December 6, 2008

From The President-Elect


  1. John K: Why do you pay attention? Nothing he says today means anything tomorrow. Are we leaving Iraq? Is he raising taxes on the rich? Capital gains? Same old cabinet members. Blah Blah Blah

  2. John K: You liberals are really not opposed to lying. You just want to be the ones doing it.

  3. John K: When William Jefferson (D-LA) vacates his DC office does he get to move the refrigerator with all the cash with him? Looks like he will have to join the Cynthia McKinney wing of the Democratic Party and blame it all on racism. Republicans pick up two seats in LA.

  4. You're just ranting, John. Methinks you doth protest too much...which means you probably really don't have anything to say other than your standard delusional winger bile.

    The agreement with Iraq for a withdrawal is supported by Gates and matches closing with the timeframe Obama was proposing. Despite the lies you peddle, John, Obama has NEVER supported immediate withdrawal.

    Same ol' cabinet picks? Well, Hillary's never been in the cabinet, nor has Janet Napolitano.
    And unlike the Bush cabinet, he's selected people of unquestionable competence and ability. Even Republicans agree with that(but I suppose they aren't real Republicans, like you, huh?) He hasn't picked an ex-horse show judge so maybe that's what's upsetting you.

    His plan for rebuilding the infrastruture is long overdue. It's nice that while Republicans where helping the rich and their cronies raid the treasury, that they let the country go to shit. No one should ever have to worry about driving over a bridge.

    Obama is kicking his detractors collective ass.

    And as for William Jefferson, Democrats are pretty happy to see him go.

    And again, if you want to gloat about 2 seats, more power to you.

    I'll take +20 in the House, +7-8 in the Senate and the White House.

    To be honest, you're like that linebacker who gets a sack late in the game and celebrates when his team is losing by 3 touchdowns.

  5. John K: That was a legitimate point. What did Hussein Obama say during the campaign that he intends to follow up on now? Pull out of Iraq? Tax hikes? Change? He brought in all the old Clinton people. LMAO LOL LOL And also, so what does William Jefferson (Democrat) do with that refigerator that he hides his cash in. Own it Dayvoe. Its your man. LOL LOL LMAO

  6. Still just flailing, really need to work on not coming across as so pathetic.

    Obama is keeping his word and it's driving you up the wall.

    People like you aren't doing yourselves any favors. Attacking Obama before he's sworn in is just making your ilk look like the petty, angry, delusional wingers that you are.

    America has had enough of the Angry Right, John. Maybe you'll realize that some day.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
