January 8, 2009

Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance has lost another co-sponsor -- Attend the Big Queer Rally!

You can't call yourself a progressive -- or even a real Democrat -- if you don't support civil rights!

(Click picture for larger version. Email me here
if you wanta real-size .pdf of this poster.)

From Lance at Steel City Stonewall Democrats:
UPDATE: The Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance has lost another co-sponsor. So now it currently has 8 co-sponsors. All 8 cosponsors will have to vote for the Ordinance for successful passage.

Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Did you know that in Allegheny County it is legal to fire someone from their job simply because that person may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? Did you know it's legal to refuse to rent an apartment to a person even if you just think they're lgbt? It unfortunately is true, and happens even today all too often. We need your support to end this discrimination, and help pass a county-wide non-discrimination ordinance that would protect all LGBT people.

This past summer, County Councilwoman Amanda Green introduced legislation prohibiting discrimination on the bases of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in employment, housing and public accomodations. Failure to pass this legislation in the second largest county in Pennsylvania will have statewide ramifications.

Take action now by asking your Councilperson to support Ordinance 4201-08, a county-wide non-discrimination ordinance!

We also need to show the County Council that their constituents support fairness for all people. A hearing for public comment on this ordinance will take place on January 15th at 5:00 p.m. at the Allegheny County Courthouse, 436 Grant Street, Pittsburgh on the fourth floor Gold Room.


If you would like to email your local Allegheny County Council person, please go to http://eqfed.org/campaign/allegheny_county_nondiscrimination_ordinance and send a letter by following the directions on the page.

From Sue at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents:

Rally for GLBT inclusion in County Ordinance
Equal Rights for Everyone

Pittsburgh, PA - A rally supporting inclusion of GLBT residents' rights to Countywide nondiscrimination in housing, employment and other contexts in Bill No. 4201-08, now before Allegheny County Council. Organizers note that the Join The Impact rally in November 2008 drew 500 people - they hope to capitalize on the active support generated to focus on local and national issues, such as repealing DOMA, (Defense of Marriage Act).

Rally Details:
Date: Saturday, January 10
Time: from 2 - 4 p.m.
Location: Schenley Plaza in Oakland
, between the Carnegie Library and the Hillman Library. Free hot coffee and warming tents will be provided


Rally co-organizer Sue Kerr states, "We lost another co-sponsor, Councilman Bob Macey, (a former steelworker), from my hometown of West Mifflin. I could actually show Councilman Macey the dents in the lockers at West Mifflin High School where the gay kids were shoved on a regular basis. I could take him to my parent's living room and have a man with 40 years in the mills, many Republican votes and a regular attendance at Mass explain why his daughter's partner is part of the family."

Event Emcee: Gab Bonesso Event Speakers: Sponsor of the County's ordinance, Councilwoman Amanda Green, State Representative Chelsa Wagner, (co-sponsor of HB 1400 which takes anti-discrimination protection to the state level), City Council President Doug Shields, City Councilmen Bruce Kraus and Bill Peduto and City Controller Michael Lamb. Additional Speakers: Reverend Janet Edwards, Dana Elmendorf, political pundit John McIntire, Kris Rust, Reverend Deryck Tines, Sandra Telep, trans activist Miranda Vey and representatives from organizations including Steel City Stonewall Democrats.


Attendees will also be encouraged to speak at/attend County Council's public hearing on Thursday...To speak at the hearing, contact John Mascio at JMascio@alleghenycounty.us or 412-350-6495.

The rally is sponsored by:
the after8pgh blog,
The Delta Foundation,
Marriage Equality USA -SW PA,
Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents,
Pittsburgh PFLAG,
Pittsburgh Prideweek,
Steel City Stonewall Democrats,



  1. Maria,

    Thank you for your outspoken, steadfast support.

    My fellow heteros, this rally's for us too, haven't we had enough of government taking away rights, instead of protecting them?

    Gloria Forouzan

  2. oh you bet we have.

    this is just beyond meanspirited. it's a sin to be a bigot. i really believe that.

  3. "All 8 cosponsors will have to vote for the Ordinance for successful passage."

    Not technically true. Any of the legislators who have withdrawn their "sponsorship" may still vote for it. Sometimes politicos attempt to 'split the baby' in this way -- I believe Councilman Burgess did so on one or another city anti-discrimination ordinance.

  4. Bram,

    That's a good point, but losing another co-sponsor does mean that it's more important than ever to let remaining co-sponsors know that they need to stand strong.

    There is obviously more pressure coming from the anti measure crowd than the pro measure side.

    And, counting on 'baby-splitters' isn't a comfortable strategy.

  5. Looks like bad weather.

  6. Ack! Just saw the weather report. Maybe they'll be wrong...

  7. C'mon you guys, it's winter, in Pittsburgh. We're not afraid of a little cold & snow.

    How many of Pittsburghers yelled rah-rah-rah downtown at the Steeler rally today? (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    WARNING - I'm playing the heart attack card: I had "the big one" in July, but, as luck would have it, I'm still here AND I'm doing my damned-est to make it to the rally tomorrow. I hope to see you all there.

  8. I'm a little late to this party, trying to find out more info about this ordinance. One thing in this article kind of caught my eye though: "I could actually show Councilman Macey the dents in the lockers at West Mifflin High School where the gay kids were shoved on a regular basis."

    Aren't there already rules in school against shoving fellow students into lockers? What does being gay have to do with punishing that offense? Maybe I don't understand what this ordinance does...
