Showing posts with label Blogroll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogroll. Show all posts

July 27, 2009

Blogroll Update

As always, I add blogs to our blogroll for my convienence -- to make it easier for me to get to blogs that I want to read. (Of course, I add blogs at Dayvoe's request too.)

Here are some new additions. While not overtly political, they often touch on politics.

"Racialicious is a blog about the intersection of race and pop culture."

Sociological Images
"Sociological Images: Seeing is Believing is designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry."

"Vannevar Bush described the Internet in 1945. What Would Vannevar Blog now?"

June 19, 2009

Blogroll Update

We've added some fine local blogs. (Yes, pa2010 isn't really Burgh-local but who knows when I'll ever get around to adding a list of PA blogs like I've been meaning to do for years. And, pa2010 has an excellent PA blogroll. It would be even better if they added The Pittsburgh Comet.)
  • Declarations of Pride

  • Infinonymous

  • My Tabloids - Satire on the Mon

  • pa2010

  • Peaks and Gutters
  • April 17, 2009

    Blogroll Update

    These blogs have been added to 2pj's local political blogroll:

  • after the bridge (Because Sherry now blogs about politics as much as she blogs about poetry and because as someone put it "Sherry is at the epicenter of the 'Burghosphere")

  • Pgh is a City

  • Pop City

  • The Huddler

  • The Radical Middle (Chad Hermann's P-G gig)

  • thoughts on government...and other stuff (Another Schultz blog)

  • View from the Burghchair


  • December 31, 2008

    Housekeeping for 2009

    Hopefully, you've noticed that we changed our header. We've had George W. Bush at the top in one form or another since day one of this blog. He's loomed over this blog as he's loomed over the world (reigning down destruction and failure). But he'll be gone in 19 long days so it's time to say:

    Good riddance to bad rubbish

    We've also updated our blogroll. In addition to putting some blog links out to pasture under the heading "Retired Local Blogs" we've also added a few:

    414 Grant Street

    CP's Slag Heap

    (On the off chance you don't know; the "CP" is both for City Paper and Chris Potter.)

    Gab Bonesso

    The Bag of Health and Politics
    (Been meaning to add this for ages.)

    The Blog of Burgher Jon



    (I'm sure they'll keep tabs on Obama.)


    Glenn Greenwald

    James Wolcott

    (But only because I once served jury duty with his wife, Laura Jacobs, and we were sequestered. OK, I'm kidding about the "only" part.)


    NOTE: As always, additions to the blogroll are based on making my life easier in getting to what I want to read.
    I'd like to also take this space to link to some recent funny local postings around the Burghosphere that you may have missed:
  • Lady Elaine's 12 Days of Pittsburgh Christmas at View From The Burghchair

  • Anthony's 2009 Predictions at Tunesmith & Anthony

  • Pretty much everything The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat has written for the last three days. (Mayor's Office Reopens After "Santa Incident", "Open Season" Declared on Feral Municipalities, New Years Resolutions, and Pittsburgh City Council Greenlights New "Webisodes")
  • And, maybe the best national blog post of the year:

    The House That Jack Built
    by Stirling Newberry at The Agonist

    I'll close this post with M.I.A.'s Paper Planes video. Even though it came out in 2007, it pretty much sums up the McCain/Palin Campaign's underlying theme:

    Fear "The Other" (Undercover Terrorist Immigrant)


    December 28, 2007

    We've been remiss!

    Two blogs that we've been meaning to add to our blogroll:

    Reform Pittsburgh Now
    City Councilman Bill Peduto's blog. We understand that he will be posting a special three-part series on the budget and the five year trend starting next week.

    Teacher. Wordsmith. Madman.
    Not only a great read, but as Chad's also one of those Carbolic guys, we have to blogroll him as we understand that as a fellow Pgh blogger we are under some sort of contractual agreement to help them in their efforts towards world domination of all media.

    August 29, 2007

    Blogroll Update

    The Rusted View

    Null Space*

    Early Returns**

    * Now I no longer need to go there from a link at The Burgh Report.

    ** I apologize to everyone for the redesign of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's website (Pittsburgh WOW! or Now or whatever).

    Obviously the new design was nothing but a ploy to get 2pj to blogroll their Early Returns blog. The P-G knew that if they went from having me simply click on "Elections" on the upper right corner of their old home page which led to a big link for Early Returns and instead made me hover over something called "Multimedia" then maneuver to "Blogs" then scroll way down to a link to Early Returns that I'd be forced to just blogroll ER.

    Seriously, P-G, wouldn't it make sense to cross-promote your blogs under major categories to which they logically belong? Like a link to Early Returns under "Politics"? Perhaps this is just an oversight . . . or maybe you really want to keep all your blogs in some sort of blog ghetto . . .

    June 5, 2007

    Blogroll Update!

    Some additions and some corrections:

    Cognitive Dissonance in Pittsburgh and Beyond
    We should have added Ed's blog a long time ago, but I kept forgetting. We appreciate his thoughtful comments here as well as his own posts on his blog.

    Delano's Den

    Jon Delano has moved his digs from a spot at KDKA to his own blog complete with 'talkcasts' and a version of his email newsletters to his "Politically Savvy Friends."

    Pittsburgh Hoagie
    Yes, I've given Matt H some well deserved grief over the past few months, but I see that he is still blogging after the primary election -- I wasn't certain that he would -- so while I disagree with him 90% of the time, I accept that he has something to say (it's just wrong).

    The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society

    Dayvoe beat me to the punch by blogging about this here. I plan on using the space there to blog about women's issues that might not always fit 2 Political Junkies' wholly political format. I may occasionally crosspost items of interest to this blog when relevant.

    I've also finally updated the links to Shakesville (the blog formerly known as Shakespeare's Sister) and Pam's House Blend -- two of my favorite non Pittsburgh blogs.
