Democracy Has Prevailed.

March 4, 2009

Keith Olbermann, Last Night

They were discussing the DOJ memos released recently and the ones to be released soon.

From Jonathan Turley:
These memos provide the very definition of tyranny.

These memos include everything a petty despot would want - from the use of the military in searches and seizures, suspension of free press/free speech, arrests of individuals without legal process.
Investigate and prosecute the war crimes. It's the law.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

and there will still be people who refuse to believe that we almost lost this country.

they sound like teenagers, "not me, i won't wreck the car and die" "not me, i won't get pregnant or get and STD!" "NOT ME... THAT STUFF HAPPENS TO OTHER PEOPLE. I'M INVINCIBLE!"

if you've had kids or remember what it was like to be a kid then you know the thought process, "not me!"

well our country was well on it's way to a totalitarian regime.

and we can yell, "not us!" all we want but...

like they said at5 the founding theygave us a republic, "if we can keep it"

we almost lost it.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

typos, early.

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Remember the outrage about among progressives when John Ashcroft "illegally" released the secret Gorelick "wall" memo
Change you can believe in.

Maria said...

Oh right, bring up "the wall" lie again. Sorry, doesn't work anymore to keep repeating lies. Nobody believes them anymore.

1) "As Media Matters notes, this is totally false. Shaffer’s story, if it’s true, involved communications between the Department of Defense and the FBI. Gorelick’s 1995 memo was only about communications between the FBI and the criminal division of the Justice Department. (It also didn’t create a wall between the FBI and the Justice Department but that’s another story.) Whatever problems Shaffer had trying to communicate with the FBI it had absolutely nothing to do with Gorelick."

2) "In fact, the Gorelick memo merely clarified long-unwritten restrictions on the sharing of information between the FBI's intelligence arm and the Justice Department's criminal division, and did not address communications between the FBI and the CIA, Department of Defense, or any other agencies..."

Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

I referring to "wall" memo as point of reference. I do not want to argue about the memo means.
What should I call the memo that will not cause you to spit out Democratic talking points.
I noted the outrage of progressives when John Ashcroft released the memo.
Sorry but Media Matters is not a source that I take seriously.

Media Matters Lies About Coulter Line at CPAC

It is like me citing Newsmax or World Net Daily here.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

did you actually READ what you just posted about coulter?

or were you just relying on that headline to convince anyone?

Bram Reichbaum said...

Didn't we know this was going on while it was happening? Maybe not every last detail, but wasn't this pretty common knowledge?

Didn't we reelect our President in the midst of it?

What does that say about accountability?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

we knew a lot,(and thought it wrong. at least i did) but i never thought they would dare extend it to americans in this country.

to just pluck someone off the street or from their homes and have them disappear like in a dictatorship...

no i didn't think they'd dare. guess i was wrong.(they surely planned on it)

Sherry Pasquarello said...

when i saw this i had visions of american mothers standing in front of gov buildings holding placards with their family member's pictures on them, sons, daughters.remember those? the "disappeared" they called them.