October 7, 2008

McCain Calls Obama "That One"

God! He really just hates Obama so much he can't hide it.


  1. I was careful to look, and McCain rarely looked at Obama, and never said his name.By contrast, Obama looked at McCain during McCain's response, almost leaning forward, usually with a smile. McCain did smile some during Obama's answers, but the camera also caught him making faces a couple of times. What, are we in the fifth grade?

  2. John K: Not from my point of view. Hussein Obama looked like a kid sitting in 4th grade. One of those South Park kids who hates it when someone else gets to talk. LMAO Everyone bike to work Ed. Turn Pittsburgh into Beijing. LOL

  3. It is amazing that McCain can't seem to bear to look at his opponent, a Senate colleague, in debate. Obama looked good, though. Did a better job in that format than McCain did, really.

    Keep whistling, johnk. Keep whistling. Act like you don't even notice that graveyard.

  4. i saw that it was very telling and dismissive and rude.

  5. Actually, I think McCain might have said Obama's name when he talked about Obama and his cronies.

    John K., I think it is your goal to turn Pittsburgh into Beijing, or some other Chinese city, and turn the US into China, yeah? The permanent Republican majority, like the one party rule in China. No unions, all the workers making just enough to keep working, but only the rich have the SUV's. Workers riding bicycles because that is all they can afford. Lots of coal fired power plants, powering sweat shops making cheap goods to sell to the rest of the world. And the rich just getting richer. All the while the politicians keeping the masses in line by telling them what to think. Your fantasy United States, right John K? After all, it is the Republicans who talk about a permanent majority, not the Democrats.

  6. John K: Ed Heath get real. This bail out bill has an earmark for your bike lobby. No earmarks for any of my lobbies. And if you hadn't noticed, Beijing used to be full of people on bicycles till the started making money. Now they are driving cars. LOL LOL

  7. Get real yourself, John K. I am not a member of any lobby (I have no idea about you). But you're right, the rich people who live in Beijing are all driving to work, while the poor workers still ride bikes or take a bus. Lot's of new cars, one party rule, lots of new pollution from coal fired power plants. It's the ultimate fantasy for those who want a permanent Republican majority.

    Let's not forget they torture their prisoners. Betcha find the idea of living in country where you have no rights exciting.

  8. John K: Oh I don't know there Ed. Hussein Obama had Jerome Corsi arrested in Kenya for researching a story on Hussein Obama's roots. LMAO LMAO That bike lobby is one powerful group eh Ed?

  9. Yes, the bike lobby used it's international connections to convey Hussein Obama's message to the Kenyan government.

    You bring up a topic, actually you make a random and generally stupid accusation, and then you bounce around making other random and stupid accusations. You give conservatives a bad name. Not that other conservatives seem to need much help. McCain’s proposal last night to buy up troubled mortgages sounds like a) a duplication of the current “rescue” plan, b) a massive giveaway to banks and investment brokerages, since they own the mortgages now and McCain seemed to be saying they would get full price for the bad mortgages and c) a massive giveaway to homeowners who recently bought houses, since the mortgages would then be re-negotiated at favorable terms to the homeowners (negative equity would be eliminated). Only the tax payers would suffer, and our children when we saddle them with this massive debt (Iraq war, tax cuts undercutting revenue, out of control spending from Republican Congresses and the bursting of a housing bubble that the Republican government failed to act to prevent). McCain may not be as stupid as Bush appears to be, but you couldn’t tell it from his economic proposals.
