November 6, 2008

Can We Get A Comment From Jack Kelly?

About this:

Please note which news source this is. Carl Cameron reports that the McCain folks told him that Sarah Palin did not know that Africa was a continent (she thought it was a country) and didn't know which countries were signatories to NAFTA (namely these THREE: USA, Canada and Mexico).

Given that Jack Kelly was Sarah Palin's biggest fan at the P-G, I wonder if he has a comment now about Governor Palin's obvious (and this is from Fox, remember) lack of general political knowledge.

Anything Jack?


  1. Any chance these anonymous McCain staffers would come forward and state this is true on the reocrd.
    Since you believe anonymous sources.
    How about the ones who say that Obama is still smoking, doing coke and cheating on his wife.

  2. heir,

    You're right. Carl Cameron is a notorious tool of the librul media.

  3. I fully expect J-K's next column to include the latest wingnut talking points:

    1) Obama's victory wasn't a "mandate" (even though he won by greater margin than W did in 2004--a victory the wingnuts were quick to call a "mandate")

    2) The country is "still politically center-right". Even though the country overwhelmingly voted for a center-left politician.

    and of course:

    3) The "librul media" was "in the tank" for Obama.

    Extra points awarded if J-K manages to include the "John McCain is not a real conservative" meme.

  4. Did I say anything Carl Cameron?
    Nice attempt to "Change" the subject.
    BTW, Carl Cameron claims Palin came out in Bathrobe.
    Newsweek says just a towel.
    One night, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her. After a minute, Palin sailed into the room wearing nothing but a towel, with another on her wet hair.
    Maybe they should get the story straight.
    But I will adopt your standard and believe all rumors about Obama are true.

  5. The country is "still politically center-right". Even though the country overwhelmingly voted for a center-left politician.
    Here is a Obama supporter who disagrees with you.
    Every time we have an election, the partisans confuse the fact that the independents disliked the opposition candidate, with the idea that the independents joined their party.
    But I say that the Democrats should go for it.
    Bring back the Assault Weapons ban, close Gitmo and release the prisoners into the US.

  6. Oh, Heir is confusing himself.

    Anonymous sources? The source is your beloved Fox News, Heir.

  7. heir,

    I thought the "smoking, doing coke, and cheating on his wife" rumors were about GW.

  8. Heir, to address your first qestion, I'm sure the McCain staffers want to work again someday, and it would be career suicide to go on the record with these charges. But you are right, we can't really regard these charges as much more than gossip.

    Do you have a MSM source for you annonyous sources that say that Obama is still smoking, doing coke and cheating on his wife? I wouldn't be surprised if the first was true, I have to say.

  9. Offhand, I'm probably inclined to believe these reports, but that doesn't change the fact that McCain's people (and most likely, McCain himself) did a 180 on Sarah Palin the moment after polls closed and started tarring and feathering her. It doesn't seem very classy, and to her credit, Palin doesn't seem at all interested in taking the bait and snapping back.
