December 11, 2008

Buyouts At The P-G

From Marty Levine at the City Paper:
Within the next several days, some of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's best-known correspondents -- including an award-winning investigative reporter -- will likely be disappearing from its pages.

Earlier this year, the P-G's parent company, Block Communications, announced sizable losses and negotiated a buyout offer with the paper's nine unions. The deadline for accepting the buyout -- which included severance pay and extended health-care benefits -- expired on Dec. 5. According to sources within the Post-Gazette, about two dozen reporters and copy editors signed up for the buyout, which was offered to senior staff.

Those who have accepted the buyout have until Dec. 12 to change their minds. Rumors are circulating about who has accepted the offer, and some of the candidates rank among the paper's best-known correspondents. Most have either declined comment or could not be reached by press time. However, at least one reporter, Bill Moushey, has confirmed accepting the buyout. Moushey, who would not otherwise speak about the situation, is best known for his work on prosecutorial misconduct and other highly regarded investigative reports.

Business reporter R.J. Hufnagel, head of the Newspaper Guild union representing newsroom employees, cautioned that "We won't know anything for sure until [Dec. 12], and nobody will really be able to speak intelligently about what it means for the future until then."

So far, P-G theatre critic Christopher Rawson confirms he's taken the buyout:
That's my way of saying that this is my final week as full-time Post-Gazette theater editor and critic. The paper has offered its veterans a generous buyout, and I've decided to take it, although with deeply conflicted feelings.
The Trib had the story back in September:
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette plans to buy out workers or lay them off in a broad cost-cutting move, barely two years after its Ohio parent threatened to sell the struggling newspaper if it didn't get concessions.

Management needs to "cut staff throughout the company," Executive Editor David Shribman said in a memo to employees. It blamed the newspaper's "revenue situation."

Shribman declined to comment. He referred questions to marketing director Tracey DeAngelo, who did not return phone calls.

For the record, I am not related to Tracey DeAngelo. Going on, it's obvious that things are tough all over for our friends in the newspaper biz:

The industry's year-over-year ad revenue declined 1.5 percent in second-quarter 2006; 8.6 percent a year later; and 15.1 percent last spring, according to the Newspaper Association of America.

For example, the McClatchy Co., which owns more than 30 newspapers, has reduced its work force by 30 percent and cut its shareholder dividend in half. Early this year, its chairman said staffing would again be cut to 10,000 from 14,000 at newspapers such as the Miami Herald.

The Post-Gazette is owned by Block Communications Inc. of Toledo, Ohio, which also owns The Blade there. Block said it lost $11 million from 2003 through 2005, then lost $12 million through August 2006, the last time figures were made publicly available.

I'll try to return to this story when more is known.


John K. said...

John K: What is it with liberal politicians. Blagojevich wants journalists to be fired who disagree with him. Hussein Obama kicks journalists who disagree with him off his plane. And Dayvoe wants the Trib closed down and Jack Kelly fired. What, you left wingers figure that the only way to sell your ideas is to stop criticism? Hussein Obama thinks so. Remember his comments about FOX News.

David said...

Another complete Non sequitur from the troll, John K.

Let me ask some of the folks who also have local blogs: Isn't he the best troll evah? The mother of all trolls, in fact. Where else can you find all the best wingnuttery all in one source? It's a veritable one-stop-shopping for teh Right Wing Crazie.

I know it's pointless to ask him, so I won't. I'm just curious as to WHERE I've ever written that I want "the Trib closed down" or Jack Kelly fired.

For the record, I haven't.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss Christopher Rawson. I still have a copy of "The Dover Bitch," from his Satire class, at Pitt, in the 70's.

Excellent teacher. Pretty good critic. Farewell.

John K. said...

John K: Well Dayvoe, what is with these liberal politicians cesnoring editorial writers and journalists? Can you answer the question? Would you prefer to avoid it? Lefties hate debating the issues with anyone other than other liberals. I am just so smart.

John K. said...

John K: Come on Dayvoe, publish some pictures of Rove in cuffs. Lefties salivate over those. Even though Blagojevich was actually arrested and charged we don't have a fake picture of him in cuffs from these left wing kooks who claim they want him to resign and plead guilty. LOL LOL Do I know the lefty mind or what?

John K. said...

John K: Hey Dayvoe, see how it always comes back to haunt you lefty socialists. And when it does you get so pissed off. LOL LOL LMAO It is just too easy.

spork_incident said...

