June 10, 2009

Rally For Single-payer Healthcare in Harrisburg Tomorrow

UPDATE: Ed from the comments section here emailed me about a conference this Sunday hosted by the Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 616 N. Highland Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206. More details (and RSVP) here.

WHAT: Rally For Single-payer Healthcare
WHEN: June 11, 2009, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
WHERE: The Capitol Steps, 100 North Third Street, Harrisburg PA
WHY: Fill the Capitol Steps to let Legislators know that you favor passage of single-payer legislation (HB 1660 and SB 400).
RSVP: https://www.thedatabank.com/dpg/309/personalopt1.asp?formid=meet&c=568285

Entertainment (begins at 11 AM):
Anne Feeney (Unionmaid, hellraiser, and labor singer)
Mike Stout (The World’s Grievance Man)

Confirmed Speakers (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM):
Lorenzo Canizares (Board Member, Keystone Progress)
Patty Eakin (President, Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and
Allied Professionals/PASNAP)
David Fillman (Executive Director, AFSCME Council 13 – the largest
union local in Pennsylvania)
Jeff Garis (Penn Action)
Bill George (President, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO)
Janice Horn (Healthcare Specialist, Pennsylvania League of Women Voters)
Tom P. Murt (Republican member of the Pa. House, Montgomery and
Philadelphia Counties)
Chuck Pennacchio (Executive Director, HealthcareforALLPA.org; former
candidate for U.S. Senate)
Donna Smith (“SiCKO”; California Nurses Association; American Patients United)
Sandra Strauss (Director of Public Advocacy, Pennsylvania Council of Churches)
Walter Tsou (Consultant on public healthcare reform; former
Philadelphia Health Commissioner)

American Medical Students Association (AMSA)
California Nurses Association
HealthCare for ALLPA
Healthcare Not Warfare Campaign (Progressive Democrats of America)
Keystone Progress
National Union of Hospital and Health Employees/District 1199C
(Philadelphia), AFSCME, AFL-CIO; Pa. AFL-CIO
Pa. Council of Churches
Pa. League of Women Voters
Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP)
Pa. National Organization of Women (NOW)
Ni-Ta-Nee NOW, Centre County
Pennsylvanians United for Singlepayer Healthcare (PUSH)
Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility
Physicians for a National Health Program(PNHP) – Pa. Chapter

If you can’t come, you can still make your support for this event known. Write or e-mail Legislators and tell them why you could not be there, but that you were there in spirit and you want them to pass this legislation.

If you don’t know who your Legislators are go here:

You can download a flier, get driving directions, find out what your parking options are, and get rail/bus options at http://www.healthcare4allpa.org/

If you need a ride or can offer a ride: action@healthcare4allpa.org

For updates, directions, parking info, train/bus info: http://www.healthcare4allpa.org/ or call: Jerry Policoff (717-295-0237) or Pedro Rodriguez (215-300-5902)


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