October 7, 2008

Quinn and Rose Smear Obama. Again

I just stumbled across the story at MediaMatters.org.

Guess what's coming out of The War Room.  They're trying to resurrect the claim that Senator Obama's birth certificate is a fake.

MediaMatters has the whole giggle-inducing story:
On the October 3 broadcast of The War Room, Jim Quinn and Rose Tennent hosted Philip J. Berg to discuss his lawsuit, which baselessly alleges that Sen. Barack Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen. During the interview, Quinn, Tennent, and Berg each repeated the discredited charge that Obama has not released an authentic birth certificate establishing that he was born in the United States, and therefore could be ineligible to run for president.
Ok.  Let's debunk this one - again.  The reliably conservative news source World Net Daily wrote more than a month ago:
However, FactChecker.org says it obtained Obama's actual birth certificate and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. FactChecker.org also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.

A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there. [emphasis added.]
Doesn't Jim Quinn read the right-wing news sites?


  1. That's just sad.

    They simply have nothing to offer so their back to salivating over insane conspiracy theories and absurd rumors.

    It' no surprise - this is the same crowd that accused Hillary of having Vince Foster killed, believed the UN was training a secret Chinese army to take over the country and thought David Koresh should have been allowed to molest young girls in the name of Jesus.

    But if this is all they've got, if they're resorting to recycling old rumors that have been debunked, I feel pretty good about Obama and the Democrats' chances on 11/4.

  2. John K: Don't you just hate it when someone tells the truth about your candidate eh jaywillie. Makes you grind your teeth. Hussein Obama had Jerome Corsi arrested in Kenya at gunpoint. Ahhh don't yah just love this guy.

  3. quinn was a fool in the 60's and he hasn't changed anything except his workplace.

  4. John K: Quinn is still on the radio. Syndicated no less. And the voice of liberal talk radio is where, sitting at home unemployed. Probably whining to herself. LMAO LMAO LOL LOL LOL Replaced by a total business news format. LOL LOL
