November 5, 2008


Worldwide newspaper front pages here.

Photos from around the world here.

Juan Williams Gets Teary on FOX.

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is overcome.


Thousands Gather In Pittsburgh's
Oakland Neighborhood Following Obama Victory
WPXI raw video



  1. OK 2PJ, what are you going to do now?

  2. It's reminiscent of Return of the Jedi after the evil empire is destroyed and all the worlds rejoice.
    And I don't want to hear any black person blaming 'the white man' anymore!

  3. 2PJ will still be miserable in 2 years, 4 years when they and all the obama supporters realize obama is not going to pay for their gas or their mortgage and many, many obama voters will still be poor and stupid. (Oh, I intentially referred to obama as obama with lower-case o and will continue to do so.)

    Bob, anything things you, I and other anti-obama supporters say probably will be labeled racist. Bank on it.

  4. bob,

    Something tells me that you "[didn't] want to hear any black person blaming 'the white man'" before, either.


    That "lower case" thing...That's a bold, bold, statement there, pal. Wow. Talk about a poor loser.

  5. Well, republicans certainly weren't going to pay for my gas, either.
    But they were planning to stay in the real estate business. To bad they lost, they could've made another fortune.
    I support Obama and my IQ is 149. I don't go around saying 'yeh' and Joe Six Pack. Nor do I believe a maverick that finished bottom of his class is a good thing for a US president.

  6. Bob, are you stupid? This blog still has a job, and that's to toss Opie out on his ass next year. When's the mayoral primary (not that I'm voting in it, I'm registered to vote in Florida)?

  7. maverick that finished bottom of his class is a good thing for a US president.
    Since you believe class rankings are important in determining the President, when are we going to see Obama's transcripts?

  8. John K: Hey, how long do I have to wait till Obama starts paying my mortgage and filling my gas tank? Dayvoe, you got a timeline on that? LOL This is going to be so much fun.

  9. Bob, I think you're all right. Butthen I'm a dead English guy, so I wouldn't put too much stock in my opinion.

    We'll put John K in charge of the real estate business. He is obviously a business genius, and will turn the Real Estate Market around in no time. Or if he can't, at least he will keep up cheered up with his infectious laugh. lol.

  10. John K: You left wing kooks think I am poor. So if trickle up works when do I get my money from Obama? Dayvoe you got a timeline on that? LOL LOL Where is my money?

  11. John K: Ed Heath, how about those Republicans rioting eh? I wore out a pair of wingtips running up and down the street trying to find something to loot. The best I could do was steal a cup of starbucks from someone. LOL LMAO Man this is going to be so much fun.

  12. No, KGC, you're just juvenile and petty. Sore loser, much?

    And, John K., it just ain't working.

    In case you haven't noticed, YOU LOST BIG TIME!

    Who gives a fuck what you have to say? Mouth off all you want, kiddo!

    Hey, wingers! KEEP FREAKING OUT, because you are making my day so much more enjoyable.

    And just a tip for you winger clowns - you've underestimated Obama every step of the way.

    You threw every vile, disgusting attack you had at him and he beat them all back. HE BEAT YOU SOUNDLY. And none of you wingers have anything left that he can't handle, so...


    P.S. John K., KGC-


  13. Hey John K. and KGC -

    What happened to your girl, Sarah Palin?

    I thought the country loved her. I though she was going to make a difference. Wasn't she supposed to bring women to the ticket?

    Wasn't she supposed to bring in Clinton supporters? I mean, you guys were so sure you were going to divided Clinton and Obama supporters - what happened???

    I guess what happened is that the lower 48 doesn't care how popular you are as governor of Alaska - we don't like dumbfucks.

    And if Sarah proved anything, it's that she is one of the truly great morons to set foot on the national stage.

    And you clowns think she's the future of the party? Get real.

    Take Ed Rollins' advice - right now the Republican Party is a predominantly white Southern party. Good luck winning national elections with that. Did you see how badly you lost with Latinos???

    The Republican Party drifts further to the right at its own electoral peril.

  14. JohnK, maybe you missed my comment posted under another subject. Thank you. You did the greatest job making sure that everyone here voted for Obama.
    Thank you! :-)
