December 5, 2008

Good thing this didn't go out live on air or anything...

An MSNBC producer goes nuts during a show screaming and swearing when the camera changes aren't going as planned (not work safe):

(h/t to Spork)


  1. He might want to update his resume. Maybe he could get a job producing the Bill "Fuck it, we'll do it live" O'Reilly Factor.

  2. Oh, I don't know. Having worked around TV, that doesn't sound that abnormal to me...though probably less today than 30 years ago. "Screamers" were pretty common...and management would deal with it as long as they were good. Go figure...


  3. I appreciate the behind-the-scenes aspect of this; however, this went out live over the air, so I think the situation is just a wee bit different. Any way you want to slice it, I was really just making a joke.

  4. God bless the anchorwoman. She did her best to keep going, even as she kept an eye peeled for flying furniture.

  5. Only been on the set for shooting of TV commericals (clienst there so not much yelling) and telenovellas (yelling is in the script - lol).

  6. No big deal.. it's MSNBC we're talking about here... Geez, it's not as if MSNBC has a large audience.

    BTW, I agree with gtl.. the anchorette probably did as best as she could with someone ranting on the set.

  7. Wait, wait, wait Conservative Mountaineer...

    So, Janet Jackson's nipple...huge FCC fine at the time. Absolute uproar from the "moralists" on the right. Oh the children!

    Yet...a tirade of f-bombs, referring to one of the show's guests(or perhaps the anchorwoman - I'm not sure who) as a bitch...all of this going out live during the day.

    And that's no big deal to you, as a conservative? I'm presuming you consider yourself among the moralists? Moral values, I assume, are a big deal to you. And yet...I can't help but detect the glaring hypocrisy with people of your ideological bent.

    I think if you folks on the right are going to shovel the bullshit when it comes to moral values, it might be a good idea if your side exhibited just a little consistency. It might lend some credibility to your shamed ideology.

  8. John K: Will Olbermouth air it as he did when O'Reilly melted down. No. Will O'Reilly air it, no he has too much class. Does it really matter, no. Except if you are Olbermouth who makes a living pointing out the sins of other people.

  9. jaywillie.. You missed the point of my comment.. which was meant to be somewhat cutting against MSNBC. How many people actually saw this? 3? 4? MSNBC has no audience... which is somewhat typical for liberal media outlets.

    Sure, the tirade was outlandish and dead wrong. I'm sure the producer will be deep-sixed and rightfully so.

  10. Unless one is not among conservatives who sneer at the "mainstream media," liberal media dominate news dissemination, do they not? For those who disparage the MSM, the "liberal media outlets" appear to include the Times, the Post, the major networks, PBS, Time, Newsweek and just about everything other than Fox News and the National Review.

    But even among those who do not see Fox as the lone righteous light in the media constellation, conservative-aimed news outlets do not hold a particularly large portion of the audience.

    It is fashionable (and somewhat understandable, given Fox News' incessant and misleading self-promotion, which is often matched but not excused by CNN's self-promotion) but nonetheless wrong to overstate or overestimate the relative audience of Fox News. Fox excels at narrowcasting (not only by aiming at a particular audience but also by performing that mission in a highly entertaining and interesting manner), but its loyal viewers constitute a relatively small portion of the available audience.

  11. No, Conservative Mountaineer, I saw your comment for exactly what it was.

    Instead of living up to what conservatives claim to be, you chose to make a joke instead of upholding the moral virtue that conservatives claim they possess. So, why should anyone take conservatives seriously when it appears they don't even buy their own b.s.? Where's the consistency?

    If you only make an issue out of morally outrageous events(per conservatives) because millions of people see them, well, I would say that you don't so much stand up on principle as conservatives look for situations to exploit. In other words, the only reason Janet Jackson's nipple mattered was because millions of people saw it and the moral hypocrites of the political right could make a big fuss about it.

    In short, it's not so much about promoting morals as making a scene. Conservatives and the Republican Party have reduced their religiong to cheap exhibitionism of a variety far more offensive than Janet Jackson's nipple.

    It's just like the entire debate about saying "Merry Christmas" at the stores. Supporters of an ideology that promotes profits above all else, as conservative economic principles do, should hardly be surprised that the holidy celebrating the birth of their savior has been destroyed by crass commercialism since conservative economic policies of dictated that Christmas is about buying gifts and spending lots of money.

    To be fair, Conservative Mountaineer, I'm not being very fair to you. But seeing the state of my country and the complete unwillingness of conservatives to acknowledge their role in bringing us to this state, I see no reason to be fair.

    In my humble opinion, you support such a disgraced, discredited political philosophy that their is a moral obligation to deny you at every corner. Conservatives can simply never again be trusted with the reigns of government. It just doesn't work when you put people in charge of the government who hate our government, it seems sometimes, more than our enemies.

    Conservatism has failed.

    Regeanism wasn't the solution; it's the problem.

    And there is absolutely no reason to give someone who supports the modern conservative philosophy a single inch.

  12. John K: Conservatism has failed to the point that Hussein Obama is going to start off his admin by adhering to conservative principles.
