Democracy Has Prevailed.

June 2, 2009

Santorum gives Obama advice on dating and how to be a role model to African-Americans

[So sorry if you were drinking something when you read that title and did a spit take all over your monitor.]

Think Progress quotes former Senator Man-On-Dog (R-VA):
And you have an African-American community, particularly in the poor inner city areas, we’re looking at out of wedlock birthrates in three quarters to 75 percent (sic) of children being born out of wedlock. Marriage is an institution that’s a bridge too far for too many African-American woman and is not desirable among African-American males.

Here we have a president of the United States who says that marriage is cool. You have respect for your wife, and you treat her with the respect and dignity that she deserves. And she is part of this team. And it’s not just part of professional team, but it’s also part of a personal, romantic team. I think that’s all great. So I think it’s important that he keeps having his date night. [...]

I think he has to realize that flying to New York is…self-indulgent. Go down to the corner bar and have a drink, a shot and a beer. It does not matter where you go with your wife, is that it’s with your wife.

Think Progress also quotes Washington Monthly's Steve Benen:
I'm not sure which part of this is the most ridiculous -- Santorum's condescending attitude, his errors about African-American families, his apparent belief that he's qualified to give dating advice to the president, or the fact that this discredited former senator continues to be a fixture at major news outlets.
We at 2 Political Junkies want to know who the hell would take dating advice from Forrest Gump with an attitude" / someone Separated at Birth from Gomer Pyle?

Also, what's up with the faux populism from a man who was more often seen at Starbucks than the corner bar?

And, regarding the "self-indulgent" part, we'd like to remind Lil Ricky that Bushy made 77 trips to Crawford TX at about $226,072.00 a pop and that:
By March 2008, Bush had spent all or part of 879 days at his Crawford, Texas ranch or at Camp David, surpassing Reagan's mark of 866. By the time he left office, George W. Bush had made 149 trips to and spent 487 days at Camp David, with another 77 getaways to (and 490 days at) Crawford. Toss in 11 visits and 43 days at his folks' compound in Kennebunkport, Maine and President Bush spent 1020 days - 35% of his presidency - getting away from the White House.
Oh, Ricky!


Sherry Pasquarello said...

oh why won't he just go away??!!

what an ass.

Maria said...


It occurred to me only today that when I go to my nephew's high school graduation party in VA this weekend that there's a tiny chance that I could run into a Santorum as Ricky's daughter was a classmate of my nephew...naw, that would be just too weird.

Clyde Wynant said...

I'll bet you a million bucks that Rick NEVER took Karen to a shot and a beer joint in Penn Hills! EVER! First off, they never actually lived there. Second, Senator White Bread and his Princess would not have been welcome....

Rich has probably been emboldened by the recent Cheney, Limbaugh, Gingrich Blatherfest. And you know what? The more they talk, the better it is for the Democrats!

Maria. If you see the Rickster down in Leesburg, flip him the bird for me :-)

Paz said...

Haha I had to watch the video because I didn't believe the quote. Oh my God.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

maria, you'll feel a cold chill before yyou even see him. i'll bet it!