October 16, 2008

McCain puts health of women in air quotes

Cynical PIG:

From Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards:

"Tonight, John McCain showed he doesn't care about women's health when he described protecting "the health of the woman" as "extreme." John McCain doesn't seem to understand that women's health matters. He blatantly showed that he doesn't trust women to decide what is in the best interest of their own health. Barack Obama, on the other hand, stood up for women's health."
(h/t to Huffington Post.)


Joshua said...

And the PUMAs complain that Obama doesn't care about women's issues...

Well, the snap polls have settled it: the PUMA just does not exist (just look at the party breakdown on CNN's poll, and you can see Obama cleaning up among registered Dems and Independents).

David said...

From Time's live blog.:

Um, Sen. McCain, women don't like it when you put "health of the mother" in air quotes.

'Nuff said.

cathcatz said...

yeah, this one's gonna come back to bite him in the ass.

i hope.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

that was so upsetting to me and i hope millions of others.

easy for mccain to say.

now i hope those women with hurt feelings will see just what mccain will do to women.

it's just the start if he gets in.

and to mccain:

"pailin is NOT a role model to me or my daughter!"

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

I wish Mccain would explained the "health of the mother" exception loophole better and went for the jugular with Obama and his pro-abortion supported.

The "health of the mother" exception is just a way to
According to the courts, the "health of the mother" exception includes mental health.

So all the abortion mill has do is have a psychiatrist claim the woman would be depressed if she did not have the abortion and they can bypass any abortion law with the "health of the mother" exception.

cathcatz said...

who in the hell is PRO ABORTION?


its just a ridiculous way of characterizing the issue. it's beneath the candidates to inflame the conversation in that way.

Maria said...

"According to the courts, the "health of the mother" exception includes mental health"

And, it includes physical health and McCain doesn't give a damn about that.

And, no *I* don't have a problem that it includes mental health but McCain and apparently you have a problem that women can have the rights of other citizens to protect their own damn health.

I am sooooooooooooooo sick of this.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

... women can have the rights of other citizens to protect their own damn health.
Unless the citizen has not yet exited the uterus, then the baby/fetus/parasite does not have the right to his/her own damn health.
Or according to Obama, got out of the uterus as a result of a failed abortion.

In your view, does protecting your own damn health include refusing medial care and treating ailments with holistic/quack science?

Maria said...

It's which country you are BORN in that determines citizenship, no?

grettle said...

Abortion? 9 out of 10 babies identfed with Down Syndrom are being aborted. Have you ever experienced one of these kids? they are the most joyful kids I have ever seen, They love their lives. Each day is filled with laughter and appreciation of all that surrounds them. They make me sing!
We have the most effective birth control ever. There is nothing but laziness and a disregard for life that would lead a woman to termnate a child's entrance into exstence.

Maria said...

Seriously, how extreme, hateful or willfully ignorant do you have to be not to even acknowledge that there are actual health reasons for a woman to have an abortion? That there are women who develop cancer during pregnancy or a heart condition. That there are women who face risks of stroke, paralysis or death. And yet you deny this and state that, "There is nothing but laziness and a disregard for life that would lead a woman to termnate a child's entrance into exstence."