December 8, 2008

The Crazie Continues...

From Friday's Washington Times:

The Supreme Court plans to meet Friday to decide whether to hear a case that could determine whether President-elect Barack Obama ever becomes the nation's president.

Justice Clarence Thomas picked up the petition to hear New Jersey attorney Leo Donofrio's lawsuit after it was denied by Justice David H. Souter. Justice Thomas referred it to the full court, which decided to distribute the case for the judges' conference.

The decision to put the case on Friday's docket resulted from more than a dozen lawsuits challenging Mr. Obama's right to be president based on his citizenship at birth. The issue preoccupied many conservative bloggers in the weeks before the Nov. 4 election.

Some legal analysts say the lawsuits have little chance of success. The Supreme Court rarely grants the kind of court orders - or stays - sought by Mr. Donofrio.

From Friday's WorldNetDaily:
With protesters gathering and praying on the front steps, the U.S. Supreme Court met in conference today to discuss whether or not to hear a case challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.

"Obama was born a dual citizen," protester Roger Bredow told the Washington, D.C., local events blog, DCist. "British, and a citizen of the United States, at birth."

According to Bredow – and the case the Supreme Court reviewed today – dual citizenship makes Obama ineligible to take the oath of office.

This time it's NOT about the birth certificate (in fact Donofrio says that that issue is irrelevant). This time it's about President-elect Obama's citizenship at birth. From WorldNetDaily, again:

Unlike many of the lawsuits regarding Obama's "natural-born citizen" status, the Donofrio case makes no allegation that Obama was born on foreign soil. Instead, Donofrio contends Obama was a British citizen at birth, because of citizenship in a British colony, Kenya.

"Don't be distracted by the birth certificate and Indonesia issues," Donofrio writes on his Natural Born Citizen blog. "They are irrelevant to Senator Obama's ineligibility to be president. Since Barack Obama's father was a citizen of Kenya and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of Senator Obama's birth, then Senator Obama was a British citizen 'at birth.'"

So even though he was born in The State of Hawaii, he's still not eligible.


UPDATE: As if you didn't already know (see the comments) but:
The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says President-elect Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth. The court did not comment on its order Monday rejecting the call by Leo Donofrio of East Brunswick, N.J., to intervene in the election.
Some reactions to the whole story:
The continuing efforts of a fringe group of conservatives to deny Obama his victory and to lay the basis for the claim that he is not a legitimate president is embarrassing and destructive. The fact that these efforts are being led by Alan Keyes, a demagogue who lost a Senate election to the then-unknown Obama by 42 points, should be a warning in itself.
Who wrote that? Well known liberal David Horowitz in the well-known liberal rag The National Review. There's more:
It is not conservatism; it is sore loserism and quite radical in its intent. Respect for election results is one of the most durable bulwarks of our unity as a nation. Conservatives need to accept the fact that we lost the election, and get over it; and get on with the important business of reviving our country’s economy and defending its citizens, and — by the way — its Constitution.
Hey, fringe conservatives! You lost the election. Get over it.


  1. John K: Make it simple, unseal the records. And then send an investigative reporter over to Kenya to check out that end of the story. Incredible that after all this time not one of these big time investigative reporters has been able to get to the bottom of this case.

  2. I don’t know that any records are sealed, only you say this (and without any evidence). Even if they are sealed from inquiries from people like you, who only want to cause problems (as indicated by your own admission of your involvement in something called “Operation Chaos”, an evident attempt to subvert the will of the people), I am sure the State of Hawaii would make any and all required information available to the Supreme Court.

    I also don’t see any point in sending a reporter to Kenya. Obama was not born there, that is not in dispute. Certainly you are not asking the Supreme Court to use a reporter as their investigator, are you?

    Obviously you are incapable of responding to the actual topic of the post as it is written. Are all conservatives as confused as you are?

  3. John K: Ed Heath stop being so stupid. Hussein Obama's records were sealed by HI Gov Laura Lingle just after he visited his mother. Gee, I wonder why he visited her? And Jerome Corsi was arrested by Hussein Obama supporters in Mombassi after he landed. He was on a quest to find Hussein Obama's brother and check the hospital for a birth certificate. He never got the chance. Come clean and unseal the records.

  4. Governor *Linda* Lingle ordered that the birth certificate not be given out to reporters without there being a compelling public interest, kinda different than sealed (and you misspelled another name). People like Corsi are only looking to smear Obama. As for Jerome Corsi, what did he think would happen when he landed in Kenya, and wanted to create a media spectacle about how Barack Obama was leaving his half-brother in the hell hole Corsi wants to call Kenya? Did he think Kenyan authorities would just stand by while he insulted their country?

    And that still has nothing to do the post. You are commenting off topic, on a dead issue.

  5. I believe that United States law does not recognize "dual citizenship." When someone is born on US soil, they are not "dual citizens." They are US citizens.

    Everyone but Donofrio and Justice Thomas seems willing to admit that.

  6. After this, I'm hoping the Supreme Court can retroactively declare that potentially disloyal George Washington bastard should never have been president, either. For the same reason.

    In fact, Washington wasn't even a *dual* citizen at birth, but a 100% subject of the British crown. And don't even get me started on the questions about his birth certificate.

  7. Donofrio has just been shot down. That's one down, one to go.

  8. That's because you nutbags are finally eating the shit you deserve. We win again.
    Bwwwaaaa hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Even if Obama was born in Kenya, its irrelevant. His mother was a US citizen, that makes Obama a US citizen, regardless of the place of birth.

    The Republic of Ireland considers me to be an Irish citizen because my grandfather was born there, doesn't make me any less of a US citizen.

  10. Froth,

    The Prez has to be more than a US citizen, the Prez has to be a "natural born" citizen like Obama is because he was born in the US -- namely Hawaii. So, it would be relevant if he was born in Kenya, which he wasn't. Again, most of these lawsuits claim Obama was born outside the States (like McCain was) but this one was especially goofy since the litigant apparently had no freaking clue that it didn't matter where Obama's father was born.

  11. The records are public, John. If you choose not to accept that then you've chosen to willing buy into this delusion.

    And it should be noted that the Supreme Court has REJECTED the citizenship challegne of Obama in Donforio v. Wells.

    And, of course, we all knew the wingers would start some crazy shit about Obama' visiting his grandmother - why don't you just accuse the Obama camp of faking it, John?

    If you're going to say batshit crazy things, you might as well go all-in.

  12. Maria, hes a natural born citizen by the mere fact that his mother was a US citizen. The entire argument by the wignuts, no matter how they spin it, is irrelevent

  13. Not quite as clear cut as you make it on the "natural born" part if you believe this article on wikipedia which is why wingnuts insist despite all proof to the contrary that Obama was born outside the US.

  14. John K: Records are not public. Read previous post.

  15. Your previous "comment", John K, about Hawaii Governor Laura Lingle (who doesn't exist, it's Linda Lingle)? She is not allowing reporters to look at the birth certificate because they are slandering her State and her health department. You only get to yell fire so many times in a theatre before there are consequences.

    You said Obama was visiting his mother? The one who died in 1995? Did he use a way-back machine?

    You wonder why Obama was visiting his dying grandmother? Seriously? Are you that insensitive?

    Meanwhile, it doesn't matter. The case before the Supreme Court did not turn on the birth certificate, and the court is not going to hear the case.
