December 7, 2008

"At Least Bush Kept Us Safe"*


*As long as you didn't die on 9/11, or from letters containing weaponized anthrax, or in the aftermath of Katrina, or as a soldier in Iraq, or . . .


  1. Your life savings, your job, your healthcare, your kid's education, that bridge you're pretty sure looks a little wobbly...not so much.

  2. John K: Bush did keep us safe. He took the fight to the enemy. Clinton allowed them to attack at will. Bush won in Iraq. And you liberals hate him for that.

  3. Hmmm. If the only measure of "safety" is that there were no more attcks on US soil after 9/11.....Didn't Clinton "keep us safe?" After all, there were no more domestic attacks after the WTC attack in 1993.

  4. John K, how can you argue that a man who ignored clear warnings about "Bin Laden determined to attack in the US" (with the remark "OK you've covered your ass" when warned)"kept us safe?"

    Now, how many people died in terror attacks worldwide when Clinton was in office? Heck, I'll even throw in Bush I.

    How many have died since Bush II took office?

  5. Also, the notion that there were no domestic terror attacks after 9/11 is false. The anthrax attacks occured after 9/11, but the Bush apologists want you to forget that.

  6. And John also conveniently ignores the Madrid bombings, the London bombings...if the goal was to take the fight to GLOBAL terrorism, Bush did a pretty bad job as following 9/11 attacks terrorists attacks around the world were at all time highs.

    Also, we still have never caught the people behind the anthrax attacks.

  7. The Bush Legacy? A terrorist attack on US soil that he had intelligence on and chose to ignore. That attack is used as the excuse to execute the invasion he was already planning on a country that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack (Iraq), which killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousand of Iraqis and whose reconstruction the Bush administration badly bungled. Meanwhile, he squandered a government surplus, watched and encouraged Congress to turn it into a huge deficit, a Congress run by Republicans who called themselves fiscal conservatives and stole money from our grandchildren. Bush ignored a housing bubble that was obviously going to burst and drag the economy down, ignored a wave of sub prime that his administration was supposed to regulate and failed to demand the big three start implementing higher fuel standards and make cars Americans would want to buy (or just bring over the car designs from Europe that they are already making). This latest recession is just the capper on the Bush legacy, he will leave office with Americans having fewer jobs than when he came in. Yeah, John K. we liberals hate him for keeping America safe, yeah, right.

    Actually, John K is the other legacy of Bush, a generation of so-called conservatives who contribute nothing, who have nothing positive to say, who just parrot their radio masters like Quinn and Limbaugh because they are too stupid to read. Like Bush, they are the epitome of the empty suit. Conservatives could have a lot to say about moral hazard and laissez faire, but for John K. to say anything he would actually have to know what he was saying. Go get an economics degree and then come back.

  8. John K: Amazing how the left, led by Gorelick, gets away with ignoring those warnings eh? LMAO LMAO He took the fight to the enemy, kept the faith when the liberals (Pelosi, Reid, Durbin, Obama) said surrender.

  9. John K: Speaking of taking the fight to the enemy, how is that Gen. Petreaus guy doing these days. You lefties like to call him Gen. Betrayus. Hussein Obama is keeping him on. So when Reid & Biden said surrender, and Obama would not talk to him, looks like Bush was right. I WIN!

  10. So when is Mr. Hussein going to take on Pakistan as he promised? All I see is the US preventing India from doing it.

  11. "Amazing how the left, led by Gorelick, gets away with ignoring those warnings eh? " So you are saying that Bush was taking orders from Jamie Gorelick, John K.? As for David Petraeus, I have already pointed out how much contempt you show for him by misspelling his name. Meanwhile, I tell you what, I will admit that the people who took out the ad saying Betray-us were wrong if you admit that Phill Graham caused the recession/depression we are in now. Can't do it, can you?

    And Mr/Ms Harcharan, might we wait until Obama is inaugurated before accusing him of failing?

  12. John K: Sen Kennedy wrote the current education bill. And life savings were wiped out on behalf of Sen Dodd and Rep Frank in an attempt to force banks and lending insitutions to loan money to people who can't pay it back. Looks like Jaywillie will have to look internally to fix blame.

  13. I think Jaywillie meant that our children's college funds are being gutted in the recent downturn, John K. And you want to give Bush credit for keeping us safe but blame Democrats for the economic downturn. Intersting display of cognitive dissonance.

  14. Oh yeah, and the President proposed No Child Left Behind, and Congress worked from that blueprint, John K. Not to mention that John Boehner (R) and Judd Gregg (R) (as well as George Miller (D)) were co-sponsors with Kennedy. Of course, you might mean a different education bill, but then you never specify or provide evidence, do you? Try again, Homer.
