October 10, 2008

"canned food and shotguns"

And, this has made its way into my inbox:



  1. (h/t to Ed for the Gremlins reference.)

  2. John K: The sign should say: Restore confidence in the markets. Demand the resignation of Barney Frank, Dodd and Schumer NOW!

  3. John K: As a sidebar I see the Allegheny County District Attorney is going to launch an investigation into ACORN and local voter fraud. You left wingers thought we were going to take this laying down eh?

  4. I just read David Brooks today. (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/10/opinion/10brooks.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin) Now I see why John K. dislikes him.

  5. What is it with rethuglicans and ACORN? Can't you get it around your head that ACORN is the VICTIM of fraud, not the perpetrator of it. Some (certainly not all) of those hired to register voters try to pad their lists in order to get paid more from ACORN. Now lets say on a cdertain registrars list, there are 20 fradulant entrys. How do you go about translating those names into votes? Say someone got my name out of the phone book, and submitted it. They'd find I was already registered! Lets say they fradulantly listed someone not already registered...you think that person, who was registered without knowing is going to magically go vote?

  6. Thanks for pointing that out, Froth.

    I'm still wondering how johnk, et al, think that "qwerty" will be able to vote. If the address is fraudulent, there's no place to send the Voter ID card to. Then, of course, there's the problem of coming up with any sort of ID that has "qwerty's" name on it.

    Again, as OlFroth has pointed out: The fraud is being perpetrated against ACORN, not by them.

  7. from my perch here in gateway, i witnessed a throng of steelworkers with signs and chants, heading over to the convention center for the anti-palin rally.

    it should be fun!

    maybe i'll see some of you there!


  8. My wife was among those Steelworkers. You tell 'em, Hon!

  9. I was there from 3:15 to 5:30 but I forgot my camera.

  10. John K: Left wingers are always victims. LOL LOL Acorn wasn't registering Republicans. Democrats love those fake voters. And Kimber's job on election day, as well as froth, is to make sure Jive Turkey gets to as many polling places as he can. After all, he is a victim. LOL LOL LMAO Froth you are amusing. LOL

  11. John K: Brooks is not a conservative. Brooks is the liberal version of what they want conservatives to be. Ain't that special. LOL

  12. John K: Don't yah love steel workers. They go on strike and the union thugs destroy property and threaten the safety of other folks who are not cooperating with them. When challenged they reply well boys will be boys and besides there is a lot of tension they have to let off. It appears that Kimber fully understand how to use threats and violence to manipulate the situation.

  13. Back about twenty years ago, a few years after I had graduated, I hadn't bothered to change my registration from Ohio to Pennsylvania, and skipped an election or two. I was approached at the Shady Avenue by a person who was registering voters. Might have been ACORN or any other sort of group. I registered Republican because at the time I was annoyed that Pittsburgh didn't seem to have an opposition party. Whomever it was processed my registration, and until maybe ten, twelve years ago I was a registered Republican. In fact, when I got a job a few times as a poll worker, I was the minority (party) judge at the polling place.

    You know, even John McCain has called for his supporters to speak of Obama with respect. But John K. keeps making vague insinuations and showing no respect. If you want to call the author's of this blog or other commenters on less than respectful behavior, that is your right. If you want to laugh at liberals, you should do it where you won’t be seen as rude, such as over at Braden’s blog (the flip side of this one). Of just watch Dennis Miller.

    On the other hand, you make Jim Quinn sound like a Phi Beta Kappa.