Isn't he the best troll evah?

Maybe not the best evah but a damn good one nonetheless.

A Spork in the Drawer

EdHeath said...

I'll say this, as much as I would want John K limited to one comment at a time, every time he writes he makes conservatives look bad. And since we just got finished with eight years of conservatives running rampant (to be fair, only the four years being a Republican controlled Congress), I don't mind the conservatives having this built in laugh track in John K.

Infinonymous said...

I have wavered on this point, and will likely continue to waver, but my current sense is that John K. is a persona -- probably operated by the blog's proprietor(s) --designed to provoke blog activity and mock conservatives.

John K.'s contributions customarily read like a well-played parody, but the ruse seems to be revealed when the comments occasionally stray into "no one could be that dumb" territory.

The tell-tale comments have been more common recently.

etwilson said...

I'm not convinced that John K's comments are actually directly written by a human. I think that his comments are actually generated by a PERL script written as an experiment by a CMU machine learning undergrad. The script searches the main post for key-words and then constructs a simulation of human sentences from a database of right-wing talking points.

Anonymous said...

johnk's a sock puppet? Congrats to whomever generated him. Nice work.

On topic: I first had Rawson in a class called "Arts in Performance." It was an excellent intro to theatre, for me. I came from a small town where our only exposure to the stage was the Christmas play at church.

Maria said...




Once again, I say this in all sincerity:

I am not John K, I don't know who John K is, and I really don't believe Dayvoe is John K either because I'd have to kick his ass if he were for playing a trick on ME for that long!

Seriously, John K comments at times that I am quite certain Dayvoe is otherwise occupied.

On this thread, he's posted at 7:54 AM when both David and I are on our way to our respective places of work. Go look at how many times either of us post that close to 8 AM M-F. You may see me do it on Tuesdays but that's my work-from-home-day.

John K. said...

John K: So Hussein Obama is questionning his staff over what their involvement is in this Blagojevich story. Duhhhh. The first rule of lying is you have to know what the truth is. And besides, Hussein Obama has to know who to throw under the bus. LOL LOL Blagojevich, DEMOCRAT, still on the job serving the people of Illinois.

Anonymous said...

John's just upset because Dems are handiling that corrupt scum Blago in a way Repubs would never do with one of their prescious felons - Delay, Cunningham, Stevens, etc.

It's called showing them the door.

Unlike our friends across the aisle, Democrats aren't clamoring to defend Blago. In fact, it's unanimous among Dem leaders that there simply is no place for Blago in the Democratic party.

You won't hear us making excuses, as the wingers have for Tom Delay(he was just the victim of mean ol' liberals out to get him, doncha know?).

And do you really think any of us care that Obama disses FAUX News?

David said...

I am flattered that someone might think my brain complicated enough that I could pull off a "John K - Sock Puppet" hoax.

But Maria is right, she'd kick my sorry behind across the street if I tried to pull that on her.

My best advice to everyone: JUST IGNORE JOHN K as much as you can. Giggle at him first, of course, because he is a joke, but don't take anything he says too seriously. He's not enough of an intellect to do anything other than parrot the most banal brain droppings of the wingnut right.

John K. said...

John K: To which I still say, and what did I lie about? Also, any response to the fact that Blagojevich tried to get certain editorial writers fired. Dayvoe also tries to get certain editorial writers fired. Obama kicks them off his plane if the disgree wihth him. What is it with you liberal and contrary opinions. Dayvoe, you can't compete with me. LMAO Because I am right. LOL LOL

David said...


EdHeath said...

So John K, I don't see where anyone specifically said you lied in the last few comments. As for Blagojevich, the post didn't deal with him, so you are commenting on the wrong thread. But I will say that the Democrats are as pissed off at Blagojevich as any Republicans, probably more so. Obviously there are corrupt Democrats (Blagojevich, Jefferson, Rangel) as there are corrupt Republicans (Stevens, Cunningham). I think everybody wants all these people out of office. No one is arguing or defending Blagojevich for wanting to punish a Chicago newspaper for writing negative things about him, but then again haven't the Republicans been saying things about the so-called "liberal media" recently? Anyway no one person can just step up and say "you're fired", at least not in Blagojevich's case. So the Democrats (and I assume Republicans) call for him to resign and the Illinois legislature ponderously drags itself towards action. I don't think you prove anything about Democrats or Republicans with the Blagojevich case, except that there are schmucks on both sides of the aisle.