October 7, 2008

House News

Via Talking Points Memo:

A new round of SurveyUSA polls, commissioned by Roll Call, suggests that Democrats are poised to sweep those House races this year that are competitive rematches from 2006.

Some of these races are Democratic gains from 2006, in which candidates defeated Republican incumbents or picked up open seats. Some of them were Republican retentions that year, where the incumbents fended off challengers who are trying again this year. In all seven of these case, the Democrats are winning
PA-04: Freshman Rep. Jason Altmire (D) defeated GOP Rep. Melissa Hart in an upset in 2006, and Hart is trying for a comeback. The new poll: Altmire 54%, Hart 42%.
That's 12 points. Gee. That's alot. Especially since he won in 2006 by only 4 percentage points.

By the way, Melissa Hart had an interesting plan for dealing with Congressman Altmire's two NO votes on the Wall Street bailout. Altmire said, before the first vote, that his constituent calls were 30-1 against the bailout. (He voted no when the bailout was first voted down in the House.) Between the two votes, there was this from the New York Times:
Mr. Altmire said many of his constituents were outraged that tax dollars would be put at risk to stabilize financial firms run by wealthy executives. He said he had not yet decided whether to switch his vote to yes when the House votes again on Friday, though he does support a provision added by the Senate to increase to $250,000 the limit for bank deposits that are federally insured.

His Republican opponent, Melissa Hart, whom Mr. Altmire beat by 4 percentage points two years ago, said she would criticize his stance on the bailout either way — if he remains opposed he is pandering to voters in a tough election year; if he switches his vote, he is flipping to help pass a bad plan. [emphasis added]

He voted against the bailout the second time as well. So if Missy accuses him of pandering, we'll know why.


  1. I think it's fairly certain that we are watching the end (thankfully, and for the second time...) of Ms. Hart's political career. There is little chance that she'll be able to make up that sort of deficit in the next month. She has nothing new to offer, which is why she lost in the first place.

    At the moment, Altmire is running a scathing negative which ties her and Bush to the "let's invest your SS money in the stock market" concept. It is perfectly on target. By comparison, I have yet to see a Hart spot on the air. That's not to say they aren't running.....but....time is running out....

    Of course, she DID run an ad last January, which has to have been the biggest waste of money ever.... That move was probably meant to drive revenue for her trusted media advisor....rather than do anything to actually help her campaign. Go figure. Maybe it's that sort of fiscal decision which has permanently put her on the sidelines....


  2. Well, I'm not in Altmire's district, so it hardly matters to me. I think it probably would have been better to vote for the bailout, although there is no guarantee it will work.

    But Melissa Hart telling a reporter how she will criticize Altmire on both sides of an issue? She is basically admitting she has no economic philosophy, she is just opposed to Altmire, in all respects.

  3. I was polled last night on the Altmire/Hart race. I'm guessing that it was an Altmire Campaign internal poll.

    More to the point: Missy is one of the worst campaigners that I've ever seen. Two years ago, when she fianlly seemed to wake up to the fact that she was in trouble, I saw her shaking hands in the Murrysville McDonalds. She was clearly uncomfortable "pressing the flesh."

    It's amazing that, in 2002, she was seen as a rising star, nationally, in the GOP.

  4. John K: Wooow sidebar here. Jerome Corsi went to Kenya to look up some info on Hussein Obama's bro and he got arrested by the Kenyan police. And they escorted him with guns. Oh my! I suppose Hussein Obama called up his buds and said put the finger on this guy. Think I am wrong, check the AP wire and the tapes of Quinn on this morning's show. LOL LOL Olbermouth thinks he can dig up dirt. LMAO

  5. Six years ago, Melissa Hart (despite her lack of substance) was universally promoted by Republicans as a rising star in the "permanent majority."

    Today, most Republicans ignore her (because they recognize that she was a talentless hack), and even committed kooks like John K. rush to change the subject when she is mentioned.

    Melissa Hart embodies the right-wingers' trajectory.

    Enjoy the political wilderness, wingnuts. When the sensible Republicans have shed the extremists -- the neocon ideologues, the religious nuts -- and want to take another stab at contributing to our society, their place at the table will be waiting.

  6. I have always had Google alerts for my US and State Representatives to keep up with what they are doing. Every day I get alerts for something Jason Altmire did such as health care for children, making sure our troops have what they need both at home and abroad, helping small businesses, defending hunter’s rights and so on. It is amazing what he has done in such a short time.

