October 15, 2008

Debate Open Thread if you want it

Discuss amongst yourselves...


  1. McCain kinda scored with Joe the Plumber.Obama did not want to say a plumber could make over 250,000.

    On energy, CNN's independent voters like McCain. But how is he going to build 40 nuclear power plants with a spending freeze. How will he force private companies to build plants if they haven't already?

  2. John does NOT like Barry in the slightest. It seemed like every time Obama was speaking in the last half of the debate that McCain's eye was gonna pop out of his head. Instead of monitoring undecided voters, I think CNN should have a monitor for McCain's BP. I mean, if looks could've killed, Obama would be a pile of ashes right now! Barry, OTOH, was his usual calm self. All in all, I don't think much has changed. Worse case is that there'll be no change in the polls from this.

  3. I think McCain questioning the "health" of the mother was a pretty revealing moment.

    It really seems that McCain is playing to his base, which is very strange considering we're three weeks away from the election and one would expect a campaign to have its party's core supporters on board. That McCain sounds more like the wingers who frequent here is a strong indication of his desperation.

    But, again, McCain didn't do what he needed to do tonight. The fundamental dynamics of this race have not changed.

  4. "health"

    Yeah, that deserves its own post.

    What a fucking asshole.
