September 6, 2008

Quinn and Rose. Again

Media Matters is reporting some more drivel from The War Room:
On his syndicated radio show, Jim Quinn referred to the National Organization for Women as "the National Organization for Whores," and said of Philadelphia Daily News columnist Fatimah Ali: "[Y]ou know, Fatimah, what's your real name? Come on, seriously. I mean, get an American name, will you, if you want to be an American." He then asked: "You don't suppose she's a liberal black Muslim, do you?"
Here's more of what Jim Quinn said:
The Democrat [sic] Party is now the "Alinsky Party." Yesterday, I said, I wonder how long it's going to be before one of these Alinskyites -- formerly known as Democrats -- one of these Alinskyites out there suggests that Sarah Palin is not really a woman. Remember Kay Bailey Hutchison was a female impersonator, according to the National Organization for Whores? Remember that? Well, James Lewis, American Thinker: "is Sarah Palin really a woman?"
NOW said that Kay Bailey Hutchinson was a female impersonator?  Really? When?

Actually it was Gloria Steimen who said that.  In 1993.  Here's what she said:
Having someone who looks like us but thinks like them is worse than having no one.
Hey, I get it, it was a metaphor!  I wonder how Jim Quinn got something so easy so wrong.

Anyway, this line has been around for years.  Take a look at this from CNN from 2000:
[LAURA] INGRAHAM:I actually don't have an abortion discussion in the book because it actually doesn't fall into what -- which I really believe to be the Hillary trap, except it is part of the general liberal idea about government, which the global sisterhood believes that true women, real women should ascribe to. You should be pro- choice, you should be anti-gun you should be pro-big government. Because NOW was the same group that called Kay Bailey Hutchison a female impersonator.

[PATRICIA] IRELAND: No, no, no, that was Gloria Steinem, who is not...

INGRAHAM: Gloria Steinem, OK.

IRELAND: ... National Organization for Women. I know we all look alike, Laura.
Unfortunately I have no idea exactly what the missing word (or words) that ellipsis stands for. It's obvious, however, that Patricia Ireland (who at the time was President of NOW) was distancing the organization from Gloria Steinem.  In any event, it was a correction that Laura Ingraham accepted.

But take a look at the context of Quinn's paragraph.  He wondered how long "these Alinskyites" (this a reference to "community organizer" Saul Alinsky) will question whether Sarah Palin is indeed not a female.  Then he sites this article from The American Thinker, written by James Lewis.

Has anyone told Quinn that The American Thinker is a conservative magazine?  James Lewis is a conservative.  Any question, read this.  

Anyway, take a look at Lewis' article.  It's satire.

The Lewis article DOES mention one blog post that poses Steinem's metaphor - kind of.  Again the metaphor is obvious:
Not only is Sarah Palin not a feminist, she is as anti-woman as Bush and McCain combined. That is the reason why McCain picked her; not because she is a woman and he wanted to be underhanded (which he totally did,) but because she’s a Republican, conservative man who just happens to be in a woman’s body.
That's it.  That's the source of all of this.  Amazing, isn't it?

So 15 years after the Steinem/Hutchinson line, a blog called Mentrual Poetry uses a similar metaphor to criticize Sarah Palin and then Jim Quinn calls the National Organization for Women the National Organization for Whores.

How much you wanna bet he doesn't think it's a metaphor?


  1. Funny question: do you think when Quinn said "Alinskyites", he really meant JOOOOOOOOS? That would be really funny, considering that not only do the Republicans need to court Jews, but also keep use of their dog-whistle anti-Semitism? Just a guess, considering how it's well-known that our nature is to be a subversive people ;)

  2. John K: And, Sherry called Palin trailor park trash. Jim Quinn said it well. NOW has sold its sole to liberalism and do not represent women at all. NOW lost all credibility in attacking the women Clinton raped. Quinn is still on the radio and Cullen is where? LMAO LMAO

  3. i never did, you said that i was.

    that doesn't bother me one bit.

    i doubt if you or quinn know what a metaphor is.

    i haven't time right now for you john.

    as for palin, she's a republican. you can't get much worse than THAT in this election.

  4. John K: NOW sold its soul to liberalism and after years of defending Clinton and his trists find they are right back to where they started. Quinn called it right. The left used feminists, just like they used C. Sheehan and just like the prostitute, send them home packing after they were done. Anyone seen Sheehan lately. MSNBC tire of her? LMAO

  5. John K--

    Do you ever leave your mom's basement? Seriously, get outside and get some fresh air.
