed for jail. Just think liberal heaven. A murder rate in Chicago twice that of Iraq and the Mayor of Detroit headed for the slammer. Their connection. Its all connected directly to Hussein Obama. LMAO LMAO And Obama said the surge in Iraq worked. Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi sought medical help immediately after the statement by the way. LMAO OH YAH!

  35. The murder rate among 140,000 Americans (in Iraq) is half that of a city of 2,800,000? So the rate of official death in combat for Americans in Iraq is 1 in 1000, and the rate of murder for Chicago's residents is 1 in 10,000. These are the odds you are laughing at?

    Personally I don't laugh at murder, no matter where it occurs. Are you proud of appearing ignorant?

  36. Oh don't get fart-in-the-Wind-JohnK wrong, he is ignorant.
    2PJ is just one of a long list of places Fart-in-the-Wind-JohnK tries to draw negative attention.
    Fart-in-the-Wind-JohnK will never be married, procreate, or contibute positively to society in any way.
    Sucks to be him.

  37. johnk,

    Do you have a source for your "murder rate" claim?

  38. Bob, the "kook" in Hussein JohnK's comment refers to the slur that is derived from "cuckoo". But yes, the Kook name refers to the family of rabbis involved in the early days of Israel (and is Yiddish for "look").

  39. John K: Obama said it, the surge worked. And Chicago has the murder it has. No amount of statistic manuevering can change that. Face it left wing kook, Hussein Obama is a loser.

  40. johnk,

    So, in other words, I just have to take your word for it on the murder rates?

    Thought so.

  41. Oh John K.'s numbers for the murder rates are accurate, as far as he goes. He doesn't give the total rate of casulties for the country of Iraq (because only Americans matter). The surge is supposed to be making the country safer, but John K. only cares about Amercian solidiers.
