January 8, 2009

Pintek Update

Astute reader AS wrote:
I thought you'd be interested in what I heard last night on the Mike Pintek show.

He devoted at least 15 minutes to Michelle Obama's rear end. He talked about her butt, saying "she's got back." He even had a health expert from UPMC on to talk about the health of people who have big butts. Of course, he played that disgusting "Baby's Got Back" song.

He claimed he was talking about it because a Salon commentator wrote an essay about Michelle Obama's behind. I found the article and he completely misrepresented what the commentary said. The essay was more about a black woman gaining a positive body image now that another black woman is the First Lady.

If he was trying to be funny, he missed the boat. He sounded racist, misogynistic and petty.

I also think UPMC officials should be blushing for allowing one of their experts to participate.

Gee, I don't remember radio talk show hosts commenting about Laura Bush's chest.

For the first time, I called a radio station to complain.
I wasn't listening so I have no way of verifying this. I searched for the Salon.com article and this is what I found. My guess is that it's what Pintek was discussing. If not then does that mean that there are TWO Salon.com articles about the next First Lady's behind?

Questions? Comments? Remarks? Drop me an e-mail.