November 5, 2008

The Numbers (So Far)

Electoral Votes (as of this writing - Missouri and North Carolina have yet to be decided.):

Obama - 349
McCain - 162

Popular Vote (with 95% of precincts reporting):

Obama - 62,239,016 (52%)
McCain - 55,229,186 (48%)

From Politico:
More than 130 million people turned out to vote Tuesday, the most ever to vote in a presidential election.

With ballots still being counted in some precincts into Wednesday morning, an estimated 64 percent of the electorate turned out, making 2008 the highest percentage turnout in generations.
So as of this writing President-Elect Barack Obama has more than twice as many electoral votes as Senator McCain and a majority of the popular vote. And even with only 95% of the precincts, more people voted for Barack Obama for president than voted for anyone else for president.

This was a solid win - a solid solid win. It was also a firm repudiation of:
  • Neoconservative politics - especially on foreign policy
  • The republican "brand" - and all the ugly that it stands for
  • The Bush Administration - unpopular war, unpopular president, unpopular policies
  • Republican campaign policies - the 50-state strategy worked, smear campaiging didn't
  • The right-wing noise machine - that includes Fox "News" and (of course) local blowhards Quinn, Miller, Kelly, and Honsberger
  • Wingnuts everywhere - their blogs, trolls, and everything else.
They lost.

We won.

Change has come to America.


  1. John K: Conservative lost. LOL LOL LOL LMAO You clearly have no idea of history. When this happened under FDR, 1936, the depression was prolonged. When this happened under LBJ, the Vietnam war blew wide open. And the riots occurred in Chicago in 1968 by Democrats who didn't think LBJ was lefty enough. When this happened under Carter we had stagflation. Conservatives lost. LOL LMAO Lost about as much as saying the City of Pittsburgh is solvent. LOL LOL

  2. John K: This is going to so much fun watching you left wing kooks blame all the worlds faults on 44 Republican Senators. LOL

  3. It was also a firm repudiation of the politics of division that have been the hallmark of Republican politics and the so-called conservative "movement" since Richard Nixon first formulated the "Southern strategy" and which were personified by Sarah Palin in this election.

  4. According to CNN, Obama still holds a 12,000 vote lead in NC. If this lead holds and Obama wins NC, he will have a total of 354 electoral votes.

  5. I'm going to give obama the same level of respect that Bush got over his term. /sarcasm

  6. johnk,

    Did you vote?

    As to your ridiculous "history:"

    1) Look at output figures for 1936-7, and tell me that "the depression was prolonged." (I'll save you the time. A strong recovery was underway in 1937. So strong, in fact, that the Federal Reserve engaged in a tight money policy, in a misguided effort to head off inflation, and killed the recovery.)

    2) Are you seriously saying that, if Goldwater had won in 1964, that we would have avoided the Vietnam War???

    3) "The riots that occurred in Chicago in 1968" were outside the DNC, in the summer of 1968. An independent commission called them "Police riots." Only you could make them a response to the landslide of 1964 (Republicans picked-up seats in 1966).

    4) "Stagflation," which began to appear in the late 1960's, dogged Nixon (Wage and Price Freezes) and Ford (Whip Inflation Now buttons), long before Carter came along.

    The root cause of "stagflation" was LBJ having the war, and the Great Society programs, without raisng taxes to pay for them.

    Didn't GW and his Congress do the same thing? War in Iraq, huge expansion of government, AND tax cuts.

    But, wait. You haven't shown the first hint of an interest in facts.
    So, of course, for you, the current economic crisis began in 2006, but didn't really get bad until Jan 20, 2009.

    Did you vote?

  7. Like I said, still waiting for JohnK to be gracious in defeat.

  8. I already have a standard/preview for President Obama’s golden age of enlightenment.
    Lets see if the Democrats can deliver

    Good evening my fellow Americans. In 2000 when you overwhelmingly made the decision to elect me as your 43rd President, I knew the road ahead would be difficult. We have accomplished so much, yet challenges lie ahead.

    In the last six years, we have been able to stop global warming. No one could have predicted the negative results of this. Glaciers that once were melting are now on the attack. As you know, these renegade glaciers have already captured parts of upper Michigan and northern Maine. But I assure you, we will not let the glaciers win.

    Right now in the second week of May 2006, we are facing perhaps the worst gas crisis in history. We have way too much gasoline! Gas is down to nineteen cents a gallon and the oil companies are hurting. I know that I am partly to blame, by insisting that cars run on trash.

    I am therefore proposing a Federal bail-out to our oil companies because hey, if it were the other way around, you know the oil companies would help us.

    On a positive note, we worked hard to save welfare, fix Social Security, and of course, provide the universal health care we all enjoy today. But all this came at a high cost. As I speak, the gigantic National Budget Surplus is down to a perilously low 11 trillion dollars. And don’t get any ideas. That money is staying in the very successful lock box. We’re not touching it. Of course, we could give economic aid to China or lend money to the Saudis again, but right now we are already so loved by everyone in the world that American tourists can’t even go over to Europe anymore without getting hugged.

    There are some of you would like to spend our money on some made-up war. To you I say, "what part of lockbox don’t you understand?" What if there’s a hurricane or a tornado? Unlikely I know, because of the anti-hurricane and tornado machine I was instrumental in helping to develop…but what if? What if the scientists are right and one of those giant glaciers hits Boston? That’s why we have the lockbox.

    As for immigration, solving that came at a heavy cost, and I personally regret the loss of California. However, the new Mexifornian economy is strong and El Presidente Schwarzenegger is doing a great job.

    There have been some setbacks. Unfortunately, the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Michael Moore was bitter and divisive. However, I could not be more proud of how the House and Senate pulled together to confirm the nomination of Chief Justice George Clooney.

    Baseball, our national pastime, still lies under the shadow of steroid accusations. But I have faith in Baseball Commissioner George W. Bush when he says, "we will find the steroid users if we have to tap every phone in America."

    In 2001, when I came into office, our national security was the most important issue. The threat of terrorism was real. Who knew that six years later, Afghanistan would be the most popular spring break destination, or that Six Flags Tehran is the fastest growing amusement park in the Mideast…

  9. This is what you wingers just don't get - you act like everyone's forgotten about these 8 wonderful years of George W. Bush!

    You have not credibility, so say whatever you want.

    Your party, your ideology was SOUNDLY repudiated.

    And if it wasn't a loss for conservativism, John K., why were you and McCain supporters going to such lengths to portray Obama as a socialist? Why were you framing the debate as socialism vs. Reaganism/conservative economic policy???

    See, when you do that and then you lose, it is, IN FACT, a loss for conservatism - a RESOUNDING loss.

    John K., KGC and Heir - folks, meet the Paranoid Right.

    Have fun in the political wilderness, boys, 'cause the bigots lost yesterday - BIG TIME!

  10. About time that rationality and intelligence will finally be returning to the federal government.
