Democracy Has Prevailed.

April 11, 2009

More On The Shooter

From Chris Potter:

I can't wait until the day when we no longer have to think about Richard Poplawski. But as we pass through one of the worst weeks in city history, it might be worth searching for whatever small blessing we can find, no matter how little comfort it brings.

Here's the best I can do: As horrific as the Stanton Heights shooting was ... it could have been even worse.

Potter's found what might have been an alternative plan for the shooter. He and "a group of friends" were looking to buy "a lot of military surplus rifles" in mid-February.

Potter's right (as he often is). Things could have been a lot worse.


Social Justice NPC Anti-Paladin™ said...

Anyone remember when progressives were accusing the Bush administration of overstating the terrorist threat and fear mongering.
Looks like the shoes on the other foot now.

FootBlogger said...


there were no progressive talk show hosts like the right uses, such as the paranoid and insane Glenn Beck, the equally insane and anarchist Jim Quinn, preaching to small minded people who cling to their guns that "bad people" were going to take away their second amendment rights. There's a big difference. The listners of these whackos are easily misled, paranoid, and usually the type who will pick a fight rather than hash things out with intelligence. So in a sense, these talking heads of the right created Richard Poplawski.