October 6, 2008

Pennsylvania's GOP Joins The Smear Party

Via Talking Points Memo, we find this at Attytood (one of the better blogs on the eastern part of the Commonwealth).  9:29 this evening Will Bunch recieved what he calls "the sleaziest press release" he's ever seen.

Go read it.  It's enlightening to say the least.

Bunch ends things with this:
Seriously, this is the kind of crap that people usually put on people's car windshields at 3 in the morning, unsigned in crude block letters. The fact that the Republican Party of Pennsylvania would put this out on its official letterhead is truly a rock bottom moment in American politics. It makes me wonder what the Republican Party has to hide if they are this desperate to try to cling to power at all costs to their dignity and humanity.
But wait it gets better. Bunch has a coda of sorts:
There's one final ironic twist in all of this.

John McCain's Pennsylvania co-chairman? He's a convicted felon. You can look it up.
Classy guys. Just classy!


  1. John K: Two truisms about politics. Liberals love to whine and they hate it when their own tactics are used against them. Dayvoe, need some cheese with that whine. It goes so well with that liberal elite lifestyle. LOL LOL

  2. John K: Yes I did Sherry. You just don't like how I addressed them. Just like I said, you left wingers hate it when the Republicans do exactly what you do. Can we say voter fraud in Ohio caused by ACORN. LOL LOL LOL Don't yah just hate that Sherry when I throw it back into your face. LMAO

  3. John K: I'll go to the store and send you left wingers some cheese. It'll go well with your Starbucks coffee. LOL

  4. Has Obama ever shown any sign that he was influenced by Ayers? Has Obama ever advocated violence against the system?