    When Melissa Hart was in office, I rarely got an alert that she did anything. Most of the alerts were about the actress Melissa Joan Hart, a college professor in Colorado or a journalist in San Francisco. If you ask her supporters what she accomplished in office and why she should be sent back to congress you get some bizarre Palin-like response.

  7. John K: This Altmire thing doesn't bother me as a conservative a bit. First off he ain't going to be a Senator. Matthews will take him out. He ain't going to be Gov. Onorato will take him out. And 2nd he votes with Bush. He voted to fund the war, supports the troops and even voted against the bailout along with Murphy and English. This guy is okay with me. Problem is he makes you left wingers look like hypocrites. He doesn't back squat on items that you support. So I thank Soros for funding this campaign. You left wingers are being had. LOL LOL Not that you would know. LOL LOL

  8. More whistling past the graveyard, eh, johnk?

    (Funny that you don't seem to mention polls anymore.)

  9. John K: LMAO This time I am on the floor. Limbaugh played the SNL skit that slams you left wing kooks in this subprime mortgage mess. Man, did SNL nail it. LOL LOL LOL Then you left wingers complained, so NBC took it off their website. Not to fear, you can watch it at Limbaugh's website. It is just so much fun mocking lefties and laughing at you. You guys really screwed up this housing market. SNL yah buddy! LOL

  10. i've met altmire and hart.

    i am in his district and get the updates. he seems like a very good guy and he has done a lot of good things so far.

    i've sat and watched hart plaster on a smile before going to shake hands.

    her voting record is just awful.

    why would anyone want to give her a second chance?

  11. John K: To Kimber, LOL LOL vote for Altmire, he is the best friend a Republican President has in the House. Zogby, Hussein Obama 47% McCain 45% likely voters. Of course some of those likely voters are registered as Democrats with names like Jive Turkey, Dick Tracey and Lola Palooza. LOL LOL So Kimber LMAO post some more so I can mock you. LOL

  12. johnk, when you start backing up your posts with sources that aren't just whatever you heard today on the radio, I'll start taking you seriously.

    Until then, mock away.

  13. John K: KImber LOL LOL You are such a doof. Zogby, who is the only guy who got it right in 2004. LMAO Kimber give up you are now officially out of your league. Go to Starbucks and read the messages on the coffee cups. LMAO Back myself up, Zogby, LOL LOL

  14. John K: And the names for the registered voters comes directly from the scroll on both CNN and FOX. They registered and voted in Ohio. Now Kimber you have one job on Nov 4th. To get Jive Turkey to the polls as many times as you can. LMAO

  15. Hmmm.....johnk....Great source: What you say that you saw on TV.

    Like I said,...When you come up with actual sources, I'll take you seriously.

  16. And if the Democrats do not sweep those House races?
    I predict that just like in 2004 progressives will scream that Republicans fixed the elections and will point to these polls as proof.

  17. I predict:

    As soon as the results are in, the cons will bitterly complain about "MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD!"

    It's always "massive." It's never "a little voter fraud." Or even "significant voter fraud." Voter fraud is only "massive," and "MVF" is the culprit in every election won by any and every Democrat since Woodrow Wilson, as far as Republicans are concerned.

  18. As soon as the results are in, the cons will bitterly complain about "MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD!"
    Yes, the cons did that in 2006 when the democrats won congress.
    Unlike the Progressive still complain about the "stolen" 2004 election.
    "OHIO - In the 2nd home of Stolen Elections, Billary wins, respectable but not overwhelming."

  19. Altmire is going to win his seat again. Hopefully this will officially put Ms. Hart and her Bush loving self away.

  20. "I suppose Hussein Obama called up his buds and said put the finger on this guy."

    Your crazy.

  21. I was at a public hearing concerning the North Park lake when Hart was still on the public dime. She wanted me to keep an eye on half a dozen protesters because she was worried that they would KEY HER CAR! I told her to rest assured, nothing would happen, because there was no way for them to know which car was hers unless she TOLD them. Anyway, the protesters were, as I expected, no problem whatsoever. Yeah, Hart had to hear them chant when she went into the hearing, but that was it.

    I ran into her a couple of moonths ago at Costco...always figured her to be a Sam's Club type.
